Fortnite did RE better

I can't believe it but you somehow did extremely worse than Fortnite.
Nice models. I'm still not playing Fortnite but I give them props for actually caring at least a little.
Do not invoke the name of the Forbidden One, friend.
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Quentin took her beauty for himself obviously.
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I do not fear it.
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i have never seen Jill looking like that in DbD? Not even when her face model was bugged…
also i don’t think the Fortnite model looks good either way.
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The only games that have ever done the Resident Evil characters justice are the Resident Evil games themselves.
Also, same as @Mooks , I've never seen Jill's face look like that in game. Even on pc.
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Lmfao that's so true. And I remember Jill looking like that under certain lighting during one the Jill face bugs.
I still have nightmares at what Claire looked like. Imagine if they added our sweet Ada, I'd be devastated if she looked like that xD
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I was expecting this to be a thread by you and I'm not sure if I'm happy I was right or not
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LMAOOOOOOOOOO I reinstalled fortnite a week ago because I got bored of dbd and I saw a xenomorph, chris redfield, and naruto, all dancing to BTS 💀 I was convinced.. I hope they bring back their skin in shop tho
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She looks like any of my hollowed Dark Souls character, love it.
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I never thought I would see a Fortnite post here
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If Trapper can show up in For Honor, Trickster can hold a concert in Fortnite. ;)
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She looks like she has had a rough couple of games. I know how she feels!
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I actively play Fortnite and I have to disagree. I think their version of Jill looks fine for the style that Fortnite operates in, but I think the DBD version of Jill looks better.
Also not super fair to compare a bugged version of a skin to a not bugged version.
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Nemmy in fortnite when?
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Jill's lookin plastic, but fantastic
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Say what you will about Fortnite, but you gotta admit they atleast do a fine job making those cosmetics.
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They literally made her look like some generic/ basic barbie doll with brunette hair.
She doesn't even look like her.
But ew, that is the ugliest she's ever been in the left pic LMAO!!!
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That Jill screenshot was taken when they bugged her face in a patch, she looks better now. Also, Fortnite have a more cartoonish artstyle and it's more easy to make a fine model.
The problem is Claire, she still looks awful, I hope they don't take the same amount of time for fixing her as with Quentin and she being a legendary skin make the thing worse.
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Second picture from DbD, some maps have the most unflattering lighting for faces. Jill looks a little plastic in Fortnite, but Claire needs more work in DbD.
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The difference is DBD is trying to improve their flaws (emphasis on trying). While Fortnite just throws money at buying lisences to sell more cosmetics.
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Wow such a fair comparison when the dbd Jill was bugged and you chose the worst lighting for that picture. Your comparing apples to oranges there 2 completely different games. You can’t compare a character that was bugged and in ######### lighting to a character in great lighting. Also that picture is from months ago
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Also we shouldn't forget the tight deadlines that BHVR works in.
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that is BHVR‘s own fault. Community is asking for less content in terms of new characters and more game balance and health changes for a long time.
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That's not really the fault of developers and more of a fault of the higher-ups in BHVR, wouldn't you agree?
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Yeah kinda. That’s why I said ‚BHVR‘ and didn’t say the devs. We don’t know how the communication at BHVR between devs and higher-ups go etc. though. So we can’t be sure it’s only the fault of the higher-ups.
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In a paralel univers, epic games buys DBD to put in fortnite and the models will look better than in the original game....
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The DBD version looks nothing like her. The Fortnite version actually looks like her just with a cartoony style.
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100%. I don't play it and never will. I've only played it a little bit. But they're skins are really cool.
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She looks just like Jill just cartoony in Fortnite. DBD looks like a completely different character who should be named Julia or some crap.
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Yeah I know. I wouldn't be complaining about Jill looking nothing at all like her in DBD if Leon wasn't perfect. The fact that they could only get 1 character right is just stupid to me though.
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This isn't about the games. It's about the RE stuff specifically. DBD if they want to fix their RE flaws basically means completely remaking that ENTIRE chapter basically. The only problem in Fortnite is Chris look poopy but Jill looks perfect in Fortnite.
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That is meant for a joke. If you wanna talk about how Jill normally looks though, my point is the same. Looks nothing like her in DBD and in Fortnite is perfect.
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I mean I would love for Epic Games to buy DBD. Some might say it's bad but I don't think so. The worst that could come out of it in my mind is just even more rapid and excessive monetization but the good thing is Epic having the money and talent to push the game faster and better.
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onec again your comparing a multi billion dollar company to a 300 million dollar company Epic games is huge they have more people and more power than BHVR. It’s like saying I need a strong man to help are you going to choose the skinny man or the man with big muscles your obviously going to pick the ######### big guy.
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The fact that the dbd Jill was bugged in the first place is kinda still BHVR's fault no?
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Not really like any game bugs happen all the time even the best game devs have ######### up bad.
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Sure. But the point is that OP is being disingenuous by using an outdated image of an unintentional bug while acting like that's her standard look.
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Here is a much better comparison image I made in Photoshop just now.
On the left is an in-game screen shot of Jill in DBD. The middle is the official Jill Valentine render from the Resident Evil 3 Remake (2020). The right is the promo render for Jill in Fortnite.
DBD's depiction of Jill matches much closer with RE3's, especially the face (which is surprisingly accurate considering they most likely did not get the actress's likeness much the rest of the licensed characters bar Ash.) Of course, Fortnite is a very stylised game, so that is to be expected.
Fortnite's Jill simply doesn't look like her. If you gave her any other outfit, she would not recognisably be Jill Valentine.
Not even mentioning Chris's depiction.
Fortnite's models might be cleaner, but DBD's are more accurate.
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*Uses the bugged version of Jill's face to project a false narrative*
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To sort of quote the great Mark Hamill's words, maybe she’s ‘Jake Valentine,’ she’s not my Jill Valentine.
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They made him look like the average middle class American guy that works at T- Mobile.
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You don't think BHVR has enough money to do simple things like models correctly? You're insane.
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DBD's look nothing like them when you actually look at it. Just look at it. Fortnite's are 100% more accurate. The only bad one is the RE5 Chris. But Jill and RE8 Chris look pretty good while the DBD models look like dollar tree versions.
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I mean that's just how Chris looks I guess.
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of all the characters whose models you want to complain about, you picked jill?
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Well if you haven't noticed Fortnite didn't have Claire so I couldn't compare. Understand now?
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Tbf with fortnites cartoon graphic and very low detail it is not hard to create a simiular looking character.
I am not saying the dbd Jill looks good but on dbd characters, especially the faces have way more details.
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the comparison is kinda flawed in the first place because fortnite's jill is in a different artstyle and doesn't really resemble the original character.
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Thank you so much for this. I was almost at the point to do such a comparison myself.
i don’t get how in the world anyone would say DbDs Jill doesn’t look like Jill in RE… it’s a really good translation from RE into the fog and matching the DbDs artstyle.
as for the Fortnite version? It looks like a plastic version of a cosplayer of Jill and not like Jill to me. I guess the body position here may be misleading?
as to Chris? I am very sad they didn’t make a version of this Chris in DbD.. I wonder if we could get another Chris legendary using the same voice??