Explain to me surv mains

Okay, I'm just curious
To all surv mains and players:
Why are you being toxic to killers? Especially Nemesis?
I'm currently trying to get Adept Nemesis, and all I get are toxic players. I don't tunnel, I don't camp, I'm not toxic myself in any way. Yet I always get toxic ones. Why? Why do you play like that? Is it fun bullying people behind a screen who just try to enjoy a game?
Explain me this because I am honestly very confused about it.
I tried several times to come up with something, but I honestly have no idea what happens in their brains to do this. (I'm playing both sides)
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As I don't do anything people could consider toxic, I can't answer. But what do you mean, by toxic? Do they teabag? Do they click their flashlights like a crazy?
Not all "surv main" are "toxic".
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Like in any game, people like getting the other side upset.
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If you hit me after i have been hooked once - you tunnel.
If you are anywhere on the map while i am on hook - you camp.
You are big and stomp around and you have zombies. These are things i don´t tlike.
If you do things i don´t like - you are toxic.
Exerpt from the mighty survivor rulebook. (not sure - page 1346 or so)
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It’s not a survivor-thing.
being entitled/toxic/mean to your opponent is pretty normal in any multiplayer pvp game. Asymmetric games may seem worse and in this case survivor players may seem worse because there are simply more of them in one match. But you can be sure there rare plenty of toxic and entitled killer players out there.
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Why Survivors and Killers are toxic to each other? Humans will be humans
Why Survivors enjoy being toxic towards Nemesis in particular? Because most Nemesis' tunnel the first Survivor they find due to how inefficient Nemesis is with time management
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players who think they're hot ######### will always think they're hot ######### regardless of how the victory was obtained.
it doesn't matter if they bully a single yellow perk billy or juke a god tier 3000 year nurse main, because its the victory and the feeling of being more powerful than their opponent that they're here for.
it extends to killers too, its not a survivor exclusive problem, bullying newer, less experienced, or handicapped players (like no mither gamers or people trying to adept) is going to make them powerful.
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Sociopathy would be my guess.
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not to open another thread.
Map offerings, 90% of matches is auto haven.
Is it something that you only practice and know every inch of the map? Or just becouse of some “survivor sided” maps to be?
I am quite annoyed playing 1-2 map all the time. And no, my bloodweb doesnt even know the addon for neglecting map offerings
Post edited by Smuk on0 -
mainly i would say it's the 4v1 gang up mentality. everyone feels stronger as part of a group. and unfortunately the toxic behavior ( i do count tea bagging and flashlight clicking from safe tiles toxic) ends up becoming a herd mentality.
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My first assumption is OPs definition of toxic is too liberal.
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But if they notice I don't tunnel nor camp, then why the toxic behavior?
I never tunnel or camp because it's no fun for them nor me, plus I don't get my challenges done that way either.
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I honestly play on every single map at least once during a game night. I have my faves and dislikes but besides that I make the best out of it.
I never use map offerings unless it's good for a challenge and with my swf only
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I’m not a survivor main, but IMO, the ONLY thing that can be “toxic” about a video game (including this one) is post-game chat.
Anyone that believes anything else is just too sensitive. Imagine saying that a fighter in a fighting game spamming ‘jump’ is toxic…or defense in a football game that only uses the ‘blitz’ is toxic. It’s just the game being a game, if it triggers you don’t play it.
If it’s toxic post-game chat you’re referring to, report it.
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I would kill to have 90% of my matches be Autohaven. Please, anything to take away the Eyerie of Crows, Haddonhell, Badham.
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Its release endorfines to bully the killer.Do I really explain why?