Do you have tips to help solo q teammates?

When i play solo q i barely have any fun, because my teammates get demolished and the killer plays as much hard as he can... when his opponents aren't even competition. What are your tips/ strategies to help your solo q teammates?
When i play serious, i bring BT (to help my team)... but even that doesn't seem enough to consistently have a chance at winning as a survivor.
You can’t make solo queue any better than it currently is. Some think buffing Solo Queue by giving them more information would make things better, but the fact of the matter is that potato survivors are going to potato.
With the current MMR, the best that you can do is look out for yourself and try to escape as much as possible so the game could eventually pair you up with better teammates. If you have to be selfish and let people die, so be it.
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Find friends. Bush already nailed it, potatoes are going to potate, and that is the one variable you have control over when you premake your lobbies. If someone is a potato, you can exclude them from future groups and give someone else a test run.
There are multiple forums in which to find decent groups, and even groups that might be willing to teach you. I think the complaints about SoloQ are really unfounded, because unless you're a really toxic individual, or one of the .5% that have an awful play schedule, you'll be able to find 1-3 other individuals to play with, and even having 1 extra buddy greatly raises your chances of success if they know what they're doing.
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You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. Kindred is your best bet. Windows of Opportunity is actually really helpful too. You never know what pallets are going to get used.
Reality is, there are a shocking amount of really bad players, and survivors who typically want to play optimally are more likely to seek out like-minded players to SWF with.
Solo queue is a crap shoot at the end of the day, and MMR does a really poor job of matching players with teammates of their skill level because it makes no effort to quantify skill. Just escapes.
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Just play SWF.
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If you're a good looper, try to take the aggro as soon as possible. It'll let time to your teammates to do some generators. But no matter what perks you use, it won't improve their performance. BT? Great, but if the Killer tunnels them, and they were downed in five seconds during their first chase, they won't last long.
If your MMR is too low for your skills, try to be super sneaky, and escape as much as possible without helping your teammates if it's too risky. I don't encourage being selfish but if you wan't evade low MMR and your teammates aren't decent enough, well, I can't suggest something else than 'be selfish until you reach an average MMR where people are decent enough to have fun'.
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I'll try to take a bit more of the heat then. I don't know about all of you, but since mmr was implemented, i did see something different with my teammates... in general, they do gens now (if survivors doesn't go down in seconds one after another). So, maybe, that's a track.
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I do soloQ aswell. Those who fall in 5s of chase are doomed souls. BT will prolong chase for 2s.
Idk what some are doing but clearly not gens. Either crouch walk, hide in lockers or “run along” in chases...
If you see that gens are not gonna happen…
BT, DH, spine chill/windows of opportunity, left behind.
A bit ego build, trying to survive and race killer to hatch
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Solo Q is very much fun for me and have no issue.
First of all I do the best of me.
When Im being chased, I usually get downed after 2 gens done. Survivors are mostly good enough.
Sometimes happens that they die very easily but I still try to do my job with looping/doing gens. When we are demolished hard and Im last man standing there is a chance that I get a hatch - and in many cases I did!
My sole rule are:
- when all gens are done In playing solo - means I open the door and dont care about the rest. Mostly because many survivors try to teabag killer and get downed in process due to NOED
- when NOED happens I run away instantly. Most of cases nobody besides me look for totem and I dont want to give such killer many kills - he let us gen rush and tries to kill with noed
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Play. Kindred. Pls. Thanks.
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Kindred is sure helpful, unless you are at the very top of the mmr mountain where everyone has map awareness of a blatantly wallhacking 13 year old in CS:GO; then it's a wasted perk slot.
Gens > friends, people are too altrustic more often than not, which decreases your team's odds to win.
Sometimes to slowly die on the hook is the best thing you can do for your team, don't give up unless you want to spawn a hatch for your last teammate asap.
As a rule of thumb, gens > heals unless specific perks (CoH, we'll make it, etc.) or hit-and-run killers (nobody plays them anymore so w/e) are involved.
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Learn to jump lobbies, if you see that you're in a crossplay team, ditch as fast as you can as they'll most likely be newbies or fodder, unless you're in high mmr.
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+1 to Kindred. Also, I did the co-op challenge recently and I had a really good run of matches when I was using Bond and obsessively doubling up on actions with people. It also allowed me to shame someone out of hiding when they stood behind a rock instead of doing anything.
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Yes. DO GENS!!! Thank you.
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Well, i got two pieces of advice from this thread: use bond/ kindred to adapt to the team, and try to get the heat off of my teammates. I'll try them out.
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A team with pc and console players.
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Here's how it goes: SWF and Killer will always vary, and any side could come out on top (mostly survivor but that's another story), but Killer will always be better than Solo-Q unless it's high MMR, but even then the lack of communication could make some aspects of the match harder to deal with.
Solo-Q and SWF win-rate shouldn't be equal just at high MMR, it should be equal at any rank.
Having to waste a perk slot on Kindred, or doing what-not to actually have a chance to win with incompetent teammates, while killer doesn't have to rely on communication and doesn't have to waste a perk slot is pretty dumb.
I've struggled way more with getting Iridescent with survivor, compared to getting Iridescent with killer, because as killer, there's no one else you need to work with to complete the objective, but as a Solo-Q survivor, you have to rely on people that cannot speak, and it's pretty hard to work with people you cannot speak in games, unless you actively know what they're doing. Trust me, I know.
The lack of communication features between Solo-Q survivors, like perhaps a quick-chat feature or Kindred being base, will most likely mean that Solo-Q will have a lower win-rate than SWF for the time being.
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I only play solo, everything else is too easy unless I happen along a killer that really knows what they’re doing, which makes for a very fun match.
Do the math? What does SWF have that Solo doesn’t? I’ll save you the suspense, the answer is information. Reduce your loadout to 1-2 crutch perks and add some info perks! These perks are game altering at solo play, and much more valuable. These perks give you all the info to help you know what you should be doing, and when you should be doing it. After awhile, you’ll eventually get good at knowing without the info perks.
-Aftercare, Alert, Blood Pact, Bond, Empathy (although Bond is far superior), Kindred, Spine Chill, Windows of Opportunity.
Of course, some are more informative and reliable than others. Personally, Bond is my perk. The other 3 don’t even matter. Shows you everything you need to know. You’ll know when a mate is being chased near you…when you’re in the chase it will show what gens are currently being repaired so you dont bring the killer to it giving them free pressure. To each its own…but IMO, if every solo player ran Bond, there’d be alot less rants on these forums about the trouble with soloQ.
WARNING: This perk contains information! So if there’s a Claudette running to a corner everytime she gets a slight TR or Spine Chill goes off like a complete potato…you’ll know. Not recommended if you’re easily triggered. Use at your own risk.
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Find friends and escape as much as possible. Once u do, hope that your mmr is high enough to pair you with better people.
Add me I play survivor too
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This. Kindred is a must-have for solo.
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Buff survivors massively so they have an actual standing to last longer than 10 seconds or nerf killers.
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dont unhook me in front of that spirit.
your truly,
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raise your mmr and then you don't need to do that because every solo survivor knows every map at high mmr
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yeah even if you take kindred potatoes will dick around
Post edited by sadakiyo on1 -
I play solo a lot of the time, when I'm not in solo then I play with one pal.
I escape about 50% of the time whether I'm playing on my own or not.
I always run kindred and borrowed time, when I'm playing with my mate I am more inclined to play risky and get into chases with the killer or go for risky unhooks, when I play on my own I am a little more cautious, I'll focus more on doing gens and hiding from the killer and going for more safe unhooks to avoid copping a whack from the killer.
I don't have any problem with solo Q and enjoy it just as much.
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First, the OP asked for advice, which you provided none of. Secondly, if you can’t last more than 10 seconds against a killer that isn’t a top tier Nurse, then the problem isn’t the game, it’s you and you shouldn’t refrain from dictating what the game should be like.
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As if killers have any better advice other than "nerf survivors" or "git gud". What if I said if killers can't down a survivor in 10 seconds they need to git gud? Killers should refrain from dictating how the game should be. This is why only SWF can win.
There is no advice to be given to OP so I offered what is the truth. Nothing can be done for solo survivors. The game is against them.
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There is plenty of advice to give to the OP as evidenced by all the other posts in this thread.
Plenty can be done for solo players. I only play solo and escape about 50% of my matches. Most of my losses are due to useless teammates not doing anything or trying to go for flashlight saves rather than doing gens.
You’re just bad, trolling or both.
This thread had nothing to do with killers or survivors dictating how the game should be, it was just asking for advice and you, in your typical brain dead fashion, had to go off topic and cry “killer bad need nerf, buff survivor”.
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I think you have enough messages on the forums to know them. They're always publishing messages about how Killers are OP, how Survivors are helpless and need to be buffed. I think they complained about BBQ being OP once. So, you see...
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Well, I played 8 matches this morning -solo- and every match was a total bloodbath except against a new pig that was playing because of a daily they said. I am only 25% of my team, I am responsible for my loses? I don't think you are winning 50%. You are playing against bad killers in your server.
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Never rage quit. If you do that, you're giving the killer, that you supposedly hate and want to lose, a huge advantage. Not only is it a 3v1, but even if you DC on death hook, you save the killer crucial seconds which he would otherwise spend taking you to a hook, which puts unnecessary pressure on your teammates. Some games people DC in, 2 or 3 survivors escape anyway, which makes you look silly and entitled for DCing.
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Honestly expecting to survive while playing soloQ is too much hope to have.
Just do your best and think what you could have done otherwise in bad situations.
You can't always make things go in the way you hope.
You have to rely on teammates whom you do not know whether they are good or not.
Welcom to solo que.
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Oh, I know them well enough. It just gets tiring to seem them be useless when people are genuinely asking for help.
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You're probably losing so much because you're terrible at the game, therefore have low MMR and get matched with equally terrible teammates. Everyone knows that in low ranks, killers have an advantage, but not because the game is killer sided, but because survivors in low ranks are bad and don't know how to do anything.
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You don't even realize it but you proved the game is killer sided. MMR is supposed to give everyone a 2E possibility. The fact that killers have an advantage at all levels except for a coordinated team or when all 4 survivors are tournament level players shows how bad the game favors the killer.
If I am camped and tunneled, how am I supposed to keep my MMR high?
You can't say the game is killer sided when only SWF is able to play at high MMR. I don't have 3 other players bodyblocking and taking hits for me while one person is a gen technician.
Imagine telling someone that has played the game for 5 years they are bad at the game. I remember playing with you one time and you were the first to die at 3 gens still remaining. I think you are a killer main and occasionally losing to SWF and claiming the game is killer sided.
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Lol, as if me dying at three gens is indicative of anything. You're more than welcome to look up my post history, you'd find that I state multiple times that I'm bad at the game, especially at looping the killer and that prefer stealth play. I remember playing with you several times and one time really stood out, you went down before the first gen got completed, I really think it was less than 30 seconds into the match, and you know what you did? You couldn't handle loss and DC'd. I remember it clearly because I checked your profile which was filled with negative comments about your performance and selfishness. You want to keep your MMR high? Stop being bad and DCing when things don't go your way. Learn how to loop and make yourself as unattractive a target as possible so the killer would stop wasting time on you and go after someone else. If that's too hard for you, play stealthily like I do, but don't be useless and help your teammates out when its needed. I do just fine playing like this, sure, I don't win every match, but I understand that I don't need to nor am I entitled to.
Killers only have an advantage over you 1vs1. When its four good players, not tournament level, against a similarly skilled killer, the survivors have the advantage. This face only shines through more at higher ranks. MMR can't fix poor play. Lower ranked survivors will consistently do poorly until they learn the game, it's the only time the killer has the advantage against survivors, not because they're OP, but because the survivors don't work together. Heck, many of the times they don't even do objectives and just hide.
And finally, no, I'm not a killer main, never have been and never will be. I've dabbled in it and play it from time to time when I have a bad streak playing survivor, but it's not my cup of tea. It's too stressful and a lot more difficult than players like you want everyone to believe. I purchased this game because one of my coworkers got me into it so I can play with them and I've been hooked to my Claudette ever since.
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If a teammate dies while there are three or four gens left the killer is almost guaranteed a 4K in solo queue. Try to (preferably) save your teammate or, in the case of a Basement Bubba face camp or something similar, slam out gens like mad and hope the hooked survivor will take one for the team and stay up as long as possible.
If possible when saving, don't let a hooked survivor go to stage 2 on their first hook. That makes it much easier for the killer to get a subsequent kill and makes it far less likely anyone will get out. Losing a pair of hands at the beginning or early mid game is better for the killer than three gen defense or slowdown perks.
If the survivors keep at least one person on the gens at all times the probability is that the survivors will escape. If there isn't the probabilities shift to favor the killer. Three people don't need to do a hook save, sometimes two are needed, but almost never three.
By whatever you hold holy or near and dear in your heart don't BM Myers. Don't BM period but especially don't twerk in front of the killer that has insta death addons that activate by spending time watching survivors. Just please don't or, at the very least, offer yourself up as the first kill for being stupid enough to feed the Myers.
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Tbh bringing an Aura perk or two wouldnt hurt. This way you can keep track of team mates/killer locations in place of SWF comms.
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Bringing an aura reading perk or two wouldn't hurt. This way you can keep track of team mates/killer location in place of SWF comms.
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Don't rely on your teammates unless you know they're good. Use non-meta perks and try to have fun than to escape. You should still be able to get a 50% escape rate unless you're too aggressive or very unlucky.
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I run WGLF for points, Botany to heal myself and others faster, Leader to help the team heal me faster, open gates faster, unhook me faster, do totems faster, open chests faster, and finally Kindred to help them save me and help me save others.