I did it. I Teabagged. The glory of Solo Q

But I didn't teabag a Killer. I teabagged another survivor.
Everyone knows the dizzying highs and frustrating lows of Solo queue.
Load into a match against a Spirit. My teammates were not doing well. Not at all (thanks MMR).
Long story short;
I did all the hook saves.
I did two generators, when one of my teammates gets hooked a second time. I run for the save, because this one Kate was nowhere to be found. I thought maybe the Kate was AFK somewhere. At one point, my 2 teammates were on their second hook. I'm on a gen and I think- "can't this Kate get ONE bloody save?". But I soon realize Kate has no intention of helping even though they've never been hooked. I run for the saves, but Spirit is camping (the hooks were close together). I lead the Spirit away, halfway across the map. Loops, pallet stuns, I escape after being injured only to see these two team mates struggle for the entire duration and be sacrificed.
Kate didn't bother to try for them while I was trying to get the Killer as far as possible. REALLY annoying. So there I am, and I see this Kate creeping around across the map and think; "What the hell have you been doing all game???". At that point I had done 2/3 gens (the dead team mates did the other) I did ALL the hook saves. ALL the looping.
I even manage to finish a 3rd generator on my own while there were just the 2 of us left. Kate and her map is basically HIDING, trying to wait out me being found. I jump into a snowman and start goofing around because it was so ridiculous at this point, and if I got hooked, I knew the Kate would leave me to die.
Finally, FINALLY the Spirit must have found wherever this team mate was crouching and hooks her. I'm so put off that no- I didn't try for the save. The Spirit was sticking really close to the hook anyways. The Kate starts waving her arms, and yes. I teabag. I TEABAGGED so she can see my teabagging aura. This selfish person did absolutely nothing to help or save their team mates the entire game, so why should they expect their team mates to help them?
Kate goes to struggle and dies, I get the hatch by the skin of my teeth (literally was hit on the way out).
End game stats: I had 27k+ bloodpoints.
The Kate had 6,900k
The other two had below 6k. (once again, THANKS MMR!)
I get a message from Kate: "You have been reported to Playstation Safety for working with the Killer".
I reply: "I wasn't working with the Killer, you dummy. You did nothing all game. I kept the Killer occupied across the map in a chase and you didn't even attempt to save your team mates. You did no gens. If you don't help your team, don't expect your team to help you."
Kate: "Reported for abuse!"
I'm not sorry. Would you be?
Doing God's work, here. I'm not usually one for spiting teammates based on bad plays in the match, but teammates that consistently do nothing don't deserve to be saved - at that point, it's behavioral conditioning and they need to learn that they have to contribute in the match. I don't want to enable corner crouchers to think that they can escape with that strategy.
Kate has no grounds to report. She wasn't entitled to you saving her any more than those other teammates were entitled to being saved by her.
Solo queue MMR is pretty hellish for this reason - you get caught in a downward spiral where you really have to struggle to escape when you get paired with these kinds of teammates, and it doesn't matter that the killers are also weaker because the teammates barely cover the basics of gameplay.
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I will say if the kate reported you for harrassment you'll get a notice from sony etc. This is ridiculous. I had a survivor harass me for being a bad hag. (I was just doing dailies). They started harassing me across my socials and threatened to dox me. I then got a messege from sony saying i violated tos and could be banned. Sony sides with whoever reports first.
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This is why I've been bringing Bond lately. With how bad MMR is, it's great to find useless team mates and lead the killer to them so they start doing something for once.
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And this is why solo que is unplayable. Because of teammates like that. Good for you happy you made it out. I had a similar match where is this yui and the other dummies weren’t doing anything to help. I was looping the killer doing gens and saves. Two died and it was me and yui. I finished the last gen then huntress finds me. I see yui by the gate so I take huntress away. This was in midwich so I was taking her throw the stairs for a long time finally I get hit and head towards the gate. Only to the yui crouching by the gate with 0 progress. I go down and huntress lets her go I died. I finished with 25k points, yui with 15k. So really 10k because of the escape bonus. BS. I dont really care if I win or lose but Those are the games where I get pissed when losing. Do everything I can to help just for my teammates to get me killed.
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You'll be fine. The Kate deserved to be left to die. Survivor side is a team game. If she had done a gen or gotten a save, you'd probably have 2-3 escape by the sounds of it. So cheers to you
Also bvhr only has like 1 person going through reports so even if they come across this one no action will be taken b/c they are so busy.
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You can bring all the team perks, I don’t matter if you have teammates with no brain. Although your reasoning for bringing Bond is hilarious lol
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Ahh, the joys of solo queue. At least your MMR went up after that match, I presume.
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I haven't received a message from Sony yet. I'm not sure how it can construed as "harassment" when she sent me a message first. I just responded to her.
@Laluzi , I'm usually not spiteful, but by the end of that match, I just didn't want the Kate to get the hatch lmao. I didn't even think I'd find the hatch before the Killer, and was fine with dying. But the DBD Gods smiled on me for a change.
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Ah yes, the hidey rats, gotta love them
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Congratulations, you hit shift.
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You were a good teammate :3
I only play solo and it gets frustrating sometimes. I'm a very casual person who rarely gets upset by the game but some people do annoy me. I always try my best and I honestly excel in the Altruism category most of my matches. I had one match where I was working on a gen while someone was on the hook across the map. Two people were way closer than me but didn't go for the save. I had to run across the entire map to save them and by then, they went into struggle. The Killer came back and I sacrificed myself so my teammate could get away and actually play the game. So I got put on the hook and one of the two teammates who didn't help, came over and unhooked me. I don't know why they unhooked me and not the other person but they crouched around all match. It ended up being just me and her that escaped. I made an incredibly risky save on them too. I mean I had BT but the Killer never left the spot. If the Killer hadn't missed me, I think we both would have died. I would get told I should have left her to die but I couldn't do that xD;