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Ital Member Posts: 5
edited December 2021 in Creations

Add a new character - Batman who laughs (Hereinafter simply Batman).

Moves quickly, but does little damage. Able to quickly climb through windows.

But at the beginning of the game is very weak, with each stage of the madness of the survivors becomes stronger (absorbs their fear)

The weapon is two knives, which he quickly swings, inflicting small wounds (three blows - a wound, six blows - a dying man), but with each damage Batman laughs harder, the radius of terror increases, his skills and tricks improve. Can be made highly susceptible to blinding.

Speed: 4.8 m/s

Terror radius: 32 m

The Killer's Power: "Perverted Nihilism"

If the survivors are in the radius of Batman's terror for a long time (they hear his laughter for a long time), then madness accumulates, as it accumulates from the blows and traps of the Joker.

Brings people to 3 stages of insanity

Stage 1 - Survivors hear terror weaker and hear the Joker's laughter (Accumulate quickly - 40 sec)

Stage 2 - The Joker's laughter intensifies, "Blindness" is superimposed (50 sec)

Stage 3 - The survivors are distraught and laugh loudly giving themselves away for 5 seconds every 20 seconds, they hear the Joker's laughter past their own laughter (similar noises overshadow almost all sounds in the game), "Blindness" and "Fatigue" are also imposed (55 seconds)

To get rid of the madness, you need to find a Joker in the deck of cards

Personal skills:

"The worst nightmare"

Allows Batman to release Robin on the hunt, who will search for a survivor and attack him, capturing him for 25 seconds.Also show the location of the survivor for 30 seconds. (Vile and cunning, hiding and attacking from under the silence)

"Va-bank "

Batman has a deck of cards with which he significantly increases the accumulation of Madness when finding survivors in the radius of terror, as well as when the generator is fully repaired, he throws it to the next stage of madness (Also in stage 3, Batmen radiating a radius of terror begin to appear in front of the survivors and everything is filled with toxin vapors, which greatly degrades visibility)


Batman senses the fear of survivors (with this skill, Batman wears chains on his hands). With the help of his detective abilities, he sees better all traces of survivors and drops of blood. Following the trail of Batman's blood, the "chuyka" is activated and reaching the victim can strike immediately to the wounded state (pierces the victim with knives) without accelerating the survivor and with a quick kickback, and if he manages to hit again (during a strong blow with chains for 30 seconds) and knocking the victim down, he can chain her. The survivor in chains is harder to free (skills for hooks do not work)

Weapon Improvements:

"Deck of cards"

Allows Batman to get a deck of cards and meet in the card, all survivors in the terror radius instantly move to the next stage of madness. "Only the fact of victory is important"


Improves Batman's hearing. All sounds are heard much better and at greater distances


Allows you to throw Batarangs for tokens, which practically do not hurt the victim, but impose the effect of "Fatigue", "Bleeding", and increases the "Madness" stage by half

One Batarang with a rollback of 15 seconds. You get tokens for hanged survivors.

"The Magician"

Batman drinks the toxin at the beginning of the game. Because of this, he sees all the boards and windows, and is able to defile them with toxin vapors, which increases the "Madness" by one stage. "Happiness is seeing the world through the eyes of a child."

"The Joker's Trap"

He can desecrate totems (they become painted in the style of the Joker), which form a radius of terror and increase the madness of the survivors. Batman can move between desecrated totems.

"Slippery slope"

If one of the survivors reaches the 3rd stage of madness, then Batman can take an axe (pickaxe or what is it? Weapons as in the last image) and is able to instantly kill the victim, but after killing all the survivors, madness subsides, and Batman's terror radius decreases to 16 m and speed to 4 m/ s for 55 seconds. If the survivor stumbles upon the corpse of the torn, then his madness increases dramatically by one stage and he screams, giving away his location. "The slippery slope is not an action, but a conviction. The way you perceive everything."

You can also add a survivor Bruce Wayne to the bargain.

Killing will cause "joy" and laughter

I will be glad to suggestions and edits. (I'm not sure about the timings, most likely it is necessary to edit so that the balance is)

The story of Bruce Wayne from Earth-22 was not much different from the story of other incarnations of Batman. However, everything went awry when the Joker began to empty hospitals with all his might, kill his accomplices, and also dissolved Jim Gordon in acid. Shortly before his death, he gathered a crowd of families in a Criminal alley, killed parents, began poisoning their children with his poison, and all this in front of a paralyzed Batman to force him to cross the line by committing murder. Having reached the brink, Batman overcame the poison in his body and beat the Joker to a pulp. The Joker promised to continue to bring chaos again and again, which is why Bruce completely lost control of himself and killed the Joker, as a result of which a mysterious gas left his mouth and swallowed Bruce.

Bruce began to discuss with Superman the fate of the infected children. After a while, he came to the Bat Room to discuss with his family the situation with the Joker's gas, but it turned out that he had assembled the Bat family to kill them on the spot. Damian Wayne managed to survive and was turned into Batman's servant who laughs. A week later, he managed to kill all the members of the Justice League with the help of the Watchtower arsenal, after which the whole world was captured, and Barbatos came to Batman with an offer to join him.

Post edited by Ital on
