Which weak killer/perk do you despise facing?

I ######### hate Trapper because I always feel like Im a damn metal detector
Franklins is also a pain in the ass
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Blight and Huntress. Stupid and unfun to play as/against killers
Tinkerer on Same blight makes me sigh.
Devour hope is just Throw a dice perk. Totem stays? all dead. Totem gone? Perk does nothing.
Noed because it is fun to die on your 1st hook
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Korean popstar boy
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Bubba because there is like 90% chance from my experience that he will just camp hooks or it is basement Bubba or something. Also he is kinda boring to VS in general for me.
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Bubba because most of them I go against just camp.
As for perks, I hate Franklin's Demise.
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I hate facing most of the weaker killers: Trapper, Legion, Clown, Pig, etc. My favorite killers to face are Nurse, Blight and Huntress so it's not like I find them OP, it's just because it seems like a trend that the weakest killers also have the most obnoxious powers.
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a free kill without any effort, its just annoying
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Blight and Huntress are weak? The more you know.....
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I mean, I wouldn't say blight or huntress are weak innit
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Clown, his abilities don’t make him better; but his opponents worse.
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Trickster is just annoying as hell to me from his design, chase music and power
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Pinhead purely because I'm on console and pallet drop is same as breaking chains. Super awkward and I'm not switching my whole button layout just for him.
Devs need to add more button binding options.
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Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer Blight. It was fun the first 500 times, now it's just annoying.
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This. It can also happen with artist if you try to repel to quickly after a vault
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Isn't that kinda the same?
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Tombstone Myers, it gets extremely annoying if he's running Blood Warden perk just to get a 4k against newbie Solo Q team. But i survived, That was one of my most clutched Unbreaking + Soul Guard game i've ever played.
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Wraith is the killer I dread facing the most. Blights are pretty annoying too. Instadown huntress also up there.
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Ghost faces. They usually camp which is pretty unfun.
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Trapper and/or Hag - I am a trap magnet!
I don't have a massive issue with perks tbh, I tend to be pretty chill but I do find Infectious Fright to be pretty annoying.
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There are a few but there's no killer that makes me regret playing more than Ghostface lol; mechanics that barely work half the time, annoying gimmicks, and for some reason a huuuuuge number of ghostface players just love playing in very scummy ways + flame in the endgame. The "jumpscare" playstyle isn't really fun for me and the chases are just m1 same as anything so there's nothing exciting there either. I usually win against him no problem it's just an excruciating experience.
As for perks, Lightborn :). lmao jk for real I don't think any weak perks are all that bothersome. Maybe Dying Light, just because direct slowdown makes doing gens very tedious.
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Devour hope simply because it's all but a guarantee that the Killer is going to tunnel you to be sure that they can get as many stacks as possible.
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I'm more a fan of terror radius+duration traps, but deafening traps give me amazing jumpscare chances.
Killers I hate facing? Honestly, I'm grateful to see any killer that isn't Blight or Huntress these days. If I had to pick one weaker killer that grinds my grapes it would be Bubba, for obvious reasons. I cheer if I face an Artist or a Myers, as these tend to be pretty fun.
Perks? Infectious Fright. I always have a moment of confusion when it happens where I think I've been hit.
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Is Artist considered weak? I hate facing her, if she's not considered weak then my second option is Twins.
And perks I hate going against I'd say NOED, because I mostly play soloQ
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Clown, because I can't see anything. I don't mind his power but it really hurts my old eyes. I feel the same with Plague when I'm infected, especially since I tend not to cleanse (at least, not before being on death hook/end game).
I don't know for the perks.