Do you think Bhvr will do anything about cheater problem in the near future?


Are they even doing anything about it? I played yesterday and the day before, and the amount of hackers is unbearable. 3 hackers each day minimum, and thats not counting fishy nicknames and profiles that i dodge in the lobby. Usually they try to act subtle, but dumb enough to reveal that they are hacking. I play trapper and its very easy to spot wallhacking Andy's, cuz they all think they can just disarm traps in the weirdest places, in the grass, beeline from one trap to another without hesitation, and this will not give any hint about their hacks. But to make things clear, they all confirmed it later by other means. Either used speedhacks, never hesitated vs mindgames around Jungle Gyms, or did all totems as well as gens in 6 minutes(deactivating Noed).

I have a fun match probably 1 in 7 games nowadays. Other games its either a hacker, or suffering as an M1 killer against 4 DH + 2 Circles of Healing. Playing DBD just feels like ######### today.
