Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

if someone dced the others should also have the right to leave instead of wasting time.

hiken Member Posts: 1,188
edited December 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

someone leaves with 5 gens why do you have to play that match or let the killer kill you? (solo q usually gives that, someone leaving with 5 gens because why not) is a waste of time, the rest should be able to leave, most times they will dc regardless and take the penalization, better would be letting them go from teh very beggining, the killer never suffers he gets instant lobbys, only survivors do having to wait 5 to 10 mins per game.

other way could be implemented like a vote leave if that happens imediately at the start of the game or with 5 gens still remaining or something like that so no one gets game hostage if anyone vote leaving the rest will also gets kicked out so no one has to be there and go for the next game.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    I'd be fine with that if they expanded the DC penalty to, like, a week.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I would say use the opportunity to earn as much bp as you can. Even if a match is going south you can do gens, save people from the hook, heal them, or take aggro.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    ???????? makes 0 sense why should i play an unwinnable boring match and waste my time?

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    ????? makes 0 sense if u are in full lobby the rest need to wait the guy who dced you can not play instantly again, they would need to wait at least 5 mins also taht will go higher and higher you cant do that constantly.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    Earning bp is not a waste of your time unless you already have everything unlocked.

    If you do not try you will never experience the joy of long shot escapes or pulling off amazing plays.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    No, here is what should happen:

    If a Survivor DCs:

    Any BP they should be divided amongst those remaining (including Killer), and everyone remaining should get a 3% BP boost per DCer. Up to 9% BP (If 3 Survivors DC). Including Killer.

    Any perks that proc off a Survivor dying, or being hooked, trigger.

    (Also; what happened to our 'Husks' that Killers could hook for BP and Survivors wound unhook for BP?)

    If it's the Killer DCing:

    His earned BP should be split amongst all 4 Survivors. You can't really give a BP boost, since the match ends.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Yes, they need to wait, but they can have four times as many games with lower penalties before they have to take a bad one.

    As it is now: if player A disconnects, then players B through D, they all have to wait and the penalty starts counting. With your suggestion, player A disconnects, players B through D disconnect, they wait five minutes (rather than playing a 5+ minute game), then next time, player B disconnects, then C, then D. Only then does A disconnect again, and depending on how it's counting, it might have been enough games where they got what they wanted that A's disconnect timer reset.

    At no point do they ever have more than a 5 minute DC penalty.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    i dont play for points i play to win the game. i dont care about points, also i have almsot all characters to p3 so points means nothing to me, also you wont pull a no play in high mmr, you are just doomed.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    i forgot that here only killer mains exists, dont know why i wasted my time. btw (solo q harder than killer, by far)

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    You can walk up to the killer and end the match if you are done.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
    edited December 2021

    you talk like timer resets immediately, it takes several days of good behaviour to get fixed. so again, your suggestion makes 0 sense, cause ok you get 4 free escapes (not really you get penalization), then what?.

    also so you suggest no fix then? take the L and @@@@?

    most people play Solo q, acting like this is a full SWF game all time is delusional, most people play solo q.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Then just walk up to the Killer, it's not hard to get out of the game.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    i shouldnt have to, shouldnt have to waste more time, also MOST times those killers want to farm or slug you or wont hook you even if you go to them just take the L and remain in the floor for as long as i desire, trying to artificially extend the match as long as possible (thats what usualy happens)... wich is a ######### experience-

    if not dc then other mechanic should be implemented like being able to Vote and leave or something,

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
    edited December 2021

    if not dc then if that happens they should add a way to vote the lost, if that happens immediately when the game starts or with 5 gens an option to VOTE LEAVE will appear, if 1 surv vote for it then everyone leaves so no one gets hostage because the other 2 dont want to leave. its a lost game anyway, why would you waste more time in there? farming? good lord please no.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    you dont decide when you leave the game the killer does, and if he wants you to stay you will stay.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Then do the gens so they have no choice.

    The problem here is that people will still habitually DC over the dumbest #########, not that you can't ragequit with them.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
    edited December 2021

    you dont understand, you wont win a high mmr game, they will just make your experience misserable as they always do by slugging, or "giviny you false hope" by lowering the pressure and then destroying you when he wants, you wont win a 3 v 1 game in high mmr, you can only do that against baby killers.

    if anything at least adding a vote system as many games have so that happens everyone leaves, many games have the vote leave so, i think its fair, most people who play solo q actually, will appreciate that and aleviate the huge pain that playing solo represents.

  • Kanchanabry
    Kanchanabry Member Posts: 113

    HSHS has this feature already, and it looks working well.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,200

    If I'm killer and someone dcs at the start of the match I just typically farm (or at least try to) so at least everyone gets some points before having to go back and sit in the queue again. If a survivor makes it clear to me they'd rather just get out I'll grant their wish.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Nah, if you want out of the game, come to Papa.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    The killer came to play, he put in addons. Are those going to be refunded, is he going to be given BP equivalent to what the remaining survivors left on the table by voting out?

    Also, dude, you're inconsolable.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
    edited December 2021

    ??? makes 0 sense, what about the many games that also have a built in the feature? is not inconsolable, present me good reasonings, i havent seen one decent reason from all people who comented yet, but i cant expect much on a killer main page, should i?

    the killer came to play? so you are saying survivors didnt come to play?... 0 sense, survivors came to play aswell but a dumbo decided to leave with 5 gens ######### up the rest, the balance got destroyed... stuff can be implemented with the addons and items, thats the least of the problems, when the killer dcs for example survivor at the moment are getting everything back but the offerings.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    He was asking: if the Killer put in offerings, and 1 Survivors DCs, and the others vote to leave; does the Kilelr get his offering back? Do the other Survivors?

    I can see this being abused by a SWF, too: Killer starts winning, Survivor #1 DCs & eats a 5 minute penalty. Survivors 2-4 vote to leave. Killer is now cheated out of his kills, BP, and items.

    Basically, your idea is 'If 1 Survivor DCs, the rest should be able to veto the Killer and leave unpunished (Because there's 3 Survivors to 1 Killer. And the Killer gets nothing.'

    Also, I don't know if you've noticed, but DBD is not like other games. You can't apply other game's systems to DBD. If you could, I could argue that 'Survivors should have a stamina system, because OTHER GAMES have limited sprint!'

    A vote-to-leave system is too easy to abuse, and it shafts the Killer players immensely. If someone DCs; do your best, get your BP, and play the match to the end. Don't be a baby who needs to flip the table because suddenly you have a lesser chance of winning.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 342
    edited December 2021

    Either DC too or wait for the EGC. Continuing the game isn't worth it at this point.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
    edited December 2021

    all of that already discussed but people dont read, i already talked about that. why do people get into a discussion if u are not gonna read?. i will never udnerstand that, is beyond me.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Not really. All I see is 'Survivors should be able to make everyone leave if one votes to leave' which, as I said, basically vetos anyone wanting to stay.

    Your idea, again, is 'Screw the Killer, because I want to ragequit if someone else ragequits, and I don't care about BP, and I don't care about anyone else's fun. So let me ragequit'

    It's a b ad idea. You attacking everyone and reiterating the idea again and again does not suddenly make it better. You claiming 'I did not see any counter-arguments because Killer mains' does not magically dismiss every counter-argument that's been made.

    1. The idea can be abused by SWFs to quite & deny the Killer BP.
    2. If ONE person votes to leave, everyone is kicked? That's real fair. 🙄
    3. No. You should not get free DCs just because YOU only care about winning. The game is not all about you; there's other teammates AND the opposing side to think about.

    Face it; the idea is terrible: it's easy to abuse, and it's unfair in it's design. It was made by someone biased to the point that they don't care about other players, which makes for a flawed idea. All you can see is what YOU want, evidenced by 'I don't care about BP' being your excuse for wanting to leave the match free of punishment.

    Everyone has said so, and your only reply is 'Killer main'. It's clear you can't hold a proper discussion and actually talk about your idea. You just assume it's flawless because you made it, and dismiss everyone as being a 'Killer main' if they disagree with you.

    Good day, Sir or Madam.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
    edited December 2021

    very fancy but, read again. because you clearly havent entirelly, how can a person who cant even read say that i cant have a discussion? thats the first thing you need to do before getting into one, read its not that hard. So as i said to another guy, read first repply later.

    -i didnt say ######### the killer i actually said that the addons and stuff is the least of the problems, (as if that was hard to fix the addons can be given back to the killer easily, in fact survivors get their stuff back except oferings if the killer Dcs, but since you dont read what i said u dont know)

    -cant be abused by SWF you have to take the L and wait the penalization and will only go higher and higher, what will you do? Dc everyday? enjoy your long bans if u do that cause if u play on a full stack if someone has penalization you wont be abusing for long. as i said before you can abuse it a couple of times then get the L and enjoy youre 24hs and longer bans, it takes SEVERAL DAYS of good behaviour to make it go down little by little. as i sad its UNRELIABLE... enjoy your first dcs because thats all you will get, also i wouldnt complain if they give a 10 min penalty at the second DC so its completely impossible to abuse then unless you want to play lobby simulator, i dont DC myself so i dont care if penalty increases.

    -Yes it is, its a 3 v 1 game, what will you do? you cant do nothing you are at killers mercy and if he/she wants to make you stay slugged for the rest of the match or for as long as he wants you will stay, as i said to the other guy YOU DONT DECIDE WHEN TO LEAVE, THE KILLER DOES. what will you do? you wont do nothing, because nothing can be done, the killer can decide to farm (Extremely unexciting, id rather dc than farming) being slugged on the ground because he wants to and decides to, ( u cant do nothing against that and many times they do it because they get angry at the person who left so the rest must suffer, egotitiscal sadistic people) the killer may decide to hook you but a dumbo comes to the rescue before you can ######### (very often, they dont understand i dont want to play a lost game and wont do, this is an exception i dont do this when i get downed or something like that, im not that tipe of player but i will leave when someone dcs as fast as i possible cause the balance was broken and also gets unexciting)

    so what are u trying to achieve? win? HAHA, yes you will win a 3 v 1 against a decent nurse or blight/Spirit/artist, (u wont, especially at high mmr and even less in SOLO Q with the massive uncordination) why u still there? to farm 10k points? LOL. the reason why i think this is Simple, forfeit system makes sense because you wont win, this way players can leave and go to a new match; and if someone wants to stay there playing a 1 v 1 with the killer is fine, stay there but dont force others to stay there with you, the rest dont need to stay there and since that can happen (someone not wanting to leave) makes sense that everyone can leave despite if one surv wants to stay, and if 2 want to leave even less of a discussion, also the point makes sense, why? because sometimes survivors are playing in 2 man SWF so then they decide if the solo can leave or not by boting stay? is that fair? i dont think so, if all of them want to stay is fine, stay but if there is one who wants to leave and not play an unwinable match is also fair. and yes, it is about winning, why do you play a game? to lose? only extremely casual or new people in to the game have that mindset of having fun only by playing the game, and as fast as they get decent at the game it wont be enough with just playing it, they will want to win and having the chance and they wont have fun if they are doomed from the get go.

    So, give me a real argument ot stay on a match i will lose because im doomed from the get go, i dont like playing with those odds agaisnt me, because i never had the chance to win wich makes the experience boring. and as i said unless you are extremely casual u will care, its a waste of time for me staying there when i could ready up for another game that i may have the chance of winning or not... but i have one thing certain, i will lose that game when soneoem dced with 5 gens ( dont come here saying you dont know, i can guarantee you you wont win a high mmr game in a 3 v 1 with 5 gens still).

    -as i said multiple times this is a team game for survivors if someone leaves with 5 gens u have no chance, its only fair that they can leave early and addons and offerings are back to the killer and survivors to go to a new game, tahts fair and i never said i had any problem with it.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Your idea is terrible because you're only looking at the game as 'I only have fun if I win'.

    You've made it so black 7 white that you took out everything else. For example: If I die, but I ran the Killer for 3-4 gens & my team escapes? I won. Because my team won.

    You are deciding 'If I can't, personally, win; I quit' and are also deciding it's 'unfair' that you can't just ragequit if someone else DCs, because you don't care about the game, and you don't care about the Killer. You only want YOUR fun, and too bad for everyone else.

    As for taking the L & penalty; let me explain it again:

    It's a 4-Man SWF. They start losing. SWF #1 quits. Takes the 5 min penalty. Now his entire team votes to leave. Screw the Killer.

    They go another 5-6 matches before starting to lose again, because it's a 4-Man SWF. They start losing again on Match 6; SWF #2 quits. The rest vote to leave. Screw the Killer.

    They go another 6 matches with no quitting. (It's now been 12 matches since SWF #1 quit. 6 matches since SWF #2 quit). They start losing. SWF #3 quits. The rest vote to leave. Screw the Killer.

    Another 6 matches. It's now been 18 matches since SWF #1 quit. They start losing. SWF #4 quits. They vote to leave. Screw the Killer.

    Another 6 matches. It's now been 24 matches since SWF #1 quit. To the system; he's clean. They start losing; SWF #1 quits again. Only gets a 5 min penalty.

    Repeat for each person in the SWF.

    See how it's abusable?

    Again; your idea is basically 'The Killer does not deserve to win, or even PLAY if I say so, because I can't win now'. It's nothing but self-serving, selfish tripe meant to deny Killers games because 'Boo-hoo. I can't win if someone DCs'. I. Me. Me, me, me. I can't win, so I should not have to play. Better yet, if I can't win; the Killer can't play! Let me vote to end the match because only my fun matters.

    I will tell you what I tell everyone who cries about DC penalties, or invents horrible ideas and excuses as to why they can't comprehend anyone else in their closed, little worlds:

    If you can't sit down and play through a match without looking for excuses to quit. If you can't think of others. If you can't commit to the game, win or lose, like an adult: Don't play a game that involves other human beings.

    Your idea is terrible, and your counter-arguments are nothing but personal attacks and excuses as to why only Survivors matter (Because Survivors can vote to leave, even if the Killer wants to play. So screw the Killer's fun.)

  • Ravio_Li
    Ravio_Li Member Posts: 126

    Trust me, it really is sometimes. I have pointed at a hook with the killer looking at me and 4/5 times they walk away.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    I'll admit; if a Survivor walks up to me and WANTS to be killed, my assumption is either:

    1. They want to screw their team.
    2. They have some sort of cheat that's going to lock me mid-animation so their friends can EZ win.