Do you still see the Artist offten?

Do you still find her daily / regulary in your games or if she is now another rare killer to see?
Sadly, no. I wish I would see her more often because I actually like going against her.
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Yep I see her every so often.
Many of them wearing the exclusive cosmetic.
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I haven't seen one.
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I've only had the pleasure of playing against her once. I don't mind though, she's not very fun or engaging to versus.
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How do you know that off a sample size of one game and one person playing her? <_>
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She's a far worse Pyramid Head. Very strict cooldowns on her power and an additional handicap which restricts her from using her crows close to hooks. It takes too much work to deal damage with her abillity, survivors also tend to simply leave loops against her while your crow setup ends up getting wasted.
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I've certainly been seeing her first-person perspective a lot.
As for a third-person's... I've had an astounding total of 2 trials against her. Total.
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Rarely see her now.
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As often as most other killers besides nurse, blight and huntress. Not as much.
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Since my beloved Twins are unplayable because of DH, Boons and this Event i Really play the Artist very often because she is very Fun sadly she isnt that strong how ppl have Think. She can be strong but against Survivor who know what they are doing and know how to dodge her crows at loop her Power feels very weak so this maybe why not many play her
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I saw her quite a bit during the first week of her release (roughly 2-3/5 matches) and since that week I think I've only done against her twice.
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I think I've faced her probably 3 out of the last 50 games I've played as survivor.
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i only faced her Once...
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Faced her a couple of times but she's definitely my favorite killer to play as at the moment.
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Only faced her one time since release. idk why, she seems to have decent anti-loop and ability to find harass survivors from across the map.
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I saw her a few times after her release, only once since then.
She's cool, but a little one-note and her addons are pretty lame.
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Still? I never seen her often even on her release since we have MMR. Only nurse huntress blight allowed
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It could just be her regressing to the mean in terms of pick rate. There’s almost 30 killers so the average pick rate is about 1/30 (some killers more, some less, but that would be the average). Barring a killer being really, really awesome they should typically regress toward that average after about a month or so.
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I got her adept and then focused on using other killers to earn bp to unlock all perks. I will play her but am sort of waiting to see if they nerf her as I do not want to train myself on something that will change.
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Nope. She is fun to play as and go against when you can. It's nice not playing the same old meta brain dead gameplay
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I've only ever played against her once and I've only played as her around 5 times and not using her effectively, just using her chickens to scare people off loops. I can see why people might not enjoy playing her as she takes some time getting used to.
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Practically never, and i get why. its just set up birds, zone ppl into them, repeat. gets super boring quickly
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I do but she's def on the rare side. Not as rare as a Hag or a Billy (yet but getting there fast) IMO.
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I think I'veseen more Billys and twins
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In my experience, she's the third most frequent killer so far (7,26%). I've seen her in 27 out of the last 372 games.
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boring killer to play as and against. you go to a loop, place birds and survivors will just run away. the only down you'll ever get is by M1ing them after taking up to a minute of catching up to W gamer...
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Can you tell me more stats from the 372 games? I rly wonder. If you can share top 3 most offten VS Killers and top 3 least seen killers would be great!
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I don't know, I think she has fairly good addons. Her purples and iris are very hit or miss (hands good, rest ????), but she's got some solid greens. I really like the one that causes Oblivious when a survivor is swarmed, and even the iri that makes her undetectable during her cooldown but takes away a bird (can put it back with one of her purples.) Both of these make it very easy to shoot birds at people on gens and then head towards the closest target without them knowing you're on your way until it's way too late. Bell + Hands is hilarious when it works.
And exhaustion and mangled addons are always nice.
Anyway, I haven't seen her too much, but I wouldn't say she's rare, either. More common than the second most recent killer, that's for sure.
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I've gone against her personally a few times, mostly right after her release.
However I have been seeing A LOT of pain resonance, and I can't blame them, its also my new favorite regression perk on every single killer.
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Some of them are decent, but aside from hands her purples and iris are very bad and most of them are just...boring. Demo is a killer, as an example, with addons that aren't overpowered but open entirely new playstyles up.
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I've been playing a few hours today but only meet two Artist. I thought she was a strong Killer—I didn't play her yet, I've just heard she is A tier.
The ones I've met today were doing fine.
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Sure, but I think it's still too little a sample so the percentages are still a little mixed. I hope by the 1000th match it'd be more "realistic" if that's the right word :)
- Huntress (10.75%) - 40 matches
- Wraith (8.33%) - 31 matches
- Artist (7,26%) - 27 matches
- Trapper (5,65%) -21 matches
- Shape (5,65%) - 21 matches
- Nemesis (5,65%) - 21 matches
- Cannibal (4,84%) - 18 matches
- Nurse (4,30%) - 16 matches
- Ghostface (4,03%) - 15 matches
- Hillbilly (4,03%) - 15 matches
- Doctor (4,03%) - 15 matches
- Plague (3,23%) - 12 matches
- Pig (3,23%) - 12 matches
- Executioner (3,23%) - 12 matches
- Trickster (3,23%) - 12 matches
- Blight (2,96%) - 11 matches
- Legion (2,69%) - 10 matches
- Spirit (2,69%) - 10 matches
- Demogorgon (2,15%) - 8 matches
- Cenobite (2,15%) - 8 matches
- Nightmare (2,15%) - 8 matches
- Clown (1,88%) - 7 matches
- Oni (1,88%) - 7 matches
- Deathslinger (1,88%) - 7 matches
- Hag (1,61%) - 6 matches
- Twins (0,54%) - 2 matches
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Thank god I haven't seen her as much
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I played vs the Artist 5 times in my last 190 matches.
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I never see her :(
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i faced her twenty times in my played matches.
Really rare pick.
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i see her from time to time, but right now im seeing a bit too many nemesis.
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I rarely see her. She's not good enough.
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I rarely see her now.
Not surprising considering she's not fun to play as, or against because the entire gameplay is just hold W.
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thanks for the stats!
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Thanks for the stats!
Btw poor Twins lol. Not even 1%.