Create your own custom fun / troll perk

Dead by DC (Survivor perk)
- Whenever any Survivor during a match disconnects, this perk becomes active.
- While active you can press "F" ability button to put yourself on hook and be sacrificed immediately. Killer will recive no bonus bloodpoints for this action.
“I can't take this anymore...” - Bill
The Unlucky Game (Killer perk)
- If at least 5/4/3 Generators were completed and you didn't down or hook anyone yet, this perk becomes active.
- You can now open exit gates and Survivors will no longer be able to control their character and they will automaticly run towards opened exit gate and escape as soon as possible.
”gg ezi....” - Prestige 3 Jake
Why not just make surrender option?
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That would be nice too xD.
These are just some fun / no-serious perks.
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Survivor perk that lets you steal items from hooked team mates.
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- A perk that replaces your crouch animation with crawling animation. But you still crawl at crouching speed and Urban Evasion will work with it.
- A perk that allows you to push your teammates.
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Lol imagine Killer walking downstairs and you push Survivor into the hole to him xD
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Enough is enough (survivor perk)
Your teammates inefficiency pain you more than the killer's blow.
Each time another Survivor cooperating with you on the same Generator fails a Skill Check, Enough is enough activate.
Press the Active Ability button near a teammate to punch them, afflicting them with the hindered status effect for 30s.
"If someone break your heart, just punch them in the face." - SoloQ player
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Lol xD
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I want a perk that let's me grow a dunce hat and go into the fetal position whenever I make a stupid mistake in front of another player, in both roles. Right now all I have is facing the nearest corner blair witch style in shame
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Survivor perk that traps a generator like blast mine. When a survivor works on the gen it explodes into confetti and regresses 100%
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I want this. Even if it costs all perk slots and you can use it just once.
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Help - Survivor Perk:
Whenever you're on the hook *Help* activates.
You will scream "Help" each time you are attempting to escape from the hook.
Perish - Killer Perk:
When a survivor is standing at the gate more than 5 seconds, *Perish* activates.
Press the Active Ability button to call upon The Entity to sacrifice survivors at the gate.
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Good ones :D
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Thank you 😅
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I'm indifferent to either side, so these would be memey/annoying to both killer and survivor.
Survivor Perk: Toxic Siphon- whenever a killer remains within X meters of a hooked survivor for longer than X seconds, the hooked survivor siphons the killer's total blood points for themselves, as long as the killer remains within the range.
Killer Perk: Not So Fast- The killer can completely destroy and fully regress one completed generator in the trial. If all 5 generators are powered, the exit gates will deactivate, until another generator is repaired. Endgame collapse/perks will also pause, if active, until another generator gets completed.
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Becuz with a perl they would fix 2 problems
The meta of survivors and get more money
Win/win for em.
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Spoiled sport
Every time the survivors either
- Teabag multiple times
- Constantly click flashlights
- Wait at the exit gates
- Stand on top of the hatch
- Rage quit
- Any other toxic behavior i forgot to mention
This perk activates. The entity immediately claims you. When it does you owe a bloodpoint debt to all the remaining players whose time you wasted. All bp earned will be donated to them until your debt is paid.
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Blood back (killer perk)
-your years of killing survivors pay off, your back is trained and bloodthirsty
you pick survivors up 35%/40%/45% faster, and after, you gain 2%/3%/4% extra speed for a brief moment( 4 seconds.)
-killing calm (killer perk)
after kicking a generator, for the next 40/45/50 seconds, whoever touches the gen, after leaving it, get's a 10/15%/20% speed penality for 8 seconds, cooldown is 70/60/55 seconds (if a survivor starts repairing the generator while the perk effect is still active, the survivor will still receive the speed penalty even after the effect ends).
-scourge hook: Hook of doom (killer perk)
after hooking a survivor, the hook regression speed is increased by 4%/8%10%( this effect only applies if the killer is at least 32/30/28 meters away).
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killer perk: Improvised weapon.
When a killer downs a survivor and carries it it replaces its active weapon. Each time the killer atacks it swings the survivor using it as a club reseting the wiggle bar, this also works on any structure, pallet or even the ground. Your lunge atack its replaced by throwing your captured survivor as a ranged weapon wich you can pick up again from the ground.
Beat a mother F with another mother F. Some random internet person
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Boon: Bone Mine
Soft chimes ring out within a 24M radius
Whenever the killer attempts to snuff this boon out, it explodes and stuns/blinds them for 4 seconds. This perk is permanently deactivated after it triggers successfully
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Furative chase.
You become obsessed with one Survivor.
You lurk in the shadows, eliminating your victims one by one.
Each time you hook your Obsession
, you gain 1 Token, up to a maximum of 2/3/4 Tokens:
- While in a Chase, your Terror Radius
- is reduced by 4 metres per accumulated Token.
- When a Survivor rescues the Obsession from the Hook, that Survivor will become the new Obsession.
- All accumulated Tokens are lost when the Obsession is sacrificed or killed.
You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
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Killer Perk:
Hex: Ravager
You become obsessed with one survivor.
While Hex: Ravager is active, whenever the Obsession loses a health state, a random healthy survivor will become injured.
Additionally, any status effects applied to the Obsession will apply to all other survivors while the Hex is active, and status effects on the Obsession will last 5/8/10% longer.
This effect persists so long as the Hex Totem the perk is tied to remains.
"You play a good game, boy. But the game is finished; now you die."
Survivor Perk:
You know how to captivate an audience in anticipation.
Whenever you perform a fast action, any sound notification you create for the killer will be delayed by 3/4/5 seconds.
Convincer has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
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Just Leave
When Survivors stand within the exit area for 50/40/30 seconds, the exit gate is blocked off to them for 20 seconds.
"I'm gonna make a Reddit post about this..."
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Survivor perk: Lego
You can press the active ability button do drop a piece of Lego on the ground. If the Killer is barefoot and steps on it he is stunned for 1 min.
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Killer Perk: GO AWAY (this perk should become a killer's mechanic by default.)
For annoying survivors (survivors who follow the killer wherever they go. Flashlight clickers, etc). For new players (they are easy to kill)
this perk allows Killers to kick survivors in the *** for being annoying or a killer's way to help new players survive the trial longer because it is so easy to hook them and kill them fast.
dying survivor: gets picked and gets a kick in the ***, and set them free.
injured survivor: if they get grabbed, they get a kick in the ***, and set them free.
healthy survivor: if they get grabbed, they get a kick in the ***, get injured, and set them free.
animation: killer grabs survivor by the shoulders/waist, and while they try to wiggle free, the killer kicks them in the ass, and help them be free.
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killer perk. GO AWAY. this perk should become a killer mechanic by default.
Sometimes survivors are annoying. they follow the killer wherever they go, they fast click their dumb flashlights, or they are new players who go down really fast and the killer wants to help them by not hooking them. I need a perk to kick them in the ass so they can go away.
I need a feature "similar" to survivors kicking victor. when a survivor is downed, the killer grabs the survivor by the shoulders and kicks them in the ass, so they don't need to wiggle free.
healthy survivors will become injured after they get a kick in the ass if the killer grabs them.
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Camp Counsellor (survivor perk)
This perk actives while hooked. Your limbs fail wildly as you struggle allowing you to kick a camping killer on the nose.
This perk has no real benefit, but would be very satisfying.
Dead Weight (survivor perk)
This perk activates while being chased by the killer. Is a useless team mate hogging a window or pallet despise you being the one in chase? Have they decided to body block you into the killer shack? Hold the active ability button to charge through the useless team mate knocking them to the ground.
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Survivor Perk: Cleithrophobia
Being entrapped unleashes a pent up rage in you.
Description: When a killer is within 4/6/8 metres from you on the hook for 6 seconds the perk activates. If the killer then approaches you within a distance of 1 metre, pressing the action button makes you kick out at the killer, stunning them for 4 seconds if successful. The perk deactivates once either actioned or freed from the hook.
"Face camp me, you son of a #########!"
Killer Perk: Overload
The Auric Cells around you instills an unusual static charge.
When a survivor clicks or uses a torch within 6/12/18 metres of you, you will receive a prompt in the form of a skill check. If you are able to hit a Good check, the torch of the survivor will explode, causing the survivor to drop the torch and lose all charges. The survivor will become injured (or become broken for 60 seconds if already injured). Hitting the Great skill check will not only affect that survivor, but any other survivor within a 6/12/18 metre who also holds a torch. Can be used 1/1/2 times per trial.
"Never under-estimate your opponent, no matter how well the odds are stacked in your favour".
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Survivor: Curb Stomp
Cleanse 1 totem to gain 1 token.
Spend 1 token to instantly stomp on a totem, destroying it in the process.
"I've had it up to here with these totems on this motherforking map"
Killer: I Didnt Say Go
If a survivor is within 10 meters of a hook after hooking a survivor, the hooked survivor is moved to the furthest hook from your current location. The aura of the moved survivor is also hidden for 5/10/15 seconds.
"Wait your turn or I'll put manners on you!"
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Perception Disorder:
- You start the match with the "Blindness" and "Oblivious" status effects.
- Bloodpoint gains are increased by 50/75/100 % post Trial.
"Watch out, he has earpods in" - Someone