I think it's time.

Guys, it's time to nerf Bubba. I don't normally advocate for killer nerfs, but it's crazy that he can put in no effort at all and guarantee a kill or two by facecamping.
What do you guys think? Have any of you been experiencing more camping Bubbas lately?
Edit: Alrighty, thanks for the chat guys. It looks like a lot of people like his facecamping ability that takes no skill. Hopefully the devs realize that Insidious Bubba games are boring as hell. Take care all 👋
Any killer can put in no effort at all and guarantee a kill by facecamping. Bubba may be best at it however this skill scale is a very thin line because all you have to do is stand there and grab, or if you get validated then accept the trade.
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to say goodbye?
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Nah don't mess with spirit fury / enduring bubba.
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Yeah maybe when he tries to rev his chainsaw near the hook it explodes in his face, blinding him for 10 seconds and he loses 25% of his bloodpoints.
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Not unless you buff him substantially in other areas.
The issue here isn't Bubba. It's how effective facecamping can be on killers with instadown capability.
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Other killers can't handle two survivors going for the save though, for the most part. Bubba can, and Bubba can even rev through Borrowed Time.
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Except they can. Using half a braincell you can hit one survivor in case of a grab fail, then let the others save as you instead chase that survivor who won't be expecting you to do so, and then you rinse and repeat. Only way Bubba shines is if all 3 mates appear and in that case you deserve it for not managing a single kill earlier.
Also, Pyramid Head.
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Plague and Myers can also do some crazy things at hooks.
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In a recent stream, devs said they have a solution idea for facecamping killers.
Hope it goes live soon.
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Bubba can consistently get more than a trade, which is something no other killer can do except for Myers with 99 stalk, and even then it will run out and there will be a chance to save.
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Then give the Bubbas more of a reason to leave, don't try to nerf the Bubba so they can't even do that.
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I don't mind it when there's counterplay, but there just isn't with Bubba unfortunately.
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Bubba, Huntresses with hatchet ready, Billy, Tricksters, PP heads with locked punishment of damned aiming at the hook.
This is why camping is going to get nerfed. Hopefully.
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None of those prevent a trade, and with PHead if he does that, the unhooker can still go free.
I think Myers with 99 stalk is the only killer that comes close to preventing a trade.
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I'm guessing you don't play at high MMR if you think that's a viable strat. That won't work against a single BT. It won't work if you're too close to a gate, either.
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"The unhooker can still go free."
How does downing both survivors let them go free?
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That doesn't change that he is still getting guaranteed kills, and having a design that encourages un-interactive gameplay.
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LMFAO I'm high MMR without needing to facecamp try again
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Not to open a can of worms, but you clearly aren't if you're never finding yourself in such a situation. Everyone knows that high level DBD is survivor-sided.
Anyway, two people and a BT is plenty to make an easy save at a hook, against pretty much all killers except Bubba.
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I believe they are assuming the Unhooker is healthy when he goes for the save
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PHead can only M1 twice or do a sword attack once at a hook--he can't recover from an M1 fast enough to put his sword in the ground and then attack. Thus, he either downs the unhooker, or gets one collateral hit that injures the unhooker and downs the unhooked survivor (if they don't have endurance).
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Sincere advice:
Don't get your hopes up.
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Not to open a can of worms, but you clearly aren't if you're never finding yourself in such a situation. Everyone knows that high level DBD is survivor-sided.
And who said I cared if I won or not? I don't care if I 4k or if I get 0 kills, I'm just high MMR because I can play the game well and end up with more than 1 person dead before the gates are open 9 games out of 10. This isn't a question of being survivor sided, because absolutely nobody is saying it isn't in this thread, this is a question of where I play in the invisible MMR that I can only assume is high because of the survivors that I face (which I know and recognise, for the record).
I don't need to facecamp. I don't need to tunnel. I don't want to do either, and I don't care about the result of the match. It's a video game, I do what's fun for me by playing the game my way.
Anyway nice try
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His recovery for POTD is quicker than a regular normal attack recovery. You can absolutely get both people by just using your power correctly.
Take it from the Pyramid Head main on what you can do with Pyramid Head against these things.
And he can still counter with more ease than winning a game of guess who vs a blind person, what's your point.
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You can't just go around nerfing things into unplayability to counter one facet of the kit. That just drives people off.
Need some more balance than that.
So, start with trying to give more reasons to amble off.
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You're creating an argument with yourself. We're talking about Bubba's ability to facecamp, not whether or not a player chooses to do so.
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No point really, I was just clarifying what the other guy said.
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No. It's never time to nerf anyone. It's time to balance the game.
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You're the one that brought up my MMR bestie I'd reevaluate who created the argument with themselves okay? xx
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Removing Bubba's facecamping gameplay makes him unplayable? What?
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By calling for nerfs? You asked for nerfs in literally the first post.
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Your comments are so emotionally charged, man. I really don't care to discuss anything with you honestly. Have a good one.
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I don’t remember them saying they found a solution. How recent is the stream? Can you provide a links. From my memory they mentioned they’re trying to come up with ways to “discourage” face camping, not outright nerf it or prevent killers from doing so.
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Yes, a nerf to his facecamping ability. I didn't mention anything else about him.
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If you think this is emotionally charged I'd hate for you to have an argument with someone who actually cares... Anyway stan Bruno
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Yo is there a block button on the forums? Asking for a friend.
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Tragically no you have to deal with me :)
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I think was the last qna stream? Very recent tho.
But they said they find a solution, not trying to find ways to discourage facecamping. I'm pretty sure about that. Links? They deleted the past broadcasts on their Twitch.
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Or you know you could just grow up and respect that people can have different opinions
But no that would probably be to hard for you wouldn't it
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Any killer can facecamp, it’s just the nature of bubba’s power makes him better at it. Bubba himself is completely fine and doesn’t need any changes.
Any direct nerf to bubba intended to shut down his camping ability would also indirectly nerf him while he’s not camping/would be abusable by survivors, so it’s hard to really do anything with it without completely changing his power which is not something that needs to happen.