Should i quit dbd?

Should i quit dbd? for some ungodly reason every time i play my game lags so badly i lose every time. like whats the point if i never stand a chance if every missed swing, gen completed and stun mechanic cause my game to freeze for about 5 seconds. I've been playing since launch and i love the game but feels like a case of Stockholm syndrome. whenever I play i get heart palpitations and become so angry and annoyed that i end up feeling like im nothing but a failure. Only i seem to get this lag, no one i play with or against ever seems to get it just me. am i the problem. would it be better if i was gone. I try to keep to a moral standard of not camping or tunneling but after being bullied for the 4th time today and getting only 2 hooks the whole game i wonder if its finally time for me to quit. ive met some good people playing dbd but now i just wanna be happy i don't wanna suffer anymore.
edit: thanks for the kind words guys, i was having a depressive episode when i wrote this, and i apologize for any worries or pain i may have brought on. Im doing better now but have decided its best for me to take a break. wish all you well and a merry Christmas. perhaps one day ill see you all in the fog again.
Yeah, jesus.
If the game's getting to you like this, i'd drop it and not look back.
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Why are you asking us? It’s a video game…not a marriage. Your opinion is the only one that matters. Do whatever keeps ya happy.
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If the game is effecting you this way, then I advise to stop playing all together. Your health is more important than a video game.
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I'd say yes.
Just as a sidenote, how many people here are recommending DBD to their friends?
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Me.. Sorry I’ll stop I guess.
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Yes you should
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I don't recommend this game to anyone. You should get out now.
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I'm just genuinely curious.
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Yes. You're not happy. Move on.
Every once in a while someone will ask me, and I do.
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Yeah you should definitely quit. Definitely should prioritize your mental health over the game.
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if you do quit DBD, come play VHS for awhile
it’s kinda refreshing... at least, in these early stages, so far😌
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absolutely yes. wish you the best in whatever other games you'll find.
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Heart palpitations? Stop playing and check out your stress factor with a doctor. If you feel heart palpitations about other stressing things, you should see a doctor to be sure you're not in danger.
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If this game gives you that much bad things irl, you should definitely quit this game. It's not worth it.
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I say this to everyone who post these threads.
To anyone in a relationship whether it be with a person, substance or anything else, and it was giving you this reaction, wouldn't you leave it?
Would you recommend a friend or family member leave such a relationship?
Do yourself the same solid.
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Wish I shared that sentiment, I despise that game so much right now and couldn't uninstall it quicker.
@ topic, yes. Quit. Prioritise mental health over a stupid video game you've been playing since launch and so have gotten your moneys worth out of.
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If you’re not having fun play something else, it’s not like there’s a shortage of video games to choose from. You can also always come back after a while if you feel like giving it another go. Or just play less often and don’t even bother looking at grades or thinking about MMR. Either way.
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I have a group of 4 friends (including me) at college and I conviced all of them to buy DBD. All of them quit for different reasons in less than a month...
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My friends don't like this game.
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I asked friends to join the game with me, because I got so into this game early days. After played for half a year and I stop recommend the game to anyone, because I acknowledge the grind is insane
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Mental health is much more important than any game. Certainly at the very least take a break, but also speak to your GP if you have these reactions, especially if you experience them anywhere else.
Also, on a side, lag like that may well be from your internet or the hardware you use. Worth checking thpse things out as well, especially if you decide to try another online multiplayer game.
Whatever happens, best of luck and hope you feel better soon.
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I am sorry you're feeling this way, and I can understand it. Being bullied it's not cool whether it's a game or not, still it's unjustified. Many people on this game are forgetting they're treating with human beings. Being that said, no, you're not the problem and you're not a failure. The game is unbalanced and has many ways to be taken unfair advantages of, even thought the devs should punish or at least look into it, they won't... I'd recommend you to take a break, it's affecting your mental health in a bad way and even if there are good plays or "games", that doesn't mean that a large part of the community is toxic and won't stop it.
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We all should quit tbh
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If you don't enjoy the game anymore then... yes
And no I don't recommend this game to others (even though those people have it downloaded)
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If you have to ask that in the forums I think the obvious answer is yes.
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I get heart palpitations sometimes when I’m playing killer. I get adrenaline rushes easy so it happens during intense matches. If your games are lagging like that you’re going to lose as killer regardless of skill on your part.
your post sounds more like a letter to the family you’re leaving behind. It echoes a letter my brother wrote years ago. I would say to let the game pass by and move on to something better for you. I don’t know what platform you’re using but if it’s PlayStation, I can recommend some things if you’d like.
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That's sad. I am sorry to hear that.
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If you ever need a friend to speak,I am here.
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thank you, I think ill take your advice
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By all means do. If a game makes you feel bad, don’t play it.
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You might want to go see a psychiatrist to be honest. I'm not trying to be rude but you seem to have underlying issues that you need to get fixed.
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Don't recommend staying. But, DBD has taught me some valuable lessons. Like, if my problems become too much to deal with, I've always got a way out.
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Honestly given how the game's direction is going I'd say shelve it and never return to it and go try VHS or one of the others when they release cause IMO ATM it's just going to get worse from here.
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Why do you despise VHS btw? 😀 I've been waiting for my key for a while, and so far I like what I see (so far).
Not that I am in the market to replace DBD or anything, but just thinking about adding it to my list of games rotation.
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You make a mistake, you're prevented from playing the game. I got into the beta like 3 days ago and gave my account away to my bf after a day because I couldn't physically play the game to learn it. There's nothing fun about being effectively AFK, as both teen and monster, for the majority of the match. There's nothing fun about facing very good players having sub-5 hours of playtime. Wasn't fun the first game, wasn't fun the 20th.
It isn't a fun experience without matchmaking and with a small player pool, particularly due to staggered entry. I didn't really care for it, my bf was the one really excited, and so now I just hate it. Plus it made some... Really terrible thoughts a whole lot worse, and through forcing myself to play to try and enjoy it I almost did something massively regrettable. Once I realised that, immidiately uninstalled.
Just not my game. I don't like the gameplay loop, it isn't fun bc of no mm and staggered entry, I didn't care in the first place and it has massively adverse affects on mental health (which means this is actually kinda relevant to the thread now again do yay).
I'll try it again when it goes into EA and has a larger pool with matchmaking. And if I still don't like it my bf and I will have to find a different multiplayer game. But until then for my sake and the sake of others, I'm not touching that game with a 50ft pole.
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but but but whyyy
doesn’t seem too toxic or anything, jus imo
i believe you but simply don’t believe you Karu; you must do a vid on your YouTube so we can vibe your disgruntlement with you 🤷🏼♀️ ...annd I jus love that game n wanna see you play it☺️
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Yeah I understand what you're saying, I've seen many people try it for the first time just to spend the whole time basically dead on the floor.
I hope some of those things will get addressed with extending matchmaking.
I also heard that you aren't really meant to necessarily "Loop" in that game. Which I couldn't tell based off the people I watched since it was mostly killer.
I have a theory that the people who claim DBD is a massive "bully" simulator and want to move to VHS are going to get a huge wake up call. Since right now it seems like the strategy in that game is literally to gang up on the killer.
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i quit a week ago. this game's balance team has no interest in a fair game and its been pretty evident over the years. so i finally hung it up.
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Oh I already uninstalled and gave my account to my bf 🧍
I couldnt learn and the way the game is set up means you make mistakes you're prevented from playing. Just wasn't fun facing 15 Level 70+ Dollmaster players in a row.
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Can confirm stealth is very key in that game. I tried, I did very well all things considering, but even when I was succeeding the only bit that was even slightly fun for me was successfully banishing a monster - not even managing to hide correctly made me smile.
Unlike my bf who loves being stealthy and hates interaction, I love interaction and hate being stealthy.
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Yeah, i can only play American McGees Alice on my laptop... that’s like the extent of my PC ventures, so needless to say, I jus watch n wait until VHS graces PlayStation’s presence.
def take your critique into consideration tho
Werewolf looks like the OP monster thus far
Still can’t wait to play tho, the teens are cute☺️