Should BT work if the unhooked survivor has the perk

Make BT activate on the unhooked survivor if they have the perk. Would this be to strong? If it sounds confusing here’s how it would work
I load into a match using BT, IW, COH, DS. I get hooked, a survivor unhooks me but doesn’t have BT. I get the BT effect cause I have the perk equipped.
would this be good or unnecessary
Not needed imo. The perk is fine as is
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I actually think I would prefer it if the hooked was the one who had to have BT for it to work on them, not the unhooker
It's far too easy to get farmed by some clown survivor when you're solo and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. If BT were to be equipped to the unhooked rather than the unhooker, you could at least give yourself a fighting chance when you're getting unsafe hooked by some jerk greeding for points...
EDIT: Just to clarify since some in the thread seem to think otherwise (so maybe they're misunderstanding or I am). What I would want is this. Player A is hooked and has BT while Player B does not have BT equipped. Player B unhooks Player A and Player A gets the effects of BT. If Player B is hooked and Player A unhooks them, neither would get BT.
Post edited by tippy2k2 on6 -
BT is already too good, the only drawback is bc it's purely altruistic. The perk you want instead is DS.
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No. If a survivor team doesn't make good use of their perks then they shouldn't get perks for free. A survivor unhooking you at a bad time without BT should be just that, a bad call and the result is a net negative for the survivor team. Not a bad play on top of not optimizing perks resulting in a net positive. If it was its own perk, sure...but then you'd have the problem of it clashing with BT/making BT a wasted perk.
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Since you're the one giving up the perk slot, I could see this.
But, the unhooker shouldn't get a safe hook rescue score unless they were running it as well.
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Should a perk that's used by 90% of survivors get a buff?
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Pray tell, what do you call it when a survivor body-blocks the unhooker with Borrowed Time
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I think it’s fine as is…
we can already unhook in mid-chase like a bunch of idiots and get away with it because of the perk, no sense making it even stronger, killers will throw a fit.
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BT is fine as it is, usually never exists in solo q, is more like a swf perk tbh.
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I think it should work like that. It only really benefits the person you are saving and a lot of solo players are selfish and don't run BT. If it gave you Deep Wound when you also got unhooked if you have it equipped it would be ran much more in solo play. I say this as someone who plays mostly killer with some solo survivor.
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BT allows survivors to unhook safely when the killer hasn't had the single second it takes to turn their back.
BT allows survivors to get from the hook to the exit gate regardless of the situation.
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I do feel like it should be like this. Its a perkslot i spent to sure safe unhook people but i do see allowing a perk i bought to actually protect me when the dwight unhooks me without bt infront of a huntress. Currently i run it to be purely altruistic but rarely is that feeling returned to me. So a rework where bt actually protects me when im unhooked so my perk actually does something for me isn't that bad to me. I safe unhook anyway if possible anyway so current bt isn't the most effective thing except for facecamp scenarios but then people can just run bt to prevent people from camping them.
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I'm good, no changes needed
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Yeah, it should be a punishment for the unhooker, not the unhooked because they made the call
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It would be preferable if BT worked just on yourself but not anyone else. The perk was a precursor to Circle of Healing in that it gave multiple survivors a perk for free that they didn't even equip. It's what makes DS and Dead Hard slightly less broken: you have to equip the perk yourself to use it.
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Unless the Killer waits for the timer to be out to give the hit. If the Survivor is unable to make it to a safe zone, well, BT didn't truly help. (Nor the teammate if they ran away being like, "you have BT, you're fine, idc".)
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I think BT should work if you're the one being unhooked and have it.
No more getting farmed from the hook, and now you actually have control over it.
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decisive strike
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Yes, both do different things.
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Pressumably with a reason
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BT working on the person who has it after being unhooked would still do different things.
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As a killer main i think b/t should almost be baseline provided it cant be used for a protection hit.
Nothing worse than getting unhooked without b/t.
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Sure, but make it so it doesn't work on others to compensate.
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I disagree, it's fine as is versus every killer except Bubbi Boi.
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I don't think BT needs to work for the unhooked survivor as well.
First off, it would make the perk that is already pretty good in solo basically a must run. Which then becomes redundant when all 4 survivors are running the perk.
Second, this would just buff SWF. SWF can already coordinate perks. Now they can run 1-2 BT and 1-2 CoH and each member has 3 slots for their own perks since it's easy to coordinate saves when 1 or 2 people running BT is giving BT to the entire team.
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Tbf that’s more a problem with bubbi boi than with bt. I’d rather not accidentally overbuff it because 1 killer makes it redundant
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I agree with you once again! Rather than buffing it, I think reworking it to remove collision from the survivor as well as a 3 second sprint burst to give them a chance at resetting would be fine. This way, Bubbi Boi can't easily down them, it wouldn't be much different for other killers and survivors won't be able to weaponize it like they currently do.
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BT is basically a band-aid perk that protects the unhooked survivor, kind of like respawning in other games with invulnerability to protect them from spawn kills. If anything, it should be an in-game mechanic in a weaker form.