Ranks too high

I am not a good player. But a play a lot. So I always get irredescent rank very soon. Problem is that I encounter killers that are way too good. So the game isn't fun anymore. I want to play against my own level. Can anything be done about that? Suggestion: making it possible to degrade in rank. Curious about others that experience the same.
Ranks don't exist anymore. It's called grades and are just useful to earn a reward during the reset. We have MMR now. If you want to lower your MMR, do not escape.
Escaping = your MMR goes up
Dying = your MMR goes down
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ranks dont matter. It just says how active player ur.
So you can be worst survivor and killer, but if you will spend whole day and night playing dbd, you will eventually get to red 1, get that 250k on 13th and still have same mmr
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It's not really hidden. You survive every game? Good, You'll get a tryhard killers with survivors that don't even know how to do a gen.
You 3/4k every game? Awesome, you will now play against 4 SWF man with 4 BNP or flashlights that are abusing every feature that is favouring them.
Honestly as a survivor I started to give killer a free kill because of it. The current state of matchmaking system is so dumb. It doesn't even reward you for looping well or for even doing a gens. And the killers that are playing fair with no camping, tunneling strategy are getting stomped by tryhard mmr survivors. Tell the team that I'm so grateful for this AMAZING system.
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Show MMR - there is absolutely no reason why not.
Grades don´t matter, so nobody needs them anymore. If you want player time - show "Time played this month: xyz"
Every normal player wants to know how high his actual player rank is which is the MMR.
Still shaking my head whoever thought this is a good idea...
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This makes no sense:
Escaping = your MMR goes up
Dying = your MMR goes down
How you put MMR in a casual game. Like what? They should make 2 different dbd's where new survivors can enjoy the same level.And old players can enjoy the old dbd (2016-2019). But there is a problem cuz a tryhard killer/survivor can abuse of that low MMR going to the "futuristic" dbd where new players are, and ofc new players are not gonna go to the old dbd to get bullied by tryhard swfs.
Doesnt matter they cant even deal with only 1 game so that option will be impossible.
Looking at MMR nowadays i prefer old one ngl. In my case, im trolling with my swf using builds like no mither,head on, etc (we think escaping is not fun so we have that playstyle) and our MMR is so low actually we only found new killers and i stopped playing killer that much and my MMR is quite high. Miss old dbd nothing feels the same :(