Please make killers stop camping

Remove the hooks from the game and give all killers the PH's cage. No more camping. No more flashlight saves, pallet saves or taking hits to wiggle out too. Only fair.
No thanks.
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Genuinely can't determine if this is a joke, real, or what side of the fence it falls on :(
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So limit the game more? Sounds really boring and the game would lose players.
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Please make survivors stop genrushing, corrupt intervention and deadlock should be baseline.
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Unironically I would agree to basekit corrupt until they're confident in their map design. They're clearly not. Deadlock not so much, it's the camper's choice perk.
Camping sucks. Those that camp have sucked one way or another, even if it's unfair to them, but you gotta deal with it. If you're tired of it, SWF up with people that equal your skill. Killers in MMR can't keep up if everyone pulls their weight and does gens while one is doing a decent chase. Maybe one will get camped but the killer will probably write an angry post here while you keep queuing up for more fun. No point in stopping camping altogether. Only SOME situations and killers might need some revisions but nothing drastic.
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Less interactions sounds like a great idea /s
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poe's law strikes again :(
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No DS? Ok.
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As good as that sounds, that doesn't help the killer problem at higher MMR where camping is a required strategy.
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It’s also a heavily used tactic at low MMR because killer‘a don’t know what to do after getting a hook (me included sometimes)
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So OP wants less interaction.... Ok then how about we all just stop playing this game... Like for real
Both sides have OverPowered things at their disposal...
Not to mention Maps and spawns
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So you literally want to reduce killer-survivor interaction to the minimum... in a game where you can either interact with the other side or sit on generator and hold m1...
Just no? This would be the most boring crap I can imagine. Boring for survivors, not for the killer!
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What have you done with the real sluzzy?
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I was making a joke, it's not really a suggestion/feedback. If I broke any rule, I apologize. I would delete the post, but I don't know how or if it's possible.
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You are completely right - Survivors really need to stop to run away from me. It is annoying.
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1. Stupidly non-canon idea
2. Hello survivor main who doesn't care about giving the killer a fair chance
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Maybe this is the real Sluzzy, only recently escaped after years of being held in the basement of the Sluzzy imposter! 🤔
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who are you and what have you done with sluzzy
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Camping is a part of the game. If you're not having fun being camped, maybe just play another game or stop taking things so seriously :)
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is not a bad idea, but yk after the ph cage you dont get ds.You keep thinking the same?
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idk you but im having fun when the killers tunneled me, im playing this game to get chased not to do gens LOL