Skilled Generalist achievement

So I was bored and decided to do some achievement hunting and thought the Skilled Generalist one sounded pretty fun. It says "Escape 8 times while repairing the equivalent of 1 generator with only 3 universal perks equipped." I used spinechill, resilience, and this is not happening. I escaped but it didn't mark 1/8 for me, it still says 0. Is that achievement no more or something? Are you only allowed to do one gen during the game? I did easily 3 gens in that game so if that's the case then rip me lol. I looked up the perks on the official dbd wiki and it said they belonged to "All" so I'm just not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Sounds like you did everything right. Sometimes the achievement progression doesn’t update directly and needs some time though, so if you just did it it could register soon…
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I thought maybe it just hadn't updated as well so I've been refreshing but still nothing lol. Maybe I have to totally restart steam idk. I was just wanting to check it to see if what I was doing worked before I played 7 more games like this. Was hoping maybe it was something I was doing wrong so you guys could correct me and I can get this done lul.
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Either it didn’t update or the challenge wasn’t done correctly. The challenge like the one OP mentioned that I remember was one that came with Elodie. You had to do a gen and escape with NO perks equipped.
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I had to totally restart my game and steam itself to get it to show up lol. And yes I know about that one too but I'm saving that for when I really hate myself lmao.
Thanks you guys!