The biggest problem with DbD are the maps

or realms whatever you call them. So many people hate most of these maps, especially when it comes to Coldwind Farm, Autowreck Haven and Haddonfield. If they would change and rework maps in a much better state than it is now, then most of the problems will be flushed down the toilet.
Yep. Most balance issues stem from horrible map design
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If the devs wish to be serious about the game's MMR, a lot of problems would be resolved if the map design was generalized towards a balanced layout (with different sceneries and pre-determined layouts to make things as fair and as playable as possible). That way, killers will have strong stuff on maps, survivors will have strong stuff on maps, everyone gets their fair share and the result isn't automatically determined by spawning in on Disturbed Ward as a Legion or something.
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I agree,so many maps are released in such a way,that I feel like the devs dont really test them to see how it plays out in the first place before designing them,or they just want the maps to look good,despite how awful it is to play on some of them
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Don’t you feel like the real problem would be how characters interact with the maps, though? Some killers and perks excel on some maps, so you could just as easily blame killer/perk design for not mingling well with the maps.
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the problem is the maps are not interactive. just the same ######### in every map. same boring pallets and windows and T walls. this game isnt fun anymore. they think they can add perks to have more variety but its not.
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I was recently watching my wife do the tutorials, which I haven't played. And I actually quite liked the way the map was like during those tutorials!
By that, I mean it's possible to imagine larger maps with fewer jungle gyms, but more places to hide or lose the killer. The areas looked more realised. I guess the best thing is to play those "how to play" tutorials and look at how those places are set, then imagine it expanded and flushed out, and that would be quite sonething!
On a side note, I don't think any clicky, teabagging, bm'ing team of survivors will ever affect me again, since watching my wife getting juked by the Meg in training for 15 bloody minutes showed me .. such ... sights.... I'm so glad she said she didn't want to play it again!
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Na, i don´t think the problem are the maps.
There is a lot of other stuff - but main reason are the players.