Franklin's - A perk, counters an offering, White Ward. Survivors can't do the same.

Why is there a perk that hard counters a 6k BP offering on the killer side? Getting hit by Franklin's and having a time limit to come back to pick your item up is annoying enough, but this minute perk counters an offering? Where is the logic in that?
Survivors can't do the same to killers, killers will have their addons in use for the entire match and won't be affected by anything the survivors bring.
Also can anyone explain why in the world survivors lose their addons despite escaping the trial? Don't say it's to make it "fair" for the killers because killers no matter how bad they play, they will always end up getting more BPs than the best survivor with 4 bbq stacks, which justifies the loss of their addons.
This game has catered so much to the killers that to see them complaining in the forums is laughable heh.
Rofl. Imagine thinking white ward, an offering, should somehow negate a Killer perk like Franklin's. Also imagine thinking this game is killer-sided. 🙄
Also; you can pick the item back up, you know? It's only gone if you leave the trial without it, which is prevent duping.
Imagine if you could get hit & drop your item, then your friend picks it up; now he leaves with your item (and keeps it) and you leave & White Ward gives you your item back.
Sorry but you're literally complaining that the Killer; the power role, as a perk that overrides your 1 time offering. This is how it should be, and it, as I said, prevents duping.
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There's one killer, and 4 survivors.
Why do you think they need to be 1:1 in every area?
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I dunno this one has kind of been a bugbear for me for a long time...add ons die at the end of the trial now and items are so plentiful. If a pair of survivors can execute their master plan to dupe an item then they earned it, but more likely than not they're hook bait.
If I play White Ward, I'm playing it for a reason. I wanna keep my item, and I will dive into lockers to do so if you're running Franklin's.
It doesn't even hurt the survivor, I have a hundreds of items in my inventory on my P3 survivor. Franklins successfully stops the item from being used in the match it's in. That's its purpose. It doesn't need to effect the aftermath of the match.
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what are you on about? I'm talking about Franklin's messing up the survivors' economy.
BHVR for some stupid reason made it so survivors' addons are lost at the end of the trial even when they survive.
This makes it tedious for people who mainly play survivor to use the item+addons they want to bring because of the ######### amount of bp survivors get. With Franklin's countering WW, it really just rubs the salt in their wounds.
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Franklin's is NOT affecting the aftermath of the match.
The game is set up so you lose your item if you don't carry it out. Not even White Ward counters that. So OP is whining that White Ward does not do...what it does not say it does?
Nowhere does White Ward say you keep your item if you don't carry it out.
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Perhaps OP has become one with the ground.
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You mean like a mori (killer offering) counters a survivor perk like DS?
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First of all my ass that the game caters to killers if it did it wouldn't have only 3 killers be viable. Second, of course, killers will get more in a 1 vs 4 game that's just how it is when you have 4 people to gain points from. Third and this one if someone wants to correct me please do but can't you pick it up and leave and the white ward effect happens? Granted the killer will try to prevent that cause that's the smart thing to do. Lastly, items that survivors use have the thing called "Charges" and outlives its usefulness when the charge is gone and if you are complaining about franklins I guess then overwhelming presence is a problem too.
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Nice whataboutism.
Killer is supposed to be the power role, but apparently the Killer having power just short-circuits some Survivors.
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There are survivor perks that can blind-counter multiple killer addons and perks. Shadowstep versus anything with aura reading, for example.
If someone runs Franklins, just drop the item if you are worried and pick it up once you are safe.
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Franklin's does not even eat items anymore. It just drains them to 0 charges because Survivors were mad they were losing keys.
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It's an example since you decided to give one, and mine negates your logic.
As for the original comment about franklins, I think it is fine how it and I dont mind a perk countering an offering.
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yeah that is the way to get around franklin's users. it's just that there are some sad killers out there getting a hard-on on the survivors losing their items. hag thief build, for example. funny meme build lmao 😂
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Probably best to make sure you tunnel when you bring a Mori from now on so that everyone gets the chance to use DS.
Easy solution, problem solved.
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If I'm playing Hag or Wraith and see 4 medkits, I'm probably going to run Franklins because if I don't, my pressure evaporates. 4 toolboxes is much the same, especially if it's going to be a really frustrating sabo squad who want to stall the game indefinitely.
Outside of that Franklins is a gimmick. I'll run it with Hoarder if I'm feeling creative, but outside the above two cases there are more consistent perks.
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Or Killers are running it so they don't have to deal with medkids and flashlights? Or sure; it's because they want to make people unhappy. 🙄
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Man a killer can kill while survivors can only survive why are they different.
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damn, why can the killers sacrifice survivors, why can't Survivors can't do the same to killers
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It's an interaction that should've been fixed with Franklin's rework. But in bhvr fashion, it's not a priority.
The item and add-ons should despawn upon death or escape and be refunded, regardless of their location at that point in time, i.e. on the ground or in another survivor's hands (if the latter, it could be made so they see it highlighted as a restricted item like a flashbang).
The worst part is that is very easy to code as all those effects already exist separately.
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Perks trumping offerings does go both ways. A killer can bring a mori, but then a survivor can jump in a locker with DS and force them to take the stun instead of getting a quick kill, which is the whole point of moris.
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Survivors also have a perk that allows them to keep their addons if they escape. Killers lose them no matter what unless they burn an offering.
Survivors also can get items and even addons from chest in matches. Killer can only find addons in the bloodweb and getting a specific green one is a nightmare.
You do know that this is a asymmetrical game right? That means that both sides are not the same.
If you really want vallue out of your white ward you can always hop in a locker to prevent the killer m1ing you
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It's not that easy:
- What if the Survivor is using the item at time of death/escape? What if you're using my toolkit when I die? Do you now suddenly stop having a toolkit? What if you're saboing a hook as I die? Nope! No saving your friend! What if you're blinding a Killer with my flashlight to save your friend when I exit the gates? Oops! No more blind! Using my medkit and I left/died? No more healing!
- White Ward NEVER protected items on the ground. Ever. Which means people are whining that White Ward is not doing what it never did. #########?
I love when people with no idea how coding works tries to claim 'This is so easy to code!' just by looking at the end result.
It's like looking at your car and saying 'I could build this myself!' because you can't see all the tiny, moving pieces that have to work together or the engine will seize up.
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Name checks out. Go for a walk and chill out. Have fun.
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Killers complaining, yet here you are complaining as a survivor 🤣🤦🏻♂️
First of, don't rely on items that much, a survivor can do easily without items.
Secondly, killer add on (most of them) have a down side.
If you are relying so heavily on your items, then i suggest to try and not use them for a few weeks.
You will get them back fast in the bloodweb, tho if i could share then you could have all my items and offerings on all my survivors 😉
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Mori only counters 2nd hook ds, 1st hook you still have it. Not much of a counter.
With the right key add-on you can counter knock out, insidious and more. Syringe counters slugging. Lightborn counters flashlights. Both sides get perks and items/offerings that counter the other side. Until today I've never even seen it claimed that perks shouldn't counter items or offerings on either side.
Now the way they've generally set it up, killer items (add-ons) are there to augment or adjust killer powers, while perks are there to strategize against what you think the survivor team will bring. That's not fair or unfair, just part of the design when only one side has powers. Survivors, having no unique abilities, have more of a mix of negating the other side and buffing your own when it comes to their perks and items/offerings.
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Way to dodge the problems I brought up with your idea.
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I also think White Ward is kind of bogus, but I understand why it works the way it does. You don't want to set up a situation where players can just farm top-tier items and add-ons by passing them back and forth with their friends.
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I'm not dodging the problem. I'm dodging the person incapable of civil and polite conversation about said problem, or any other given their forum track record.
My advice didn't change, have fun.
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I do think it's rather stupid that Franklins negates White Ward. Like, it's not even a gameplay advantage. Does it actually matter that the survivor maintains or loses the item in postgame? What the survivor keeps into the next game isn't any of your concern unless you're actively trying to spite them. I'm not saying White Ward should prevent Franklins from working, but Franklins shouldn't prevent White Ward from working either - and unless your final down is via M2, Franklins is going to stop the White Ward from working.
Wouldn't mind seeing White Ward changed so that if you're empty-handed when you die or exit the trial, and the item you entered the game with is on the ground somewhere, that item is removed from the match and returned to you. If you're holding a different item at the time of leaving, or the item was picked up by someone else or consumed (medkit addons, mostly), nothing happens.
The game does track items that were brought in by survivors - see the Vulture achievement - so I don't think this would be hard to do.
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My thing with this is like that was stated above. A white ward is intended to allow you to keep the items upon death but if your final down is a m1 you just wasted a offering. It turns it into a situation where yeah i just have to jump into a locker and force the down that way. Franklins is intended to make the item unusable over the course of the match. Not cuck them out of keeping the item in its entirety. Which personally as a killer i don't care if they get to keep the item at the end (if it was the case) as long as its rendered unusable over the match. Id say once you pick up a franklins item from a teammate itll look like a flashbang does and once the original owner dies unless the items in the middle of a animation (which then itll wait till the animation is over) the item will be consumed by the entity and follow them out.
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I'd be fine with survivors keeping items postgame if they lost them to Franklins. Honestly, this is the first time I've seen anyone even raise the issue.
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Honestly franklin's doesn't even bother me. When my items run out of charge I just drop them on the ground because I got so many now.
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Sluzzy ushered a new era of subtle trolling... Why though? Nothing about him was subtle. This is a disgrace to the man, the myth, the legend.
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High risk, High reward.
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Survivors can cleanse killer’s hex perks though so it evens out.
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Just pick it back up, franklins doesn't eat the item like before.
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Why should your offering counter an entire perk? What mindset even is this??
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I'm honestly surprised that there are people here in favour of White Ward being near useless against Franklin's. Who cares if the survivors keep the item no matter the circumstance? Black Ward guarantees protection against your addons, but survivors can't have the same guarantee? You agree with this because you want less purple flashlights/strong toolboxes in your matches?
Buddy I'd love to remove the existence of pinky finger Clowns running around with their extremely skilful aim of getting a direct hit, but that's not gonna happen. Making it so White Ward guarantees protection of your items isn't gonna be a huge buff, it's just gonna slightly reduce the massive grind survivors have compared to killers.
And to those who say kek lul go into a locker xDD have you ever heard of Lery's or The Game? There mustn't be a need for survivors to do this with a purple offering..
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I have so many words in my vocabulary to insult you to be making such a stupid statement like that I won't even spare the time to.
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It's not that Franklin's counters White Ward, or White Ward 'does not work against Franklin's'.
It's that White Ward does not work if you don't carry an item out of the match with you. Period. How is that hard to understand?
Die? You did not leave the match with an item.
Drop the item & leave without it? You did not leave the match with an item.
Drop the item & pick up a new one before leaving? White Ward applies to the new item. Because otherwise; you'd be able to literally carry 1 item in, drop it, then leave with a new item & have 2 items.
Get hit with Franklin's & leave the match? You did not leave with an item.
Get Hit With Franklins/Drop your item, & a friend picks it up? YOU did not leave with that item.
There's a reason it works this way; to prevent dupes. I am blown away by the Survivors sitting here saying 'Oh, well, who cares if I dupe? I'm a Survivor!'
White ward protects ACTIVE ITEMS. IE: Items IN YOUR HAND when you leave the match. People whining about this are whining White Ward is not doing something it never did in the first place.
It's not rocket science:
- White Ward NEVER protected items you left in a match, be it via gates or death. EVER.
- It works this way to prevent duping. And no 'I'm a Survivor' is not a valid excuse to let you dupe.
That's it. It's that simple. Why is it suddenly some massive scandal now? I mean, other than some Survivors thinking they should be able to literally cheat because they've been catered too for years?
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Why are people even arguing about this? Just make it so WW protects the survivor's item regardless of whether or not it is dropped in the match, WW literally has no effect DURING the match so Franklin's countering it is completely unnecessary.
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No. Look at my post; this can cause duping.
Is that hard to understand?
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Your post literally says that WW didn't protect your items upon death, which is literally their main purpose, if anyone doesn't understand, it would be you.
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'Drop the item & pick up a new one before leaving? White Ward applies to the new item. Because otherwise; you'd be able to literally carry 1 item in, drop it, then leave with a new item & have 2 items.'
Huh, look at that; duping.
Also, earlier in the thread:
'Imagine if you could get hit & drop your item, then your friend picks it up; now he leaves with your item (and keeps it) and you leave & White Ward gives you your item back.'
Look at that; a duping exploit. Which I said.
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Really, I have no idea why people are taking issue with Franklin's like that's the cause of item vanishment here. Yes, it makes you drop the item. But it's the second part WW doesn't work against, not some perk override, and it's not the only way to get an item on the ground.
What you want to go after is WW not having an anti-duping mechanism that allows for taking dropped items.
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Simple fix:when white ward is ran if the survivor dies its just like the key addon. The item just vanishes from the trial. When you pick up the item itll show that white ward is applied on it. So you know that itll vanish when said survivor dies. No duping none of that. White ward does its purpose in letting you keep the item and addons. Franklins still does its job. And the survivor who picked up the item knew it was gonna vanish anyway so hopefully they got some use out of it. Why would you run the offering if you just want to give the item to your friend anyway? There...took me like...a minute.
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I understand how the current White Ward works completely. All I'm saying is that it shouldn't work this way. No idea where you got the impression that I found it hard to understand. What I do not understand, however, is how you think this QoL fix will promote heavy duping.
In the scenario where WW is properly fixed against FD let me explain my perspective to you:
You die? Offering gets burnt.
You escape with item on hand? Offering once again, gets burnt, a literal 1:1 offering:item trade.
You die but got hit with Franklin's and your friend picks it up? Offering still gets burnt, but you keep the item, and your friend is able to pick it up. Let me emphasise once more, the offering still gets BURNT. It's not like you could keep doing this especially with a limited amount of WW. I've spent 10M+ BP on my main survivor and I only have 30 WW, and that's because I rarely use WW due to its interaction with FD.
Plus those who'd dupe items like this? ######### if we should care man, this method is slow as hell and do you know how easy it is to inject a full profile save in DBD with how bad EAC is?
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Do you have any proof for that claim? Because as far as i know, franklins was changed back because of the interaction with the nemesis-vaccine, at least thats what the devs said. So, back up your claim with some facts.
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Yes it does matter if survivor maintains or loses the item. Some Hag builds revolves around punishing greed.
Complaining about this meme perk is on the same level as complaining about Light Born. Ridiculous.
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So basically 'It's okay if we want to dupe because we don't think duping is a big deal'. Wow.
I don't, no. But given Survivors are so coddled that some are, in this very thread saying 'Who cares if we can dupe items?' as an argument to change White Ward; I'll stand by what I said.
Seriously, some Survivors are saying White Ward should be changed just because they want it so, and are 100% fine with the change adding the ability to dupe. How entitled is that?