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General Discussions

Who and what is MMR for?

After watching XQC play dbd again, even his experience was what alot of us at mid to high mmr is like. People who have next to no experience are going against people they shouldn't be. I've even seen a post about a killer who had just installed the game going against a group of survivors who had around 5 thousand hours each. And i suppose my question is, if even the new player experience is terrible, what is it for? No one is enjoying the state of the game, and we haven't heard much in terms of what's being done about it. Im not making this post out of hate, im just genuinely concerned for the state and health of the game, it's so common to see people quit the game or state they arent even having fun. Granted some of it may just simply be burnout, but if nearly the entire community is saying it, surely there IS a problem, thoughts?

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  • Member Posts: 9,713
    • I don't have a problem with MMR, my matches are pretty reasonable. Just my personal anecdote.
    • "Nearly the entire community" isn't complaining about anything either way. Most players don't even come on the forums at all let alone complain about MMR or even understand what MMR actually is.
    • The Steamchart numbers are about the same for December as they were for November. The game didn't have a mass exodus this month. (In fact, every December going back a few years DbD loses about 1% of its player base since it's a lull between chapters and gains a bunch of people in the Spring when the next big chapter releases, which in this case will be Ringu.)
  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Yeah hopefully DesignDad is following up on his question about taking opponent's Grades off the endgame screen. There's no reason to see opponent's Grades, they're not used for matchmaking and it just causes a bunch of confusion. I'd love to see them replaced with a rough MMR bracket.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    One worrying possibility for new players being unfairly matched could (in part) be due to the lack of new players coming in and staying because of the bm'ing. People find the game interesting and want to try it, but Dorito-munching man-childs start mocking to assert some imaginary dominance they lack in real-life. So, there are far fewer new players in comparison to more experienced players. And this is where the problem could become very significant.

  • Member Posts: 39

    Im glad you don't have a problem with MMR, but you are flat out wrong when it comes to the community not being upset about it, open twitter, YouTube, steam, twitch and you will see thousands of people that are just flat out bored or upset about the state of the game. And i don't really care about steam numbers, the game isn't dying it's just not in the best place in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    The simple truth is it doesn't matter.

    People on here talk about how stressed they are and unfun the game is, but then state "they love it and won't leave". So, why should BeHvr care? People are sticking with this game regardless.

    They said MMR isn't going anywhere, and I am taking them at their word.

    They continue to bring in new players, and that seems to be their priority.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    For casuals who just want to chill, bro. It works, it really does.

  • Member Posts: 39

    I mean that's true, i suppose it's beating a dead horse, but that's the point of a company keeping something in the game that injures the fun of the game? My main question is that if the vocal majority isn't enjoying it, or at the very least preferred old rank based match making, why is it here? At first i thought they added it to balance the game properly but we haven't really seen to much of that as of late ya know?

  • Member Posts: 177
    edited December 2021

    Im of the opinion the only reason MMR is even in this dumpster-fire of a game is because if it wasn't, BHVR would lose tons of new players (revenue) because SWF sabo-squads will constantly be getting matched up with newbies since new players make up the majority of the player base and BHVR just can't allow that.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    It works for me, at least, and realistically that is all I care about. I get great games and have so much fun.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    I think they did it to remove ranks as a MM tool, which previously was used in screenshots to demonstrate how ######### that system was.

    Now , they can simply say, "Grades don't matter, go play Civ 5 if we don't like it"

  • Member Posts: 39

    But that logic fails when you find out even the new player experience typically bad

  • Member Posts: 177

    I don't see where it fails though. If the new player experience is already bad, removing MMR would make it worse.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Thousands of people complain all the time on all major game forums. Players who are content don't log on to post "Yeah, I'm having an ok time", but people who want to gripe post non-stop about whatever it is they're upset about. Vocal forum users are part of a gaming population but not "the entire community".

  • Member Posts: 218

    Small note about the MMR: There is 1 and only 1 aspect I do like about it: my different killers have different MMR. This makes it possible for me to play Oni, for example, without the gens being done in 5 minutes.

    On the other hand, before MMR I could still do it on the 13th of ever month... sooo.. yeah... [BAD WORD] MMR!

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