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General Discussions

Self unhooking aka Kobe-ing

While 4% chance isnt that much i see quite a lot of successful kobeing in my games(no luck increase, no slippery meat, no deliverance). I find it very annoying, since its rather impactful on the game, with small to none disadvantage or effort from the survivor side. They usually try to kobi, when its the only possible comeback for them, so the struggle progress is not a disadvantage. Furthermore as a killer you invest a lot of time to chase, down and hook a survivor and it can be undone with a simple click of the mouse. I would keep deliverance, but random unhooking seems very unfair to me. I will spare me the rant about hatch.

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  • Member Posts: 131

    "I find it very annoying, since its rather impactful on the game, with small to none disadvantage or effort from the survivor side."

    You mean just like survivor / totem / tile spawn? Unfortunately, this game is filled with RNG element that have the potential to destroy both side before the game even began. And i don't think it's any of them are going to get changed anytime soon.

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    As it stands right now, both of the hook states have some form of interactivity that make it so your not just sitting there doing absolutely nothing until your teammates get you. Hook stage 2 has the skill checks, and hook stage one gives you the ability to attempt escapes. It keeps being hooked from being too boring.

    Also, if survivors want to try to use the self unhook to get out of the match quicker, I'm not going to complain.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Congrats on trying to force the discussion into an us vs them for absolutely no reason. Have anything useful to say?

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    BHVR should hire you for buffing killers and nerfing survivors.

    In one day you will bury the game.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    I haven't had a Kobe in what feels like a millenia, both as Survivor and Killer

  • Member Posts: 5,047

    Last time I kobed I had less than 12 hours in the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Oh no! Not your 4% kobe chance! That's SO MUCH against people who exploit it to DC early, and against cheaters who can yeet off the hook with 100% chance!

    Removing this 4% chance would completely bury the game! 😨

    In case you missed it; my fix is based on the view that people cheating (script-babies who can yeet off the hook infinitely), and people who use it to rage-quit without a DC penalty, is more important than a stupid base 4% chance to kobe.

    Heaven forbid. Such an idea will bury this game! BURY, I say! We NEED that 4% chance; cheaters and exploiters be darned! 🙃

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    It's not only removing 4% killer main idea.

    I read posts. You're new to the game you'll learn.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    Member when killers used to respect the kobe? I member.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    Unless the survivor in question (or their team) is guilty of BM'ing during the match, I'll know I'll give hatch/door to someone who pulls off the 4%. but it's happened so infrequently.

    As someone who plays killer at least half the time, I have no problem with the 4%. Getting rid of it (and the occasional build that's made completely around the kobe) is completely unnecessary. There's a ton of game-related (and killer experience-related) issues that need to be addressed -- this isn't one of them.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    On ppne of my games today I had 3 survivors with slippery meat equipped. But I only saw that in the end game screen, because the game played utterly normal. I could see me equipping it in soloQjust to eventually get the "Not Today" achievment and because soloQ is sometimes pretty rough on the save unhook scenarios.

    But as a killer I actually never even notice it .. its just that rare. There are the occasional deliverance users, but kudos to them to get use out of such a niche perk.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Well this turned ugly fast. I see a lot of whining about whining but no real arguments. Dbd is a lot about RNG and i respect that, its what makes every game unique. Its the whole concept of kobeing, that seems unnecessary for me. The killer imvested time in a down, easy or not. Yes, you invest your struggle timer but as i have said, good survivors kobe only when necessary and i disagree, that you dont see kobe in higher mmr. And yes, it can turn the tides, especially in end game or a slugging scenarios, you should know that

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Yes, yes. I'm an evil Killer main, out to destroy Survivors.

    This is what every Survivor main screams any time anyone says anything that's not 'Survivors are golden gods who should have an I Win button'.

    Want to talk about gen speeds? Filthy killer main!

    Kobes are basically useless and allow cheating and DC dodging? How dare you, killer main!

    Flashlight macros are out of control? Only killer mains say that!

    It's the war cry of Survivor mains too scared that their bully simulator will actually be balanced someday.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    I don’t think it really needs to change.

    If survivors are really trying to escape the hook for no good reason (ie. it isn’t already a lost game if they don’t kobe) more often than not they’re just throwing a hook state in the garbage.

    It’s annoying when people do it just to get out of the match and avoid the dc penalty, but there’s not really a whole lot to be done about that. Trying to 4% isn’t always a good idea, but it’s not against the rules.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Maybe i was unlucky with cheaters, didnt take that into consideration, but it makes sense. It definitelly felt more often than 4% in the last matches

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    This is basically why I started to follow a rule regarding this.

    If I'm already on my way to unhook you and you try to Kobe in my face since I'm about to save anyways, I turn right around and head back to the gens. I don't care if I'm about to save you at that point, you want to be selfish enough to try and deny me unhook points, you get no unhook from me.

    If I'm on my way already and you're spamming to get to struggle phase and die ASAP, I will do my best to save and farm you. If the killer is near by, I'll try to take a hit so I get a safe rescue.

    Plenty of times, were off to a great start - 1 gen, ruin gone and the first person hooked immediately goes to 2nd hook stage and tries to kill themselves. If you want to ruin games or be selfish, thats fine.

    Just don't get mad when I leave you on the hook to die or save you solely to farm you for points before you die.

  • Member Posts: 312

    Yes but if someone needs to leave (like myself) that's the only way to get out

    Without dcing

  • Member Posts: 968

    Honestly I would say its fine if they just reworked the luck system to be better. Like how they changed Open Handed to not need everyone and their dog to run it for it to have value, they just need to do that to Up The Ante.

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    why is this a problem now too lol. It’s a 4% chance like most of the time you get into second state if you try. Too much complaining is a trend

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Ik. Too much complaining is definitely a trend now. But I have also noticed that people justify their complaints with saying that it's an exploit which is not true

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I mean, if people would start packing Slippery Meat instead of one more DH/BT/DS/IW then more power to them! I would gladly deal with the occasional self cobe instead of these :D

  • Member Posts: 2,986
  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I wanna see a change where a Survivor can guarantee Kobe off the hook (if you do it within the first 30 seconds of Stage 1) in exchange for automatically being one hook away from being sacrificed. Meanwhile, you can no longer kobe once the Exit Gates are powered, and an active Deliverance would let you self-unhook even when the Gates are powered and replaces the extra hook state penalty with the temporary broken status effect (essentially letting it function as it currently does).

    Now self-unhooking is a high stakes commitment rather than RNG.

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