Survivors making no sound in the dying state

Just making another ticket to raise more awareness on this.
This is not a balance issue, it's game breaking.
Just to add, Iron Will does not work in the dying state and the survivor in question did not even run it.
I have video documentation on my stream.
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This has been a bug for a long while. But since it benefits Survivors, BHVR is 'looking into it'. 🤡
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Is their "balance department" undermanned, underpaid or down right inexperience to address this?
Maybe they don't know how to do it...
Otherwise I would have a few things to say about their moral compass.
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Nah, it's just because it helps Survivors, so they don't care.
Imagine if a Killer's TR randomly disappeared for the entire match; that would be patched within a day, tops. 🙃
Actually, that DID happen for a bit, at one time. How long did it take for them to fix it?
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This bug has been in the game for a long time and surprisingly still hasn't been fixed. This and the free Iron Will bug should have been fixed a long time ago.
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Yup, it's a game-breaking bug but they won't fix it because it affects killers and not survivors.
Remember when Enduring was bugged to affect DS, making the perk practically useless and tunnelling unstoppable? Fixed ASAP.
A bug where slugging is isn't viable? zzzz
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Remember how they changed the stun duration of DS to counter Enduring, and then made enduring not affect DS without changing the stun duration back? Over two years ago?
They really just ignore anything that helps Survivors.
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I understand everyones frustration, but what we really need is a person from the actual balance department/developer to address this.
I even understand them relating to survivors more than the killer. We are human beings after all and not maniacal monsters that enjoy others suffering (most of us at least).
But what is the point of the "game" then?
Where is the pleasure in making it shift towards a side or taking sides in general.
There should be a balance, in all things.
Golden unwritten rule:
The more balanced a "game" is, the more skill based it becomes and therefore more fun and enjoyful.
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"Where is the pleasure in making it shift towards a side or taking sides in general."
It's called money, my guy. 4 people buying pink haired Nea cosmetics over one poor soul buying Myers cause he heard about how his horror icon was in this cool videogame and then he gets bagged, saboed, and bullied lmao
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Bug has been in the game for two whole years now as far as I'm aware could be longer though. Lost all pressure to this bug one time when I can't find the Survivor I slugged for a bit. It sucked.
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like a day after it was reported
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It’s a bug that only affects killers so BHVR won’t prioritize it. If there was a bug where survivors intermittently can’t hear the killers terror radius, it would get fixed within a week.
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You will see it if you play killer. Just wait.
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I can't stand this bug. I shake my head every time I experience it.
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This is a bug that's been here since...release if I'm not mistaken. It's likely almost impossible to fix.
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It is pretty random. The last time I encountered this Bug was months ago, after that, all of the Survivors I faced had sound on the ground.
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I go with option E: all the above 😂
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When you slug someone and know where they are, usually you will just go and pick them up and might not realise they are not making any sound. If you slug someone and don't know where they crawled off to, you might not realise that they aren't making any sound. Next time you pick up a slug, have a listen before you pick them up.
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Tfw the balance department have nothing to do with bugfixing
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This audio bug has been around for almost three years at this point. Once it hits three it'll split into two other bugs and reproduce from there.
Seriously, my experience with this bug is that it is fustratingly random, not tied to any map, killer, surv, perk, status, not even a cosmetic. I have to believe that contributes to the devs having a difficult time reproducing it, but man three years is a long time too.
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You can tell they had a difficult time reproducing it because a while back there was a post in the bug reports section of a dev basically begging PC Players to send their logs so they could see ######### was happening.
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Comments on posts like these is why people call the forums killer sided...
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This is one of the issues that fustrates me. Us consolers cannot help in things like this despite being collectively the larger playerbase. But no logs to send, making reports is a royal pain, and precious few stream/record our games. Lots of examples of such a bug that they have no access too sadly.
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I seriously doubt that the reason they haven’t fixed it is “it helps survivors”. It’s probably just a bug that they have no idea how to reliably reproduce so they don’t know what’s causing it to fix it.
On a tangent, this bug is one reason I like sometimes running Deerstalker. Deerstalker completely nullifies this bug ever being a factor if you are slugging. Even without the bug, it can save a good 7-10 seconds or more of searching for a slugged survivor if they’re crawled into a shadowy corner somewhere. Plus it helps you keep an eye on the slugged person while you’re in a chase or whatever to see if someone else is running in to revive them. Obviously Deerstalker isn’t the “best” perk or anything, but it really is a pleasant quality of life improvement if you like to slug with a certain killer or loadout or just in general.
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It's a problem that negatively impacts Killer, therefor it doesn't matter.
Be sure to buy our 12 new Feng Min skins!
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I'm sure they developers are going to dive deep into the code after years of this being in the game and fix it just for you. ;) They do what they want when they want. Watching them destroy their own game over the last 2 years has been eventful to say the least. GAMEPLAY should be top priority I agree.... The devs however... do not agree.. apparently.
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Hello, when you want to report a bug, please check the bug report section ( to see if it has been reported already and upvote it, otherwise open a new report following the guidelines.