Early poll on some of the possible Anniversary chapter candidates!

Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

Hello everyone, I hope that you all had a good holiday and are having a nice start to the new year! This is my very first poll I've made so I'm sorry for any mistakes that I make. I decided that a anniversary poll would be a fun one because it's, honestly, rapidly approaching at a shocking rate and I just personally love to see some early speculation. One more thing, I'd like this poll to be more based around on what you think will be coming in on year 6, not who you want.

I'm also going to be going on mainly how the last couple of anniversary's they've been licensed chapters so those will be primarily what I focus on. Going on with that, they've also primarily been video game chapters for the last couple so keep that in mind as well and, seeing as how we'll be getting Ringu before the year 6 chapter, they probably have something big hidden up their sleeves. Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful day and or night. :)

Again, I want to restate this, please pick what you personally believe will be picked for the anniversary chapter and not what you personally want.

Early poll on some of the possible Anniversary chapter candidates! 38 votes

A Five Nights At Freddy's Chapter
pizzaduffyhp90Cornpopers_EvanEnderloganYTGlamourousLeviathanScary_Punk_Ghostglitchboixtr4meFobboUnknowninsanityBoobaGuiltiiThat_One_FriendMrCalac123GarlicRiceyellowguy77BothSidesEnjoyerliamx1z 17 votes
A Outlast Chapter
TheHunter2529Smoe 2 votes
A Bisoshock Chapter
Trickstaaaaa 1 vote
A The Evil Within Chapter
A Dead Space Chapter
TerminatorGuyTatariuAnneBonny 3 votes
A Alien Chapter
Seiko300MegMain98MooksChurchofPigGhouled_MojoHaunterofShadows 6 votes
A Friday The 13th Chapter
TapeKnotInnCognitoRobotfangirl67just_one_player[Deleted User] 5 votes
A IT Chapter
BabyCameron10 1 vote
A Child's Play Chapter
Gibberishshinobu149 2 votes
A Predator Chapter
Adjatha 1 vote


  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,905
    A Alien Chapter

    You already know I’m hoping for an Alien chapter 🤞🏽

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    edited January 2022
    A Dead Space Chapter

    dead space has a remake coming this year and the last two anniversary chapters were for classic survival horror games

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,731
    A Alien Chapter

    I know why people want Five Night's at Freddy's, but I feel like as an Anniversary Chapter, it would be a let down. We're talking about the Year 6 Anniversary after all.

    Year 1: Didn't have one

    Year 2: Curtain Call

    Year 3: Ghost Face

    Year 4: Silent Hill

    Year 5: Resident Evil

    Year 6: N/A

    They've been slowly over time upping their game and I personally don't think Fnaf can up Resident Evil. Do I think Alien will be an anniversary chapter? No. Do I want it the most on this list? Yes.

    Note: The only reason I'm calling out FNAF specifically is out of everything on that list, I think it's the least fitting for the anniversary, but for some reason a lot of people want it to be.

  • BothSidesEnjoyer
    BothSidesEnjoyer Member Posts: 16
    A Five Nights At Freddy's Chapter

    Just going through the list here.

    Fnaf: one of the more hyped liscenses here , besides alien or jason. i think this one might happen but i am heavily biased.

    Outlast: given that a new game is coming out around the same time as the anniversary i think it also has a good chance.

    Bioshock, dead space, and evil within: i'm listing all these together because they're all in the same boat. While it's not uncommon to see these asked about whenever the topic of liscences come up, they aren't the most asked for. Still would love to see them though.

    Alien: would love to see it but bhvr would have to go through disney. it might be really hard for bhvr to get but that's part of what would make it a surprize.

    Friday the 13th: while the lawsuit is over they now need to work out how the franchise will be shared. Until that's figured out i don't think it'll happen.

    It: some of the devs have talked about how it is their dream chapter (similair to hellraiser). They did try to get it after the first movie came out but were turned down. But that was a few years ago and things might have changed so who knows?

    Child's play: the new chucky series has seen been rather popular bringing with it new found interest in the liscence so it might happen. The only problem is that he might just be very hard to make work in the game due to his height.

    Predator: talked about as much as alien is. Right now the original screenwriters are suing to get rights back. Bhvr might try to liscence it from disney before they lose the rights, similar to how they liscensed hellraiser from park avenue before the rights would shift back to clive barker. Has about as much chance ascan alien chapter honestly.

    Also candyman should absolutely be on this list.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 5,946
    A Five Nights At Freddy's Chapter

    With the hyped release of FNAF SB, I genuinely believe it will be the one to make it in the anniversary.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
    A Five Nights At Freddy's Chapter

    You're 100% correct, I just completley forgot about Candyman. I was just kinda firing blanks when it came to the 10th spot. My mind just kinda went to Predator though, yeah, there's been a lot of buzz around him around the anniversary chapter time so, that's my bad. Just wish they'd have more then just 10 options. :/

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,081

    I don’t see The Thing. I’m sad

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,782

    Until Dawn

    It would be hard to make it work but I'd love it.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,412
    A Alien Chapter

    I am not necessarily highly expecting Alien but looking at the last years and the current licensed chapters it should be a big franchise.

    that or they could blow out a meaty original chapter with many significant core elements changed/added: that new game mechanic about hatches/Moris base game, the mechanic that used to be planned as Early Game Collapse but evolved to something different, new/more interesting survivor objectives, …

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 3,973
    A Alien Chapter

    Note: This isn't who I want, this is who I think is showing up.

    Alien seems like the best candidate for a year 6 with Dead Space and Five Nights at Freddy's right on its tail.

  • TheHunter2529
    TheHunter2529 Member Posts: 42
    A Outlast Chapter

    There is a new outlast game coming out soon so maybe a partnership with dbd would be a good move. Although now I'm thinking about it, maybe I'm just hoping for this and an alien chapter would be more likely.

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 634
    edited January 2022
    A Friday The 13th Chapter

    I know Friday the 13th is still being figured out by the creators and that it's a working process. But like everyone else who also wants Jason like me like to also dream a little lol. But I still think it would be really cool for Jason to finally be reunited with his slasher bubs like Freddy, Michael, Leatherface, Ghostface, etc. So yeah I know he may not show up but I still think it would be really cool to see for the 6th anniversary but then again we will have to see what is in store.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
    A Five Nights At Freddy's Chapter

    I'd also adore a Until Dawn chapter! The one and only reason I didn't put it up there is because Sony. Sony does NOT want to play ball and share when it comes to having most of their stuff be on multiple different platforms. They've JUST started to change that but, it's only with their own mega IP's like GOW and Horizon. I hope it happens one day, I really do but, I'm not going to set my hopes too high.

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142
    A Child's Play Chapter

    I would love childs play I really think it would make the game me fun because the mechanics would be so different and unique.

    My other one would be pennywise there is this youtuber that did a simulation and it would fit perfectly plaus making it to where he can impersonate a survivor would be cool these guys are my most hyped

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621
    A Five Nights At Freddy's Chapter

    There is no better time and also I am a huge fnaf fan with wishful thinking. Even if his power was a straight detriment like old freddy, springtrap would be a top 3 main no question.

    I do think Alien has some chance but the issue is Disney. Good luck. And IT has a marginally ok chance too I guess.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
    A Five Nights At Freddy's Chapter

    I do really personally think that, yeah, FNAF probably has it's biggest chance to be a chapter like, ever, so yeah, my personal vote still goes to FNAF though, I'd have no problem with any of these I've listed.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,510
    A Outlast Chapter

    While it is not in my top most requested crossovers, i think Outlast has a high chance since BHVR and Red Barrel are both studios from Montreal and also something about alot of game devs from Montreal knows one another.