Average Age Range of The DBD Player...
I just played against someone whose username was (insert name here)'sdad and he tbagged me hard and I just felt embarrassed for him.
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I just turned 44 in November, but I would guess the majority of DbD players are 15-30.
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I'm not sure whether I should be flattered or disappointed.
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am i close lol
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All these people that are 21 or younger were born after 2000 and my brain can't process that. It can't :(
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Technically, 22 or younger!
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Depends on how you define close.
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I was born after 2005 :)
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like maybe if I'm off by 4years
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i would have never guess lol😭
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I mean hopefully you don’t think I’m an adult talking the way I do..
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i would have guess around 19 so yea but at the same time i don't considered 19 as a adult
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No one really does consider 19 as an adult.
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some ppl do 😭but most don't
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I'm 2 years old and I'm a pro at Dead by Daylight
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Not off by four years.
So, yeah, you're close.
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You act more mature than a lot of other people.
Whether or not that says more about them or more about you is up for interpretation
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well that good ig😂 so maybe 21?
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I'll give you a "hint". It has quotations because it sounds like a hint but it isn't.
I'm done with a year of college.
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I'm 17 turning, 18 soon™.
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oh nice
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i was off 3 years lol😂
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I'm just looking forward to going back to college if I ever get better.
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wym by better like school wise or recovering from sickness? you don't have to answer if u don't want too
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I'm of very poor health.
I'm 6'3 and 115 pounds and have a whole host of medical issues, which are sort of slowly killing me. I'm in no immediate danger, but if this keeps up, I won't make it to 25, much less 30. So, safe to say if I catch COVID, I'm a goner.
So, until COVID is a non-issue or until I get healthier, I stay inside. It's depressing and people don't ask about it, so I don't often talk about it.
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I'm so sorry that sounds terrible i hope you stay safe
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It's life, a lot of people have it worse, so I have no right to complain.
Besides, this community has given me so much and has made a very positive impact in my life.
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well that good to hear but still i hope you live a long happy life
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Thank you <3
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your welcome