Average Age Range of The DBD Player...

I don't know why but I assumed it was mostly young adults/adults. But this kid had me join his party yesterday and tells me he is 8 years old. 8! So I must be old because if thats normal than that seems crazy to me. Now I'm not asking for all of your ages, but what do you think the average age is?
i'm betting the majority of this game's playerbase is under 18
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I honestly would believe this game has probably the widest variety of player base in all demographics. Mainly because of the ease of gameplay and everybody loves horror.
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Are we talking mentally or physically?
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All I'm saying is people on these forums have assumed I'm like in my 30s when I'm not even 24 yet 🧍
People in this game are a lot younger than you'd think. Which is scary considering the amount of predators that get outed on twitter in this community.
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oh... damn. I might have made some assumptions...
in my defence you seem mature 😅
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I'll take that as a compliment lmao
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I'd reckon around 25.
I'm pushing 50, and I'm still having fun.
That's just the internet.
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I'm 35+ but i do think many are quite young. I would say people are around 12-20 at least how they speak at the end game chat makes me think that.
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35 years old here
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wait, no I'm not, I'm 36
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So we all agree 8 is crazy, right?
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We do, yes.
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I am eight years of age, I have been playing DBD since before kindergarten. I have litetally been running killers longer than I could run myself. I am built different, however. The average age has to be 50 or so because only boomers grew up watching 80's slasher movies.
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The average age range is probably around 12-20, 8 is a crazy number tho
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If I had to guess average range is 12-25
Me personally I'm 23
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You're saying you're not 40???
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I'm definitely on the older end of the player base. FAR on the older end, lol.
My guess would be that the majority of players are in the 21 and under range (college kids and younger). The maturity level of the bulk of the player base, however, feels like it's half that sometimes. 🙄
ETA: Eight seems awfully young to be playing this game, particularly with its horror elements. My friend and I had someone join us one time who was 12, and I thought THAT was crazy young.
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Omg no I'm so much younger
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Yes how is a kid even playing this game lmao. Im 19 so
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That's what I'm saying! Honestly though, I make my cousin sometimes play and he's 9 but he's not really into it. To come across an 8-year old who's asking me, "do you minecraft?" felt so odd/off.
I don't know, based on my cousins I consider ten starting to mature and I consider DBD a mature game and even at ten you are still EXTREMELY immature.
I'm not totally sure I feel comfortable playing against 8-year olds honestly.
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I figured you were younger based on your activity and the manner in which you express yourself. No older person with family and/or kids has the time to be that active unless they hate their life or they’re still living in their mother’s dwelling.
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I wouldn’t either, sounds awkward.
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I'm 27.
I'd say average age in the game is around 16-20.
8 is definitely way too young.
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I'm just pulling your leg.
It's pretty obvious you're younger tbh
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I've met a lot of both underage people, young adults and people in their 30s-40s so I guess the range is quite large.
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Thank god I was terrified I came across as a grumpy old man
The amount of times I've talked about studying on here is getting kinda sad at this point.
Good news, you were right on the younger front but the stereotypical "ugh hate my life" hasn't quite ended yet either
Also trying to decide if that was meant to come across as passive aggressive or not because over text my sleep deprived brain can't tell the difference.
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Hating life is something that never ends sadly
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With the messages I Receive and the complaints I see I would say there under 20..
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Heh. I’m the grumpy old man with chronic pain. I’m sure everything comes across as passive aggressive at that point but hating life is just natural for some, unfortunately. I’ve never been particularly good at life but I’m stubborn so I keep trying.
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One day I'll get to hug a cow and all the hating life will go away just you wait
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Here are some poll results:
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I've always felt like most of the people that I've met on this game were older than me. I can kinda get an idea from their voices and how they talk in dms post match such, and if they ever did share their age, I would learn that they were indeed older than me. Most seem to believe that because of how the community acts that the average is low, but personally I think the (sad) reality is that more often than not it's a full grown man-child sending you salt and complaints behind a screen and coming here to the forums to mald after a bad match. There's just a noticable difference between a child/teen and an adult doing those things. The average age has to at least be higher than that of games like cod, overwatch, fortnite, etc. The slasher theme of the game itself will naturally appeal to 90s kids and older more than 2000s+.
As for my age I will be turning 20 this year :D
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I would be curious to know, honestly. My instincts say it's mostly age 15-25, but whenever I watch streams and such, people skew older than that (which could be because people who got into streaming did it at a certain age, IDK).
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My best guess is that the average age range is 20-30s.
I have 2 SWFs I typically play with. My main SWF ages are 22 (me), 22, 19, and 45.
My secondary SWF is all in their 20s I believe.
I used to play a lot with someone who was 31.
Based off other people I know who play DBD, and TTV's I've seen, they all seem to be in their 20-30s as well.
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I feel like most is around 25-50 from the couple threads similar to this.
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I'm quite curious to see how old people think I am.
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I'm 17 but on xbox I've actually played with bonafide 9 year olds doing xbox party finder
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Im 13, according to people.
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I got told that I play like an 8 year old.
I must admit, I'm not entirely sure what that's supposed to mean.
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I am 32 years old, but I know that the daughter of my cousin plays it with her friends as swf and they are around 14
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This made my day... 🤣
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I'm also 27!
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To be fair. My daughter is 8, turning 9 and she grew up in a gramer houshold - don't get me wrong, we do all the outdoorstuff, but on rainy days or in the evening, when there isn't much time left, she plays Bears can't drift , Paw Pateol, Lego Star Wars, Harry Potter or Catleateral Damage. Or she plays with one of my Sims households and she has a lvl 4 mage in wow. But she can hardly control the Mage or the Sims (click, lock target, move, select spell or action, quickly adjust to new situation, counterspell, repair a broken sink, don't let the food burn, finish homework, shower, go to work, find quest area...). So if this isn't an especially gifted kid that does not have any other hobbies, I guess he was just "kidding"....
Or my daughter just sucks at Wow and Sims, but is doing fine with her games in her age-range.
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I am 45 year old woman. If gender is also important in that poll. Plus I LOVE Horrogames. I love gaming in general. My frustration level is quite low, but I really stay polite in post game chat, if Inhave to say anything at all...
And I only play survivor, to "get out of this s h i t", which most horrorgames is about.
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He got on the mic, he was definitely a baby. My cousins play games like Call of Duty so I guess it shouldn't surprise me but like, the whole reason he added me in the first place because I was his teammate and tbagging him to let me heal him and he thought it was funny. But no way would I have done that if I knew kid was only 8, jesus.
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Im 37. Middle of overall pack age wise.
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I would guess the average is probably about the same as the general average for video games in general which is 18-34. Technically the game has a mature rating so it probably skews out some of the really young crowd with some parents not buying it for their preteen kids. But kids around college age will buy what they want to play regardless.
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My guess is 16-30, but majority of them act like edgy 13 year olds.