Interesting Otz Video - Balance

Waiting for the
"He only plays against bad survivors"
"He must have bad MMR"
"He plays against people who go easy on him because he is their favourite streamer, so they snipe to make it easier"
"I'm not Otz so why should I have to be this good"
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Didn't expect the cringe/non-discussion replies to start so early.
2022 is truly a blessed year.
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Vids of Streamers are only permitted if they fit a certain narrative.
You know, a video of a Streamer who loses one (in numbers: 1) game is allowed, because it shows how survivor-sided this game is.
Same streamer getting 100 4Ks in a role is not relevant, since they are doing it for a living.
I will watch the video later. If the thread is still open, I will give my opinion to it.
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You didn't have to wait long, embarrassing as it is to admit.
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I would have had it posted before his comment too but i mistakenly clicked "New Discussion" instead of post comment, me like big red button me click and not read
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What this video doesn't go into detail about:
- On the perkless runs he had matches that were so bad he couldn't do a damn thing and then the Survivors treated him like dirt in the post game lobby
- He played incredibly sweaty in these matches. INCREDIBLY. He used tunneling and camping exactly when they should be and to their full extent. The kind of things that survivors would and do lose their minds over. Like, he goes into a little detail in this video about it, but you need to watch the matches
- This is a very small set of data, from a killer who is VERSED in EVERY killer. I cannot state that enough. How many people here have every perk on every killer, and has tons of time on all of them? For me, picking up a killer like Blight is not an easy adjustment, I would have to spend several days. Otz can simply lock in the killer and run with it
People rail against this game because the overall experience is painful, not just because survivors are strong, or killers are strong. When people draw large conclusions from small sets of data, it's very unfortunate for the community.
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So this game is good for a killer when you use nuclearn option each game and you tunnel/camp whenever you can (best situation for it).
No #########
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Yeah, he admits he plays as scummy as possible to get the wins... like no ######### bruh?
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Yeah, so when you take someone with more hours than whole other team combined, let him used best possible build with best possible addons with most scummy playstyle to win, he is going to win a lot... wow, so unexpected.
I love Otz, but this was kinda weird imo.
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I was there to watch some of his stream during that time. I still can't bring myself to believe that hes facing survivors of any caliber worth playing against. As they say, you're not a good player simply because you use good perks.
From my memory I dont recall many meta SWFs or even gen rushing. You'll know when you get to high MMR because a lot of their builds will just be copy and paste... I can say for a fact there were a lot of random builds in his games. Almost every survivor had a different build setup.
Yeah I know someone else said they were waiting for it, but the truth is simply in the pudding. If it walks like a duck, and talks like one...
Also I recently watched TrueTalent for a bit. Regardless of his stature as a streamer, his games are, imo, much closer to the reality of higher MMR games. The ones where finding a survivor means losing 2 gens... the one player who openly admits not enjoying killer for that reason.
Somehow Otz has remained the golden child in all of this and we will never know why. You can't seriously tell me that the evidence supporting against him isnt enough to show maybe he actually doesnt play good players. Even less likely that he plays against an entire team of good players.
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No offense to Otz, but this video feels so redundant.
Everything he said could summed up in DBD is heavily RNG-based. First, because the survivor has no idea what killer they are facing, so their loadouts could go one way or another (I.E. Bringing healing perks against Plague/Legion), and on killer side you could opt to not bring any slow down perks and survivors all bring BNPS with prove thyself etc.
I don't understand why people are still under the belief that just because you wanna vibe in a match, your opponent has to also. Certainly I understand that sometimes some things are unfun and others are just unbalanced, but the fact of the matter is that players can play how they feel they want to regardless of the odds being with or against them.
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Hopefully survivors will stop complaining about my tunnelling and camping now that I have the blessings of DBD master Otz
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I believe his main point is that many players claim that the game is fairly balanced with the average survivor, but at high level the game is clearly survivor favored. Otz was trying to show that even at a level like his it’s still in fairly balanced. Now whether or not you agree is another thing, but I think this was what he was trying to show. If not anything else, he was trying to say that your average match is very winnable regardless of killer or build.
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the video isn't really anything new to people who know what they are talking about tbh. Addons, maps, and the general random factor has a heavy sway towards who will win. That said Otz has I think almost or over 8k hours in the game so you would expect someone like him to win the vast majority of his games, so his losses mean a lot more than the average.
Also, it's again very well known that if you play like a "scumbag" that doesn't care about the other side then killers are going to have a much easier time. Same as survivor with SWF and bringing in very meta and complimentary perks with good communication
Another thing to note is that MMR as per the devs explanation on one of their QnAs is that there is a matchmaking MMR cap and as per the very recent dev update they when someone leaves a lobby they will prioritize a speedy replacement instead of a quality replacement so the majority of the time Otz still plays with people that are nowhere near his skill level because if he did only play with his skill level then his queues would be hours long.
I also only ever thought the game was survivor-sided at the highest level and maybe that is skewed too because of how I play which was very "nice" and only using brown or yellow addons or none on the killers I mained.
The biggest problems in DBD balance-wise are each side's nuclear options, meta perks that aren't fun to go against, unfun and unhealthy playstyles being heavily rewarded, and map rng and design. MMR has only made all those problems so much more abundantly obvious and has made enjoying the game pretty difficult especially for veteran players
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The underlying premise is what I've been preaching to all my fellow killer mains: if you play to win, you will still win (3k or better) most of the time. I'm what I believe to be a high mmr exclusive Freddy main. I use the same full hex build every round. I completely ignore the survivor rule book and will do whatever I feel is necessary to win. I'm very competitive by nature, so I find fun in trying to win. Are there rounds where I get destroyed? of course. But I would have lost to those teams before MMR too. More killers should start to play like they didn't have some mythical reputation to uphold to avoid the wrath of survivors.
That being said, do I think the game is balanced? Not at all. Between bad maps, boons, swf etc. the killer experience is not fun for most people. Especially those who don't want the game to feel like every match is a tournament match. But remember, it's not a tournament match (and most survivors are not tournament caliber players). Play without self imposed restrictions and the kills will follow (doesn't mean fun will follow though).
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I love this, you see a video from Otz, a very obvious killer and he's blasted in the comments for not going against good survivors or redundant info or something
Then you post a video from Tru3 where he loses 3 gens in the first couple of minutes but ends with a 4K and it'll be "the game is unbalanced" "survivors op" all over the comments
Y'all are odd sometimes.
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He has a good point in ending.
Don't complain about side, complain about main issue that is stopping you from enjoying this game.
But otherwise you, those results are nothing unexpected.
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I watched him on Twitch. He camped and tunnelled so hard. He was so sweaty. If this is way to play DbD, we all can get this stats. But question, is this fun? No.
We wanna fair and fun games as killer. Not this.
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And again, everytime someone post an Otzdarva video to demostrate anything I say the same thing: Otzdarva is a really good killer player, how much percentage of killers are that good? about 5% and being generous? The main proof of his skill is his average 3.15 kills with not perks and no addons. Do you know a lot of killers achieving that in a big sample of games? Also, if I didn't miss anything he is playing sweaty in all his experiments (tunneling, camping and slugging) except in the "Mr Niceguy build" ones, making the video demostrate even less, because playing like that is not fun for either side.
For average or average-to-good killer players the game is clearly survivor sided mostly due two broken perks (DH and CoH) and a lot of unbalanced maps aggravated with the high use of map offerings (The Game, Haddonfield, Badham, Mother Dwelling, Ormond, most of the Coldwinds, one of the Autoheavens, and maybe I'm forgetting some).
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its not just that he is saying get on his level. he is effectively claiming that he is #1 killer player in the entire world indirectly. his video is a mockery to every other killer that loses with 4 perks and add-ons. Many of killers that I face in soloq are like getting 1-3 hooks with like 1 kill or 0 kill. He is also mocking survivors in humiliation in saying that they can't beat him.
Massive brainwashing video.
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this was amazing because it proved that people who complain about balance just need to fix their skill issue
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What are you talking about? He's just sharing his findings. And, yeah, he's better than most killer players. Especially the forum whiners. But still, his point is valid. Perhaps not as valid when he's playing no perks, but when you're in the mindset of sweating beyond reason with the most stacked build on an already stacked killer and employing the sweatiest strats possible, the only one to blame for your loss is you. There is no variance caused by RNG in his stats regarding the full-sweat builds (Well, with the sample he has anyway), which means no survivor team was able to best him, and most coming extremely short on gens.
Also, some people talk about the quality of survivors he's facing. It's insane that it has to be articulated again as if common sense is a novel concept in this forum. Otz plays at peak hours, when most people play, so the variety he gets will inevitably be more wild than TrueTalent's batch as he played midday, when most people are at work and those playing are usually people that spend a lot of time on video games. It doesn't make Otz's stats any less valuable, because ultimately most people will be playing at the same hours he is with a similar pool of survivors and skill-range despite MMR.
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It's not about a video, or even one instance of gameplay ... the level of play in those games are vastly different. When Otz can injure and down survivors before they even finish a single generator it speaks volumes against the level of players people are expecting to see
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I do love the classic "but otz plays this game for a living" excuse immediately juxtaposed with "we should balance this game at high level." So not high level, just high level that agrees with your view. K.