Yet Another FNAF Chapter Concept

- Making this cause I had a minor revival of my fnaf phase, and I kinda want a chapter for some reason now. Another thing is that I've been wanting a survivor who isn't exactly human for a long time, and I know there will be some continuity errors, so take my creative trash as a grain of salt.
- Springtrap's lore may be inaccurate, mostly because I tried to compile as much important information possible into a paragraph of lore, so point out errors in it, but also don't bash me too much if I did miss anything. Hope you understand and thanks.
- These are all concepts, meaning that they can be changed, I highly encourage feedback from you guys
Survivor: Glamrock Freddy / Freddy Fazbear (who i like to call Frank)
Description: A benevolent and fatherlike animatronic, Glamrock Freddy's perks allow him to boost the morale of himself and his team and to prevail through different obstacles.
Lore: Programmed and built to bring joy to the world and the young children in it, Freddy Fazbear lead a simple life as an animatronic working at the pizzaplex. While there was downsides and changes, such as losing his closefriend Bonnie and the malfunctions he experienced, he always preserved himself and made sure everyone, including himself, was alright. This life flipped upside down when he malfunctioned and shutdown during a preformance, and awoke to a lost boy named Gregory, who needed to escape the pizzaplex. Amost immediately after they met, Freddy promised to the child that he would help him find a way out. Along their journey, Freddy found himself questioning his purpose, and his place in the world. As he adorned himself in his friends parts, and grew closer to Gregory, these thoughts grew, and he started to actually feel things, things that were beyond his programming. Every time he equipped a piece of his friends, he felt guilty. Every time he was separated by Gregory, he felt lonely. Every time Gregory was in danger, he felt fear. Every time he was with Gregory, he felt love, as if he was his son. Every time he thought about getting Gregory out, he felt DETERMINATION. By the end of their journey, and they defeated the man in the basement, Freddy felt whole. He was able to help a child survive the night, stop the disappearances from happening again, and feel real emotions. Just as they were going to drive off in a van and into the dawn, a black fog started to surround Freddy as he was getting into the back of the van. He tried to shout for Gregory using Chica's voice but came to no avail. He couldn't see, even with Roxy's eyes, and he couldn't latch onto with Monty's claws. Then, as the fog slowly eased up, he saw people dying, people who needed help, his help. He saw monsters putting people on hooks, and it drained the life out of them. He so desperately wanted to go back to Gregory, run away with him, and be his guardian, his father, but knew he couldn't. These people needed him, needed his protection, his love. Realizing he new purpose, he was filled to the brim with DETERMINATION, and marched into the darkness.
- My Superstar: You see the potential in others that others disregard. When you are within 16 meters of the obsession, you and the obession gain a 10% / 12.5% / 15% to all actions. If you or the obsession are injured, dying, or hooked, you gain an extra 5%. Decreases your chances of becoming the obsession.
"Way to go Superstar! I knew you could do it!"
-Glamrock Freddy
- Recharge: For time where you need a quick recovery. Every time you work on a gen for 20 seconds, or unhook a survivor, Recharge gains a token with a max of 4 tokens. If you are affected by any status effects, press the active ability button to remove all current status effects and consume a token. Recharge can only be used every 40/35/30.
"Consider it a Second Wind"
-Glamrock Freddy
- Boon: Parts & Service: A boon that is the beacon for craftsmanship. Press and hold the active ability button near a dull or hex totem to bless it and make it a boon totem. Survivors within the boon totem have their items replenished by 60%/70%/80% if they are in the range of the totem for 10 seconds.
"Routine maintenance! I'm functioning much more better... now. Hmm. Grammar function error. Perhaps I am still not at peak performance."
-Glamrock Freddy
New Killer: The Springtrap / The Entombed
A mechanical killer, the Springtrap uses its power to slow the progression of the game and provides a technical mean of killing his prey. His perks provide a safety net for mistakes and increase his efficiency in the chase.
Lore: A man born with madness, William Afton was a clever individual, with a natural knack for mechanical engineering. When he met his friend and future business partner, Henry Emily, he saw an opportunity for wealth and success for the both of them. This partnership birthed Fredbear's Family Diner, a pizzeria that witnessed the birth of animatronics, electro-mechanical robots that could perform for the customers of Fredbear's Family diner. Henry and William could enter the animatronic suits known as Fredbear and Spring Bonnie and pass around food, or they could leave them on autopilot for stage preformance. While it was fun, it did come with a danger: the springlocks in the animatronic suits could fatally wound them. As time went by, it became obvious to William that they needed to grow and create more characters for their business, but he wasn't sure how he could bring the authenticity to the characters. Then, the madness within him birthed a though: why not use child? He almost immediately went to work, and when the time came, he lured a young girl to the backrooms, killed her, and used her as the first animatronic with a child in it, Chica. As time passed, he killed another four children and made four other animatronics: Foxy, Bonnie, Freddy, and Golden Freddy, which launched Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. He also created his own business, Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental, where the animatronics there were specifically made to kill, but the public started to catch on to the disappearances of the children, and Henry was becoming suspicious of William. These suspicions caused Freddy Fazbear's Pizza to close, along with Fredbear's Family Diner. Then tragedy struck when he lost his daughter to the main Circus animatronic, Circus Baby, who lured her with ice cream and killed her when she was alone. To prevent losing any more of his kids, he used high frequencies to give his son, Evan, hallucinations, and allowed his eldest son, Michael, to bully him and invoke a fear of animatronics into Evan. But nothing could've prepared him for the loss of Evan, who had his head crushed when he was pushed into Fredbear's mouth. Having lost everything that had meaning to him, he killed Henry's daughter, Charlotte, out of spite, and tampered with the toy animatronics at the new Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Some time passed, and now being completely disconnected from his old friend, and hateful of his son Michael, he returned to the third Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, but was met with suprise when he saw the victims of who he murdered as ghosts, who now wanted him dead. In an attempt to protect himself, he jumped into the old Spring Bonnie suit. However, all he met was his demise, when the springlocks in the suit reverted to their original position, crushing and piercing his body. As he was left to die by the spirits of the children, all he felt was agony and rage. Yet, in this punishing fate, he made a revelation: what he was feeling was keeping him alive. He was killed once, and he wouldn't let it happen again. Michael, in a similar state, came back to kill his father in a fire, but failed. So, with the help of William's old friend, Henry, they both devised a trap to not only finish the job but set all of the children free. When the day came, they lured all the animatronics to an old Fazbear's Pizza, and set it aflame, releasing all of the children from their purgatory of pain and giving them freedom, and even killed William. Michael, feeling his job was complete, allowed himself to die in the fire. Yet, something inside William remained. Rage, agony, and hatred. He still needed to kill more, and he wanted to keep on going, he wanted to live. Then, in his dying moments, he saw a black fog envelope him. It offered him something, an opportunity to continue. Something in William lit up, and he grinned, accepting the offer. Then, he was able to move. He grabbed a fireaxe that layed next to him, and set out to do his job
Power: Springlocks
What was once something William saw as a prison is now a method of torture. When close to a pallet, window, or generator, press and hold the activate ability to give it the locked status effect. Anyone who interacts with a locked object will gain the locked status effect, and the item that was once locked will lose the status effect. This will hinder their speed by 10% for 10 seconds. Survivors who are locked will be unable to interact with other objectives or loops that are locked and will have a 5% decrease to gen and healing speeds. If a survivor is in the dying state and they are afflicted with the locked status effect, use the activate ability button to cause them to be shutdown. The survivor will be held in a springlock prison, which counts as hook states. The auras of the springlock prisons will not be shown to you, but other survivors will be able to see the aura of it. Any survivor can set free the survivor that is imprisoned, and survivors that are locked will lose this status effect if they unhook the survivor. Once the survivor is freed, the springlock prison will turn into a station. Locked survivors can interact with these stations for 10 seconds to free themselves of the status effect. If a dying survivor has the locked status effect and is on death hook, press the activate ability when you are close to them activate springlock reset, which will kill the survivor.
- Shutdown: You know where to hit them where it hurts. Every time you turn a healthy survivor injured, they are afflicted with the Broken status effect for 60 seconds. Shutdown can only be activated every 60/50/40 seconds.
"I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER! Suffer like so many of the others."
-William Afton
- Scourge Hook: Remnant: You will make sure they feel what you feel. At the start of the trial, four hooks become scourge hooks. The auras of scourge hooks are highlighted in white. Hooking a survivor on a scourge hook will give them the broken status effect for 40/50/60 seconds once they are unhooked and will give them a 10% healing speed decrease when healing other survivors until they are fully healed.
"Suffer, like all who have stood before me."
-William Afton
- Hex: Backup Plan: When things aren't going well, you make sure you have a safety net. Every time 50% of a generator is done, Hex: Backup plan gains a token, up to a maximum of 3/4/5 tokens. You can consume a token using the activate ability button to cause the survivors aura to be revealed to you for 6 seconds, or when you kick a gen, the gen will regress an extra 10%. If totem is broken, you will keep the tokens you have, but you will not be able to gain any more tokens.
"You will not be spared. You will not be saved."
-William Afton
End note: This took me four hours, hope you enjoyed, and criticism is highly appreciated.
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The FNAF phase never truly goes away, does it.
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In reality, it was always there, resting, waiting