Survivors need to be capped at 2-man squads.
There, I said it, hate me if you want but 3-man squads are hell for the last player and 4-man squads are hell for the killer.
2-man squads still allows for cooperation and nice plays without overwhelming the killer while the 2 randoms (which will probably be another 2-man squad in high MMR if this game thought me something) can also have agency and won't feel left behind when the 3-man now usually bands together and helps each other while you're left hanging on the hook.
Hate me too but I agree. (That being said, I'm biased because I'm solo.)
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I'm already capped at 1-man because I don't have friends ForeverAlone.jpg
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I don’t hate you for saying that, I get it. But do you really want to kill the game?
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Welcome to the club.
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SWF is a problem, yes, but punishing people for having friends would kill the game
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As much as I dislike SWF, this isn't the right way to balance it. You can't punish players for wanting to play with their friends.
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I like to play with friends. We aren't the best squad out there but most games come extremely easy and unfair it feels like. I think an alternative would be to balance it.. Maybe a base gen regression throughout the game. Or just simple added game mechanics depending on your party.
Two or less SWF = Base mechanics
Three SWF = Longer generator repair speed | Ruin is permanent, etc...
Full SWF = Exponentially longer generator repair speeds | Ruin is permanent, etc...
Just throwing out ideas. But I think this would be the best balance to the system. Quite frankly if they remove SWF it will kill a lot of the population so they would never do it. But they could definitely balance it by adding game rules for it.
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League of Legends punished them in ranked, before you could go in as a 3 or 4 man, then they changed ranked to either "solo" or "duo queue" or 5 man which get put ONLY vs other 5 man squads.
They realized the problem wasn't the game, but the amount of cooperation premade teams could have and how oppressive it can be.
In DBD the LACK of knowledge on the survivors side is what keeps them balanced, that's why 4 man squads are so oppressive towards killers, that's why you don't just see all generator auras, all survivor auras and the killer aura as a survivor, to deny information, which means BY DESIGN the game is balanced around lack of information, but a good 4 man squad basically has all auras active at all times, they constantly make call-outs about things. They basically all have Kindred and a few other perks that solo players MUST equip in order to be useful.
It sure sucks to not play with all your friends, I too play with 3 other friends on occasion, 2 of them are pretty much beginners when it comes to gaming in general and we still win most games because of how important information is in this game.
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As I've said in the comment above, the problem with SWF is that 4 players basically have Kindred and a few other perks active AT ALL TIMES. That's the issue, that's why SWFs are dominating, because information in this game is literally THAT powerful, there's a reason perks like Kindred exist, game is balanced around that lack of information that you need to patch with perks.
There's only 2 ways of fixing SWFs, either make ALL the information available to a full SWF squad with communication available by default to solos (this will require a COMPLETE game re-balance from the ground up, terror radius removed, etc). OR you remove the ability for full 4 man SWFs (also 3 man SWFs because being the solo in a 3 man SFW squad feels horrible) and just leave them 2-man.
This will immediately improve high MMR games, it won't do much in low MMRs because even with the info, 4-man squads in low MMR don't act properly for that to matter so killers there won't see a change. However high MMR killers and solo players will see a MASSIVE improvement in the quality of their games.
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Yeah no....
It would be dumb to do this from seller's perspective. You want players to bring their friends. Why would you limit it?
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Read the comment right above this, information is too powerful, getting Kindred + several other perks for free without equipping them is why 4 man SWFs are so oppressive.
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It doesn't matter.
I don't even think that is the best part about SWF. Best thing is that you chose who you play with and basically ignore match-making. Free info is good too of course.
But you want more players and letting players play together helps that a lot. That has nothing to do with balancing.
It would be better to give more info for soloQ, which they are going to do as announced in dev's update. When is gap between SWF and soloQ smaller, it will be easier to deal with balancing killer vs survivors.
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SWF should be eliminated. Better a good game with a small playerbase than a bad game with a larger one
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Exactly, as much as I hate it as I do play with 3 other friends, it's a necessary evil to ensure the game won't need MASSIVE changes to stomp the strength of SWFs, so the game gets to keep its identity at the cost of losing 4 and 3 man squads.
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Not every team is a death squad so I disagree with this suggestion, I'd rather get a reward of extra blood points for facing a swf, in the endgame it should reveal who was a team and then base the bonus off of a percentage, solos who know what they're doing are better than some of the 4 man squads out there it's pretty mind boggling how bad people are at this game on both sides almost 6 years into the game
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The game will still be a 4 v 1. Gameplay isn't changing, just the ability to create a party 4 will be limited to a party of 2.
Just like how League of Legends did a few years ago when they realized they had the EXACT same issue DBD is facing now, 3-4 man ranked squads were winning way too many games so they limited it to either solo/duo queue, and even then duo queues get matched with other duo queues, they NEVER get put vs solos because even 2 people with good communication in a team of 5 can carry the game vs the other team, DBD is not that carriable by only 2 people, thus the reason why a 2 people party would fix SWFs in high MMR, much easier for a killer to hook someone when there isn't a flashlight blinding him, a dude body-blocking the hook while another sabotages the hook.