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Removing DH would actually improve the game

EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Obviously they wont remove it but definitely a balance to the perk would do wonders for the game health as both roles.

DH should be used to simply avoid a hit, not to gain distance.

Atm DH is used 3+ times in each of my matches, it is never used to avoid a hit but to correct a mistake at a loop and they use it for distance or they misjudged the distance or number of rotations they could do on a loop and use DH for distance.

DH requires no setup like other exhaustion perks, does not require a vault or a hight for it to be used, sprint burst requires people to 99 it which reduces efficiency etc. So DH is the only one that can be used at any loop to correct mistakes or be used to make it to loops.

So why would removing or changing DH be good for the game?

Survivor: too many survivors rely and used DH, a change would shift up the meta and make the other used more often. It would stop alot of survivors feeling safe due to a second chance on command. If a survivor cant rely on this perk it would not only show more skill but would make survivor a little more interesting and suspenseful.

Killer: you now have more control, if you play well at loops etc. You will get your hit and not be beaten by a perk. While good players can still beat you if you arent up to their skill you have a chance to outplay them, it allows you to take advantage of miss plays.

My opinion: would be the best decision, if you want to run DH to avoid actual hits then great, you timed that DH to avoid my hatchet? Good one! But we cant reply on it and be safe. Being injured is slightly more of a threat now

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    No. I want my crutch.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    And that's an issue lol

    I just want the distance removed tbh. I dont care if they time a DH to dodge a ranged attack but it shouldn't be used on every loop to correct a mistake or when I outplay you to just counter it by a perk.

  • CrashMADDS13
    CrashMADDS13 Member Posts: 302

    I would take back old Ds for getting rid of dead hard. Hell, you can take ruin from killers for dead hard. Take bbq, take corrupt, i don't care, take them all for getting rid of dead hard.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Removing Dead Hard is overkill. It could possibly stand a nerf though, I could see it losing its invulnerability frames and still being used for example. (I did a poll last month and almost all the people who use Dead Hard regularly said they'd still use it just for the lunge distance it gives even if they could take damage during it.)

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Make Dead Hard 2 different perks.

    Perk 1: You can dash forward, but still be wounded if you are hit. So 0 I-frames.

    Can be used while Healthy.

    Can be used once.

    Perk 2: You 'weave' left or right, with i-frames, but don't actually move. (Basically, you're dodging the attack like a boxer ducking or weaving). This can be done mid-run without cancelling the run. This gives you i-frames, but no extra distance. If the Killer hits you during your i-frames; he still goes on attack-cooldown.

    Can only be used while injured.

    Can be used twice.

    Boom, now you have 2 choices:

    Do you want a perk that can get you to the next pallet/window/loop?


    Do you want a perk that can net you avoidance from 1 attack?

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I said this in a post a while ago and people both loved and hated it. (You can guess who hated it)

    Remove all Perks and Items from the game for 48 hours. This includes add-ons, doing this you would truly see. Killers keep thier base powers.

    1. True Skills would be shown and those who rely on crutch perks should be knocked down a few pegs showing their "skill" was nothing more than a perk or item.

    2. Will show where things truly need to be fixed. Will show if certain perks are too strong where perks are too weak. Will show how broken maps and what needs to be fixed.

    3. Will show what Killers need Buffs, QoL changes, and Nerfs.

  • BirdSpirit
    BirdSpirit Member Posts: 186

    I just want the distance removed tbh

    I was thinking this. It would still be a decent perk.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    for m2 killers would make it easy AF indeed, more than alrady is

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    I use lithe, delete the perk if you want i don’t really care. Delete no mither too and it’s a deal

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    To be fair it is confirmed by the bug report team to be bugged as its not meant to eat killer powers(Such as nemesis's whip not breaking pallets if dead harded) or lunges(normal or alt as pig/demo's) as it currently does.

    So a temp removal aka kill switching it until its fixed would be a fair compromise.

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 541
    edited January 2022

    I can tell you guys right now, I would much rather deal with dead hard then sprintburst anyday . 99ing sprintburst will be the new meta and I promise everyone who wants deadhard nerfed wish it didn’t..

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    DH does require you to be in the proper position to use it.

    Why would you ever use it in the middle of nothing or against a wall?

    I get you don't like the perk, but you are incorrect with that portion.

  • Snow_Lep
    Snow_Lep Member Posts: 305

    Dead Hard working properly and avoiding a hit was common. It was worse

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    Look - Im in solo q and I'm still not good.

    I need my crutch because because in solo q you will be hooked once because ur team ain't ever unhooking you.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    I Have played some games in a row where mostly only 1 Survivor played DH and the Games feeled so Good

    Than i hv played 4 Games in a Row whit 3 or 4 Survivors use Dead Hard and i hv Instant Take a break of the Game

    The Perk is so Busted and Need to be done. It destroy Killer gameplay. Survivors doesnt even need it to Escape ist just Ruin the Fun for Killers

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981
    edited January 2022

    Well yes, however please also talk about the next step: Encouraging survivors to loop Killers in a different way and not just hold shift+w to escape them. DH is an issue a crutch but you know which flaw it covers and as such you need to think one step ahead when demanding a removal: You need to think about how to remove the core issue here.


    When you remove Dead Hard you need to give survivors a reason to loop the Killer and not just take Sprint Burst or Overcome to hold shift+w. This in itself if problematic as you have to address each and every Killer who has an "anti-loop"-ability and think about their counterplay with Dead Hard gone.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    If you remove the distance though wouldn't you still be able to smack em down right after? I main Twins and use Charlotte to down and as it is usually when people dead hard they I down them a few second later anyways unless they made it to a vault, maybe she's just a faster character but yeah, without the distance I'm imagining the survivor dodging the hit and then me hitting them down immediately after because they'd still be right in front of me? I don't understand how i-frames and stuff like that works if someone could explain to me :$

  • YukiShiori21
    YukiShiori21 Member Posts: 46

    DH provides distance and invinsible and mistake correction, and that's a huge problem on the risk/ reward aspect. No other exsaution perks can do this much. SB and Lithe can mostly provides distance, but DH is way too powerful to do more. The most efficent way to use this is hold it after a few loop and rotate, use it right before being close to another pallet and activate it to avoid damage and get some distance and drop the pallet and maybe stun the killer. One perk can do these much is defintely broken. And all the above already happened before the validation, so the problems go big.

    My suggestion: get rid of either the invinciblity or the distance. Remove the perk seems a little aggressive, but some tunes are really needed.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Actually I said DH requires no setup and can be used at any loop. You cant use any exhaustion except SB in the open. The issue is they can use it at any loop to correct a miss play, and they use it for the distance never to dodge.

    Well they would never remove a perk like I said and it's the actual distance thing that's the unfair and unfun part.

    It seems kinda stupid to me that if a killer mindgames and outplays the survivor they can just press a button to make it to X pallet. Its basically 0 counter and we nerf killers so survivors have gameplay. Imagine out playing a killer and they press a button for a free down, youd be outraged.

    While some loops are stupid (god pallets) some are fine and just need a small adjustment, for example changing every jungle gym to the size of the one on goddeon would be a great improvement

  • hex_memes
    hex_memes Member Posts: 52

    I rather go against 2016 brand new part then going Against current DH

    Old brand new part is more fair then current DH

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    Removing cheaters would actually improve the game. *Cough cough*

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I play solo Q too, and sure some games you get put with people you think are brand new with no idea but I get alot of games where the killer barely gets any hooks.

    Press X button to correct a mistake or being outplayed ain't much fun or fair, imagine if you outplay a killer and he can press X button for a free down... same thing just different sides

    SB takes more to setup though, the basically cant 99 it and do gens. They also run the risk of trying to run as far as possible to waste time but end up in a dead zone.

    99 SB takes more skill, co-ordination and just wastes their time to get it setup unlike DH. If 99 SB was so good and easy youd see that, but I can assure you while there will be a few that can do it well most matches it won't be 4 players and not everyone will be able to do it so easily especially efficiently

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Distance, that's what makes it so strong. I think timing to avoid a hit is fine even if it's a ranged hit. But pressing a button when outplayed to correct it doesnt seem fair and is a huge issue imo.

    DH distance is often extending most chases, even if we say only 50% are done right that's still 6 DH minimum that worked (1 DH per hook state, 3x4=12, 12÷2=6) 6 extended chases where it would of been a down, hell you can say only 25% work that's still 3 times you have outplayed someone and had your down taken away due to press X button. Extended chases can easily range from 15seconds+

    I know iv used DH and lasted an insane amount of extra time due to the distance it gave me, some have lead into 60+seconds chases

  • hex_memes
    hex_memes Member Posts: 52

    I think that they should


    and reduce the distance by 50% or to reduce the distance so when you bait DH as nurse u can charge for 0.5s u down them

    And add After DHing it would give you incapacitated status for 5s so when u DH u can't immediately vault or drop a pallet and that would give the perk SKILL so u have to pre DH when u want to loop

    And they should remove validation and improve the server instead

  • Miguel_Da_Epic
    Miguel_Da_Epic Member Posts: 7

    Don't you dare talk smack about monstrous shrine, it's the best perk for killers.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I personally believe once Dead Hard is nerfed the killers will start to give hate to Sprint Burst and Overcome.

    I would like dead hard to give "permanent exhaustion" after it's used. Make it a 1 time use per game. I just don't think you can nerf the perk in any other way without completely killing it.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Just the distance, you can still use the immunity to avoid ranged attacks so huntress, DeathS, Pyramid, Pinhead, trickster, artist. And then you can use it on trapper traps, blights if done towards them and even nurse as she will enter fatigue after you dodge the swing.

    But let's say it kills DH (which it wont) you said 2 perks would replace it, that's already than 1 perk better than all.

    Overcome requires you to be healthy, meaning if they want use from it they have to heal (waste some time)

    SB, you can bait it out and doesnt help at loops. You can 99 sure but you cant do gens while 99 so efficiency isnt as good.

    Other perks have requirements or drawbacks, DH doesnt really have that. Removing distance would make it more situational and in line with others imo

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Nah just the ######### that a large number of people on one side or the other ######### despise like I'd be fine with the removal or complete reworking of NOED too, if it's not fun to go against why is it in the game

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Bubba isn't fun to go against, should we remove a whole character then?

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    People dont see it that way, people assume because you're one sided off one comment.

    I personally want to discourage camping and tunneling alot, sadly till the games balance is a bit better it's on the back burner atm. I dont blame killers doing when I know they BS they have to deal with

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I like going against bubba though, he has alot of counters and isnt that strong. Dont even see him much :(

  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    If dh got removed you would see everyone run Sprint burst or overcome instead

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I dont mind him either, but there are a lot of people who seem to dislike him. The point is that things shouldnt be removed, just reworked.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    If you scroll up abit I replied to someone else with the same comment, you'll see how DH can still be used and simple draw backs to other perks.

    From my experience as playing him and versing him with other players people tend to hate him due to his insta downs and punishing nature due to miss plays.

    If you farm a hook, or run into the open he will punish you for it. Basically it's why hes called a noob stomper.

    I did say in the OP the change aspect as well as in other comments how I just want the distance gone and that's the issue.

  • hex_memes
    hex_memes Member Posts: 52

    No thats wrong I don't mind going against these perks

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Honestly never see them anyway lol, be nice to see different perks used for a change

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I believe it will kill dead hard because I don't see a good nerf except the one I suggested. Removing the distance will just make it look like the killer missed a hit and not tell them was it a dead hard or not. If they remove the invulnerability then it'll fully kill the perk.

    Sprint Burst is already quite annoying on all killers without mobility and range attacks. Plus all the top players will learn to just perfectly 99% it. Overcome I don't think will be as bad as Sprint Burst but still I think people will give it a bunch of #########. Plus in the Circle Of Healing meta, being healed isn't difficult.

    Well damn I must be wrong. If your saying I'm wrong then I must be 100% wrong with that whole post.

    Well if the devs try to nerf dead hard I'll say they're wrong and they won't do anything lol

  • Katana314
    Katana314 Member Posts: 9

    I've been playing a lot of killer recently. I wouldn't necessarily say that DH is overpowered, but I kind of start to get the hate. To be clear, I at least recognize that as a survivor, it can actually be a lot of fun - even if that fun is at the killer's expense a little bit.

    I recognize that things like Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, or even BBQ/Chili's auras, are built in to discourage un-fun behavior; negating the rewards for a killer that just crutches on following the unhookers. I can even say perks like Unbreakable and Circle of Healing are designed to reward/punish certain behaviors. Unbreakable punishes too much reliance on slugging, while COH punishes killers that don't search for the totems at all (not that I think COH is balanced in its current state - I at least recognize the *idea*). While other exhaustion perks reward finding parts of the map to use as obstacles, Dead Hard kind of rewards you for doing little to nothing. (I haven't played with/against Overcome enough to decide on its end, though). It leads to all killers having to wait out the Dead Hard anytime they're trying to attack someone that's injured.

    To reiterate though, Dead Hard CAN be fun on survivors. So if it's to be kept there, and I think it should be, then I'd like to come up with a way of treating it as a reward for good play, or a punishment for bad killer decisions - not a crutch that makes you more effective for free.

    So, my idea for Dead Hard would be actually not quite a nerf - it would be a BUFF in particular situations - situations that I'm thinking a lot of people agree the killer should avoid.

    When you are in a chase with the killer, Dead Hard begins charging. It takes 40 seconds to charge. When Dead Hard is fully charged, and when you are not Exhausted, press E to dash forward yada yada. (You do NOT become exhausted in doing so). Anytime you are out of chase with the killer, Dead Hard steadily loses charge.

    The idea here is to punish killers that just go after one survivor and do not switch targets. It rewards the play of a survivor that can loop the killer continuously, and it also makes Dead Hard more predictable. You may still have situations where you're forced into a long chase with someone, and must "bait out the dead hard" when you finally catch them at a dead zone. But, if you've come at them when they don't expect you, and the chase has only been 10 seconds, you know for a fact that they don't have Dead Hard.

    This also means that if a killer goes only after ONE PERSON the whole game (the Twitch streamer, doy) then that person's successful looping gives them a better survival chance - that 40 seconds will keep recharging as long as the chase continues. If that killer can't shorten chases with their power, or predict the Dead Hard, even with Bloodlust, they'll never catch them.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2022

    once you stop running DH and improve at the game, you understand why exactly it's unnecessary and way too strong. i almost never use it anymore and am very happy without it.

    there are genuinely a lot of fun and useful survivor perks and builds, but nobody realizes that because everyone has to spam DH every single game. and why wouldn't you, if you wanna run the best build you can? it's just not healthy.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Well, i'd say most people have a problem with his insane ability to camp, and sure if they were able to remove his ability to camp so effectively without affecting the rest of his kit I'd be fine with that and to any other killer that people hate going against like twins then I'd agree that they need reworking too

  • X36
    X36 Member Posts: 14

    I do agree. As much as I never want to see the perk again, I kinda would make it at least, remove the i-frames. Removing it leaves David to be the only one with 2 perks.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    The distance I feel is the bigger impact, i get the i frames can be annoying but its only as bad due to the distance it gives as well.

    I dont really want the perk removed though, just nerf the distance. Would give other perks a chance to be meta as well and a range of perks used is always good