Devs has any thing been nerfed or reworked to dead hard and boons

I was wondering is there any changes to circle of healing and to dead hard?
Lol no. Just future solo survivor buffs and killer nerfs. Devs won't be satisfied with the game until there's a 4 escape average
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I will most definitely only beplaying bubba just to facecamp now. I don't care anymore. Just to release some tension lol
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And you ignore the Buffs for Killers?
Just because I am curious - why do people bring up DH? I can understand Circle of Healing, since this would be the timeframe for changes of things from the Pinhead-Chapter and the Mikaela-Chapter. But DH is thrown in randomly why this Perk should receive change in exactly this one Midchapter.
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Omg please quit whining and making false assumptions. It’s getting incredibly annoying.
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Because dead hard on killer sight give you false information..Hitting but get denied because of server hit validation and the general issue with the desync..and people can use macro for auto cant predict that because even you are really really close to them they hit the button and get a validated server dh non-hit. thats for many people so frustrating.
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Killers will continue to quit, survivor will wait 30 min to bully a killer, getting tunnel and facecamp payng karma for devs not nerfing Op broken survivor stuff, and let the game dyng. When they will nerf facevamo and give nothing in return to killer and VHS come out wil be the Last nail in the coffin.
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Bad reading comprehension. I am asking why it should be nerfed in this exact Midchapter-Patch.
Cheating for Auto-DH is not a problem with the Perk itself, it is a problem with Cheating.
The false information are also not really a problem, because the Hit was not meant to it. If they would remove those false information, you would still not get a hit, just not the false information. And I even doubt that it will ever be possible to remove those information, since the Devs want to have instant feedback.
The only thing which is not correct with DH currently is that it eats some Killer Powers. And this has been acknowledged and apparently it is being worked on.
For the function itself - for someone who was around before Dedicated Servers, the Perk functions as it should be (minus the things I mentioned above). But Killers got used to getting many hits they should not have gotten because the Survivor was exhausted on the ground.
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Boons were literally nerfed on release lmaoo
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No I read the post asking if they have EVER been nerfed or touched, didn't know they were asking if they were being touched in this update.
Either way it doesn't affect me, I still play fine.
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Boons will never be nerfed.
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Bingo. Survivor biased devs galore.