Is removing Bubba's masks can really prevent the hateful behaviors?

Firstly, I don't support any hateful or unsportable behaviors ingame. For me, game is the place for getting fun after works.

But I really concern about some points after reading the recent dev notes:

  • Do you really think the BMs can not find other ways to spread the their hatefulness?
  • If I play some killer likes Spirit / Oni / Trickster, should I hook or sacrifice Jack / Feng / Yun-Jin or any Asian related survivors?
  • If I play as Feng / Jack / Claudette / Elodie / Tapp / Adam / Yun-Jin, may I report someone who camped me as racist behavior? Will they get banned?
  • Will I get banned if I miss to mention any PoC or Asian killers or survivors on above points
  • 6000 iri shards compensation, wow, so generous. We literally lost 4 pieces of cosmetic in-game, one piece might cost 400 auric cells. So with 6000 shards, may we buy any single piece of Bubba's cosmetic as a COMPENSATION? And hold on, can we use iri shard to purchase license content?

Tbh, I think the report system is the first thing which should be improved than any other.



  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Easy way to answer this is how many people knew this was a thing? However, this will not prevent hateful behavior at all since the people who do it will still do it and there's still no meaningful report system to curve the problem. Also, I don't know why but the actual toxic behavior is being defended when you got people saying "just don't let it get to you" and such.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    I'll be honest, I've never seen a single one of the earnable bubba cosmetics, ever in my whole time playing.

    I strongly question anybody that says they've run into 'so many' bubbas wearing claudette's face to be racist.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    It's weird that BHVR punishes everyone for the actions of a few racists.

  • gelukrait
    gelukrait Member Posts: 172

    I got your point, but:

    • Cosmetics do not have any impact in term of gameplay, the BM can not take advantage to do a racist behavior.
    • As my first PoV, there always will be a way for them to continue their hateful behaviors.
    • Please don't suggest us to cut-off metaphor content that being used to spread BM's hatefulness.
    • So which one should be cut out of the game next? All killers and survivors in different races?
  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    This is sound reasoning and all, but where does it end? If it continues happening, are you going to go to all the stores in your area and demand they stop selling eggs? Go to all the farmers where the eggs come from and tell them to start raising other animals?

    You can't ever stop these things in their entirety and all you do by removing things like this is show them that what they were doing really bothered you. So then they'll KEEP doing it. By any avenues left to them, and likely more vehemently than ever. Nothing infuriates people like this more than your indifference.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,603


  • Trevize
    Trevize Member Posts: 27
    edited January 2022

    Thanks they don't remove Leatherface.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
  • YuisPinkBob
    YuisPinkBob Member Posts: 353

    Going through this point by point:

    "Do you really think the BMs can not find other ways to spread the their hatefulness?"

    • Some will be discouraged by it and some won't. Those who continue to harass others may find other ways to do it. Although, removing the masks has made it harder for them to do so and has removed something that has proven to be very harmful to POC. Racists will have to be more obvious about it now, making it easier to catch them and prove it. The main aims of the removal of Leatherface's masks was to take away a tool that racists used to hurt others and to help POC feel comfortable while playing Dead by Daylight.

    "If I play some killer likes Spirit / Oni / Trickster, should I hook or sacrifice Jack / Feng / Yun-Jin or any Asian related survivors?

    • You should continue to play the game as you normally would. You're not going to be seen as racist unless you go out of your way to only hurt and harass Asian people. Often it was a combination of in-game and out-of-game harassment via the use of stream sniping, hateful messages and names, facecamping and tunnelling.

    "If I play as Feng / Jack / Claudette / Elodie / Tapp / Adam / Yun-Jin, may I report someone who camped me as racist behavior? Will they get banned?"

    • You should only be reporting people if you know/suspect that they're were doing it with racist intentions. If they're camping everyone, only camping because they didn't play well or camping you during endgame it is likely that they're not being racist.

    "Will I get banned if I miss to mention any PoC or Asian killers or survivors on above points"

    • I'm not sure what you mean here but hopefully I have answered your question with my previous points.

    "6000 iri shards compensation, wow, so generous. We literally lost 4 pieces of cosmetic in-game, one piece might cost 400 auric cells. So with 6000 shards, may we buy any single piece of Bubba's cosmetic as a COMPENSATION? And hold on, can we use iri shard to purchase license content?"

    • I'm personally not bothered about the compensation that was given out as I never cared for the cosmetics anyways but I have seen other people say that they would have preferred Auric Cells as well.

    I also agree that the report system could use improvements but I believe that the removal of the masks was a great decision and a step in the right direction.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

     I think the report system is the first thing which should be improved than any other.

    This. Racists will still be racists, but they'd have to do it elsewhere is they were banned. Leave Bubba's masks alone!

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    What do you do when lots of people are throwing eggs from your basket to your house nonstop?

  • Ghastly247
    Ghastly247 Member Posts: 16

    That is not a solution. Hell, it can't even be considered a band-aid. BHVR effectively did 2 things:

    1) give more power to the racists/trolls because they got what they wanted....a reaction.

    2) hurt the enitre community instead of targeting the very small percentage of players that act like a-holes.

    If you think this is somehow a positive, you are diluted. These players will still be racists/trolls, BHVR hasn't addressed or fixed anything.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Throwing eggs? That sounds so... "American"? Anyway, bad analogy and I am sure it's a falacy, since you can't remove every egg basket nor will avoid the harmful behaviour... And to the topic at hand, no one harass anyone with the LF masks. If you've earn one of those by killing 25 survivors. Won't you be proud of it and display it? They're removing them because some people believes it's blackface which is not. And I've seen their statements of "perhaps behaviour don't know since they're canadian but in US history" and yadda yadda but people have harmed people all across the world, and yes, racism of black people towards white people do exist, and it's on the history books if you really like history. Saying about US history and taking the black slavery times is being an ignorant of worldwide history and feeling special because you know a single fact about history.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I have 5k hours and I've seen it like 20 times at best.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Isnt end game chat also a tool for racist behavior though? Why does it have such a crappy censure system that doesnt work half the time?

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    I'm not really interested in pursuing this metaphor, as I don't think it reflects the situation at hand. When it was nonstop, it was the acts of a few people at most repeatedly targeting the same player. The number of players who used Smartface to harass are an extremely small portion of the playerbase who had a disproportionate effect because they were not dealt with in a timely manner.

    If we are going to keep going with this metaphor, I'd still say arrest the people, because eggs are important foodstuffs and necessary to bake so many things, and I want them as food more than I don't want them as tools of harassment; eggs bring more good to the table than they bring bad. Banning eggs because people have been egged is silly. That said, I consider eggs more important than Bubba cosmetics and this whole thing falls apart really quickly.

    Still... I maintain that the issue is the people, not the vehicle. Removing Smartface did nothing to stop the people who want to be racist twats from being racist twats, and they are still going to be racist twats until BHVR addresses the real problem in this room and cobbles together a moderation system that doesn't operate on spit, triplicate, and month-long backlogs.

  • YuisPinkBob
    YuisPinkBob Member Posts: 353

    I personally don't understand anyone who would choose to not believe someone just because your personal experiences are different.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "The number of players who used Smartface to harass are an extremely small portion of the playerbase who had a disproportionate effect because they were not dealt with in a timely manner."

    Based on what information?

  • YuisPinkBob
    YuisPinkBob Member Posts: 353

    Precisely! This very well explained and gets right to the point.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    That would require them to actually review reports. This is easier.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    The thing is, there isn't enough proof. A lot of the examples that are showcased every time this issue is talked about (always by the same people, mind you), is people who dc when they see the player using the mask, because they get offended by it. Also people who think that just because the killer is using that mask and is facecamping, they assume the killer is doing it because they're racist.

    It's just assumptions after assumptions with no actual evidence.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    So you are making a baseless assumption is what I am reading.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    You are too, so I don't think you really have one up on me here.

    Show me a reason not to assume the default and we can continue this discussion. Otherwise, we're done here.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Exactly this.

    Furthermore, i don't need smartface to be using 'blackface.' As a white guy i can play doctor and it is exactly the same thing. An in game cosmetic. (Personally i think they should have added ALL the survivors' faces to the mask pool.)

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Take it up with the IP holder if you want Leatherface's default cosmetic to be removed. :P

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    What I'm saying is that if 1 mask is racist, then all masks are racist. You can't say "this skin colors" mask is racist and not say "other skin color masks" aren't racist. You are basically saying that it's ok discriminate against the races you aren't removing. Especially the female Leatherface, you can't tell me that isn't disrespectful to the LGBT community if the "smart face" is disrespectful to it's community.

    You can't play "thought police", Behavior.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I just hope other things don't start being completely removed. These bad apples essentially caused the masks to be removed because they used them as a tool to be racist. So they could effectively end up having end game chat and player names removed as they have the potential to be used as a tool to allow for racism. It's a slippery slope.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 300

    If I read it correctly, they do remove ALL masks, not just Smartface. But it won't do any good if the report system remains in its current state. The a-holes who were going out of their way to find and aggravate players are still in the game or made a new account by now and can come back to stream snipe and harass the same part of the player base. So, as long as there is no IP ban, they will keep abusing the existing cosmetics and mechanics to bully people.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    You seem to be ignoring some critical context in how the masks were used, which is what is dictating BHVR's response.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "If the masks were the TRUE issue, lock cosmetic changes once your in a lobby. (if that wasn't the case already.)"

    This change doesn't do anything if people load in as Claudette or Adam.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
  • Nephil1682
    Nephil1682 Member Posts: 17

    It’s easy to fall in to the slippery slope fallacy but honestly I think it’s a non issue unless someone is actually using it to harass people and then we will examine the situation and hopefully address it accordingly. I do believe everyone agrees that this shows the obvious need for a functional reporting system. Our conversations shouldn’t be on “if what happened was racist” that’s not debatable but what our course of action should be and the best way to handle the influx of bigotry in the dbd community. I’m honestly glad that people in this thread are having reasonable conversations and concerns instead of denying the racism around this situation. My main focus in all of this is to prevent people from being harassed and if this prevents one harassment from happening then imo it’s worth mr. I want dbd to the same amazing escape for others as it is for me. I also would like to leave the information that artist of the masks requested for the masks to be removed as well.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Can you point to any examples of this happening in-game? ;P

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I asked you to point to examples of this actually happening. :P

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    If you have no examples you can point to of your stated scenarios actually happening, I have no reason to consider them as valid. Thanks. :)

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Doesn't it make it pretty obvious that you can get a group of people together and start harassing other people and get noticed.

    What's to stopping a group of people choosing Bubba and only killing Claudette's and Adam's while letting all the other characters go. You're not stopping a behavior by doing this, you're making it rewarding.

This discussion has been closed.