When will the Shrine of Secrets be back?

Kat Member Posts: 12

Can we just assume it will be go live again when console players get the new update / when we get the double BP weekend?

Or is there any official answer to be found / given here ?

Best Answers

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,390
    Answer ✓

    It'll be live after the update comes out on consoles. The way the shrine works is changing a little bit in the 2.0 update. But the problem is the consoles and PC versions of the game both use the same shrine data. Updating it for 2.0 would break it on consoles, so they have to wait for the update to be approved and released before they can re-launch it.

    Though there is no set date for the console updates yet. They're off for certification at the moment.

  • Nightmare247
    Nightmare247 Member Posts: 187
    Answer ✓

    You could read the patch notes - https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/3159/patch-notes-2-0-0-curtain-call#latest which state it would be available once the consoles get their update.
