What are some of your favorite RE monsters?

I am gonna say I would prefer to see some obscure creatures. If you don't have any then that's fine. If you wanna say Nemesis or something then go ahead. I have a more obscure enemy that I love and are some of my favs outside of the obvious options like Hunters or Lickers or Tyrants that I'd like to mention real quick.
One of my favorites is actually from the first Revelations game. He is actually really freaky for anyone who played the game. Especially that first appearance. I'll drop a video of his audio files. Somehow they are creepier in silence like this. Very underrated these guys are. They are called The Scagdead.
I like Birkin.
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I like Big Bill Birkin
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Hello fellow Birkin enjoyer
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Regenerador/ Iron Maiden from Resident Evil 4. Everything about them hit every nerve for me and brought back the scares full force when the game was starting to drag just a bit. So much thought and design were put into that one, single enemy, even down to which environments you had to face off against them in. The encounter in the claustrophobic freezer might give you the infrared scope and the secret to their weakness, but using it in such tight quarters made it a suffocating fight.
And if you somehow didn't put 2 and 2 together when you picked the scope up like I didn't, (thanks to watching the murder monster thaw and hit the floor 5 feet away), than even better! Then if you were (un)lucky enough to pick your shots just right and think "Ah, I'll shoot off it's legs to buy myself some time!" you were treated to its spasming remains scuttling towards you and flinging atyour face.
Later you had the joy of navigating the Iron Maidens, the spikey ones who like to impale you with big, friendly hugs all while having to worry about hiding Ashley in a garbage can every 10 feet.
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That's what he says in the Remake. He yells out things like "Sherrrryyyy!" Or "Help... Meeeee!"
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Cannot wait to see them in the remake next year! Just imagine what the Regenerators can be once it releases in 2023 with all this new technology!
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Pyramid Head
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Some of my favorite Resident Evil monsters are Bitores Mendez (The Village Cheif), U-3 (IT), and the Verdugo from Resident Evil 4. They are all really creepy, but cool.
(And unpopular opinion, but I think RE4 has the best monsters)
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Aside from the obv Mr. X and Nemesis, I quite like the Super Tyrant (I dunno his actual name) from Resident Evil: Damnation, honestly I haven't even seen the movie I just saw a clip and thought he was really cool.
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I love the RE4 monsters. I even adore the simple plaga enemies.
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He was HUGE!
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I would say nemesis but like that's a given so I'm going to do something original and not just say him.
The elephant in Resident Evil outbreak file 2 always made me nervous when I was a kid.
But if we're talking about just normal creatures then I'ma say just the typical zombie dogs lol. They're fast and scare me bc it used to be good Bois 😭
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1. The Licker. First time I saw that thing on the ceiling it stuck with me. Not a boss or anything, just freaky and a really good sign of what was to come.
2. Angie/Donna Beniviento from Village. I know everyone loved the TVL, and Heisenberg was awesome as well, but I love the lore behind our reclusive genius. I would love to see her in DbD
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in terms of design, tie between licker and birkin. completely visceral and gross, i love it
my actual answer is lady d because Big Woman
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Other than the most popular ones like Nemesis, Ustanak is one of my favs even if the game that he came from wasn't well recieved by some. Dudes quite scary
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At this point, I feel like everyone on this forum already knows my favorite RE characters.
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I tend to like the ones I feared the most in the games, so in no particular order:
• Crimson Heads
• Lisa Trevor
• Nemesis
• Leech Zombies
• Titan
• Regenerators
• Mia Winters (possessed form)
• Maguerita Baker
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god the crimson heads scared the ######### out of me in re1
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I remember the first time when I just did a normal run of it and forgot why I had the lighter, until that Crimson Head rose up and pelted at me! I did not expect that craziness!
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Memberberries. They were a shock the first time. R1make is really one of the best remakes ever made.
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I honestly wasn't much of a fan of Lady D. I liked the castle area and less of the characters. Lady D was actually my least favorite of the bosses.
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I never thought Crimson Heads a strong, conservative views of non-nationals and Ronald Reagan!
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I uploaded a video of a Crimson head scaring the hell out of me. I didn't even have a mic on but the way I acted in the clip showed that it kinda scared me and made me nervous. It probably shouldn't have even scared me as much as I did but I think what scares me is just that thing running at me. I love the Crimson heads and so desperately wanna see them in another game! Maybe that RE1 Remake that will most likely happen again.
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Castle was cool but a bit short. After the trailers everybody thought she is the main boss.
But even Capcom was surprised by her fame - i am sure the announced dlc we get will feature her in some way.
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I liked her well enough, but I thought Heisenberg was by far the more interesting one. I really wish there had been an option to accept his offer.
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I still have my bets on the DLC being for Ada as that's probably what people are gonna want the most. I bet the DLC will take place in the castle though and Ada will ring the castle bell saving Ethan just like she did in RE4. And of course we'll get some Ada VS Lady D moments.
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Haha. Don´t know. But maybe. Could be pretty cool. Someone speculated it will be some Chis stuff in the meantime of the main story... i am not sure if i need that.
I would prefer Ada over this.
Hope it will be better than not a Hero.
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I really liked Not a Hero. Especially because it was a good free story DLC! What a neat concept! Wish more games did this.
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I honestly can´t remember what is was about. But maybe it is because i didn´t like the new Chris style in RE7.
Glad they reverted that in RE8.
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tbh, i don't think re1 needs another remake, at least not in the style of re2/re3's remakes. graphics on the remaster still hold up very well today and i feel stuff like the over-the-shoulder camera and general gameplay differences would do a disservice to it
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It's never a question on if it's needed. It's only a question of if it's eligible. And making it in a more modern style wouldn't be a disservice. The only thing that would be a disservice is it being nothing like the original or being a bad survival horror video game.
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There's so many, but I wanna mention how much I love crimson heads and the whole concept of them. You need to decapitate or incinerate every zombie after killing them or else they come back harder, better, faster, and stronger. And terrifying. Can't forget terrifying. One of the things that made the 02 REmake better than the original.