Survivor Mains, Killer Mains.. Play both sides!
If youre only playing one side, you're only playing a part of the game.
In every game you get experience for both sides if you see how tha game works on "enemies" side.
Totally agree. When I first started playing this game, I only played survivor. Then I started playing killer, and I improved on both, since I already knew the basics of survivor which made me more aware of what I could do on the killer side, and playing as killer made me more aware of what the killers could see and do as well.
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Are you telling me these survivor and killer mains on forums and reddit are actually playing just one side?
You must be joking
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I play both side and had been flexed by Killer mains "you're not in high MMR, your opinion is invalid"
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Already avoiding some tier discussions which I can't comprehend for myself, because I know that I'm not rly playing on high mmr. But you can still have an opinion to everything.
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Just the word killer/survivor main suggest that the "main" only understand the problems of the main side.
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If you don't have friends who play DbD, playing survivor means playing soloQ, which is as horrible as it gets. So in this case it's much easier to just be a killer main and demand constant survivor nerfs.
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It's sad that you think so. Playing with friends is fun but sometimes it can be more challenging to play soloQ, because its everytime different. But instead only demand nerfs for one side you should look on the other side.
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To be fair, there are maniacs who only play one role, then on top of that insist that the side that they play is the only role that matters, and the other doesn't deserve life.
It's weirdly classist
Fankly, it low-key freaks me out.