There can be no meaningful discussions from the community as long as SBMM remains hidden

Whenever anyone talks of balance or SBMM it becomes incredibly clear just how it being hidden is causing a number of problems.
When SBMM came into affect I lost all desire to play DBD, not because of who I was versing but because I couldn't tell if I was improving or not. Were my opponents getting better was I getting worse, were my opponents potatoes or gods? who knew?
And when we're talking about content creators, it very quickly leads to claims that this or that content creator actually has low MMR and that they manipulate their MMR while off screen. This has lead to content creators having to prove to their communities that they are not actively manipulating their MMR. And outside of their communities those individuals are having their reputations tarnished because their is no way to validate.
And finally with SBMM being hidden, it is simply impossible to know if the individuals that you're being paired with are being paired correctly. It was recently revealed that individual who had been put into a queue after someone left would be paired without regard to their MMR. Did players complain about this, no we for the most part did not. Would we have if we had known, absolutely. The fact that Solo Queue players often have no idea that they got put into a match that is incredibly unfair to them because someone dropped out and they were none the wiser is a tragedy.
Your last sentence literally resume it all: you can't know if you're being paired with someone at your skill level cause you aren't...
I literally have games where I'm being paired with people who literally installed the game and If I win two or three the game decides that I'm a proplayer or something and puts me against the best killers possible... The same goes if I lose too much, I get paired with baby killers and survivors..
So in a way I kinda understand that they don't show your level cause people will literally start flame wars against each other. Which is ironic considering this started as a party game and now there are people who want to take it seriously at pro level tournament or somethin'.
This reminds me of Overwatch where players literally start harrassing each other by rank and numbers alone, which makes some players hide their player profile history.
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Honestly, there is 0 point in caring about SBMM. Because it is not skill-based. You can lose SBMM-Rating despite being the better player.
Two examples:
Killer-->You play Billy, get 8 Hooks, every Survivor escapes. Another Killer plays Bubba, camps the first person they find and gets a second Kill with NOED, 2 Hooks total.
Who played better? Obviously the Billy-player. Who gets more SBMM-Rating? The Bubba.
Survivor-->Today I ran around a Plague for 5 Gens on Coal Tower. I got tunneled after every Unhook and was the only person who died. Does that mean that I was the worst Survivor on my team? no, not at all. But SBMM thinks that I am worse than my teammates, since I died and they escaped.
And you are not a bad Survivor if a Baby Meg used every Pallet on the Map in her first Chase and you dont have anything to work with. Because even the best Survivors cannot play well without Ressources.
This just shows how flawed the system is. And with a system this flawed, can you even say that you are paired correctly or incorrectly? Whenever I play, I often think that I am paired incorrectly, because either the Killer is a lot weaker than me or the other Survivors - or both. But maybe I am even paired with the correct rating, because it does not matter how well I did over the matches, as long as I die at the Endgame (completely irrelevant how I died), I will lose MMR.
Meanwhile, as Killer I can get 4 Baby Survivors, followed by a strong group which lets me end with 2 Hooks. And I doubt that one 4K game shoots me up into an SBMM-Rating which results in a match of me only getting 2 Hooks.
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Exactly this. Knowing your MMR score doesn’t tell you much because it’s literally just based on kills and escapes. It would make a lot more sense to add other elements of your performance to the score such as time being chased by the killer, escaping chases, healing, unhooking. etc.
Something like…the old rank system…wait a minute…🤦♂️
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High MMR survivors don’t need to see their MMR to know they are in high MMR, so you must be in low MMR.
xd jk lol gotcha!
But seriously, those are the type of comments I’m seeing on this forum. It renders an entire discussion futile, because its not even an argument worth winning. …not that I think anyone was ever trying to have serious discussion on this forum in the first place.
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This , this, this. Here's the thing. I still feel like MMR is better than what we had before MMR, I suspect that your MMR swings wildly like what BadLooperQ was saying, but again this is speculation, if we could see our MMR then rather than just speculating MMR swings we would know that and we could then ask BHVR to prioritize getting that fixed. But instead we're just at their mercy as we're instead blind looking to other blind players for direction and guidance.
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"When SBMM came into affect I lost all desire to play DBD, not because of who I was versing but because I couldn't tell if I was improving or not. Were my opponents getting better was I getting worse, were my opponents potatoes or gods? who knew?"
You don't need a number to tell you if you're good or not lmao. That's like me saying Rank before grades were useless and doesn't actually tell whether someone is skilled or not. They just put a lot of hours in the game.
I'm struggling to figure out what do you mean by this. You don't need rocket science to figure out whether the opponents were better or you did bad. If you're someone who is self aware enough to reflect on your mistakes you would know whether you could have played better in that trial.