Survivors,you WIN!!



  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    I main killer but that does not mean that i only play with or am really strong with killer! I play both sides but if there were a tournament or if $$ were on the line i'd go in with killer thus MY definition of a "killer main" differs from others. With that being said Im not uninstalling even though the game is horribly unbalanced i just take a break from killer or try and find new ways to kill survivor, to each his own though.

    NOEDENJOYER Member Posts: 237

    Yet if the killer even thinks of camping or tunnelling every survivor main whines lol

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited January 2022


    I had my 10 family members install the game today so it should balance out!

    Grandpa is going to main Bill.

    Good luck out there 🤞


  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I still can not believe they wanted fix Nurse. I mean, ofcourse fix bugs. But how Nurse is number 1 of all problems? She is strongest killer already. Trapper, Legion, Myers, Ghostface etc. This killers needs buffs. But they are going to buff top killers. I will never understand why BHVR is doing this.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Maybe cause if people leave because of nurse and blight being bad no one will ever want to play killer again due to no viability?

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Some desperately need it cause their base kit is terrible and for adding stuff for survivors to do while that is a nice thought what exactly are you thinking it should be?

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    That's different. Camping a survivor isn't the same as a survivor/killer using perks and addons.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Oh I agree wholeheartedly, last patch Nurse got a definite buff with the 3-blink addon, frankly I don't think that should even exist.

    However, in this patch (which is the topic of this thread) Nurse got bug fixes not buffs.

  • tester
    tester Member Posts: 792

    "he’s 14 and didn’t need the bullying"

    Now you made me curious at what age people start needing bullying.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2022

    Then instead this chapter they figure buff a Blight add-on because he certainly needs it. But Clown, Twins, Nemesis add-ons? StAtIsTiCs say OP

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Go play killer then and understand why it's bullshit now

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    So I've played killer. Nemesis no less, a killer that gets punished more than many others by DH due to validating over pallet breaks. I don't see it. Game's mostly fine. There's the typical DBD BS, but that honestly doesn't feel any worse than usual beyond CoH that even survivors think is dumb. I've yet to see a single survivor that wasn't baiting defending CoH. They are silent are worst.

    Killers aren't abused, get over yourselves. Just because you don't get a 90% 3k rate anymore doesn't mean you're oppressed.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Oh I'm not saying they are abused, I am more just tired of condescending survivor mains spouting delusional bullshit without much understanding as to why people say this stuff in the first place.

    And while yes some most are saying COH is broken it doesn't hide the fact that the boon mechanic needed more time to be developed cause of how much of a problem it has caused.

    I don't care for getting 3k but it shouldn't fell like " Oh I don't have x perk or they ran x perk" instead of " I sucked and need practice "

    Also, the fact that people are still trying to defend certain things while trying to say "x is fine but y isn't " shows both a double standard and how laughable it is to try to justify most decisions nowadays for this game.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    In no way can you know they're a delusional survivor-main by their post. Maybe they're just sick of these threads. I kind of am too.

    Yes, Boons are an issue and the fact that they weren't addressed is ... Dumb. But, yeah, beyond Boons and bad maps, the game's not that bad for killer. Or rather you can be just as awful to survs as they can be to you.

    I don't think perk loadout is all that necessary if you've invested time in a killer and the game as a whole. My go-to for Nemmy, as stated above that I've played him a bit, is BBQ (points) Agitation, Pain Resonance and Lethal Pursuer. Sub-meta overall, get mostly 4k's. My losses are my own fault, and sometimes because of garbage mapping. The latter is pretty painful though. Ultimately, yeah game feels bad sometimes, but it's not THAT bad IMO. You can have a different experience of course.

    The hypocrisy in this community is amusing, the us vs. them mentality is beyond juvenile. Which is why I was keen on commenting your post because of the 'survivor main' response. You're better than this. Even if they're a survivor main, doesn't mean their opinion is wrong. The more delusional people are troublesome but it's best to address their arguments over their person. Unless you're baiting or something which I'm sometimes guilty of lol

  • JudasCradle
    JudasCradle Member Posts: 1

    If you don't think killers are abused then you clearly haven't played killer. I mainly play survivor. Yesterday I played about 10 matches in a row where the killer doesn't even try anymore. I needed a couple more unhooks for one of the daily rituals and couldn't because the killers just wouldn't bother to try. So I decided to play killer for a little bit. After every match every survivor that I killed would message me with all sorts of hate telling me to kill myself or catch covid and die all because they died. Every single survivor that died. Pretty pathetic. Went back to survivor and won another ten straight games. Gets boring after awhile.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Some are true but some you can tell they are that way by what they use as an argument point one specific one I tend to see a lot is "The perks are fine but tunneling and camping should be punished" that one clearly shows biased opinions because a lot at least from what I have seen do not factor in why it happens so often that's why I find it rather irritating to constantly see their responses to stuff.

    Yes some are Viable issues and those are fine and dandy however, taking what they say into account seriously is lessened when some of those same people then try to spin it into basically the "Killer is OP, They shouldn't play to win" stereotype that makes some people believe it's not about balance it about turning DBD into baby's first PVP.

    Also, perks at least on the killer side to me isn't just the loadout it's actually a byproduct of the Awful bloodweb system and can also be another us vs them mentality when you figure that survivors in order to get good perks just need to lvl 3 people min (Bill, Strode and David) and no real difficulty to who to use other than who they want to use meanwhile on the other side, it's get some good perks which could lead to needing to do 4 at min at almost max then having to think about the basekit of x killer and seeing if it's worth investing in which at this point in time is getting more and more smaller as time goes on because of the nerfs with no compensation such as with deathslinger PH and the artist being meh which is one of the main reasons why I basically gave up on this game.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    What mindset should I have then? Should I just not try and play the game or should I do the cop-out option of "don't go for kills" at that point why even play as killer? It feels more like being a whipping boy then. Do you get what I mean or are you one of those people that try and defend the fact that the killer should just be a plaything for the survivors?

  • nfochairman
    nfochairman Member Posts: 50

    I've tried to give survivors the benefit of the doubt but not only is it completely unfair & lopsided but they act like they did this huge accomplishment. Teabag & message you about how bad you are at the game.


    you're playing checkers...killer is playing chess & the board is rigged against them. I think it's time to move on. Survivors claim they want good killers & fun matches but they don't

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    I feel like that's most cases with people playing killer in a nutshell now.

  • hezekiah
    hezekiah Member Posts: 9

    Personally I feel its more Killer sided at the moment. I am Red Rank with both Killer and Survivor so I see it from all angles. As killer when they run into the underground rooms I know exactly where there are probably gonna exit (Haddonfield) I slap them almost all the time.

    Those sneaky infinite loops, nope, no loop is infinite if you know how to hide your red stain. Those purple crates mean nothing, especially when I force a chase to a gen, then the next gen etc gens can never get completed. I don't chase anybody who is running to nowhere e.g. Killer shack (they can have whatever gen is there). Gen up in that bar (2nd floor) - they can have that.

    Get em on a white scourge hook, pops the most regressed gen, rinse and repeat.

    Loops with pallets - no problem. I use PC, quick back step just before they turn the corner, side step and slap them head on. Pinhead with the red cube and broken tooth - super OP, almost nobody ever escapes. Artist with the 4x crow attack - they just can't complete gens.

    As a red rank survivor I can predict the killers moves - but I often get destroyed by most killers. I stay out the way, do objectives, save, a few safe loops and thats it getting to red rank.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I am sorry, I read this all and can't take it seriously after you said you were going back to sports games. I literally have no idea how those play out, but it made me realize that all of the killer mains complaining about sbmm could have it worse, they could be playing a sports game instead...

  • TH3_AD3PT_GAM3R_
    TH3_AD3PT_GAM3R_ Member Posts: 10

    Agree exit gates should regress makes blood warden much better perk, and balances are always a problem,but the devs know and try to constantly re-balance to create a fairer gameplay experience. The nature of the game is for one side to be angry at the outcome, I am trying to be calmer when I am that one, trying...trying..trying 🤬

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960
    edited January 2022

    I don't but I am so tired of the usually delusional mind set of "don't worry everything is fine" when it's clearly not. And of right now only 2-3 killers are worth investing in and the rest might as well show both what dlc are worth getting and that you wasted time and resources on characters that are not up to snuff anymore.