Killers being accused of “ruining the fun”

This isn’t me trying to be whiny or start an argument, but I have a geneuine question. I’ve seen a lot of killers get upset or mad when they’re accused of making the game less fun for survivors, and in turn reply with why should they sacrifice their fun for ours? That is fair question and they definitely shouldn’t have to.
But my point is, this is usually brought up when the other side is talking about face camping, slugging, and tunnelling.
For starters , the killer has more impact on whether or not the game can be fun. How can survivors ruin a killer’s game? The only answer I can think of (i have a lack of understanding of the killer’s side, so correct me if there’s more ways) is by being good at the game. A survivor that is doing their objective and playing really well— ie doing gens, looping efficiently, trying to save and help their teammates— is the only thing they can really do that can ruin the killer’s fun.
When killers are being accused of ruining the game, it’s because of toxic gameplay like camping and tunnelling. A killer can chose to play in a way that prevents others from playing the game properly. Survivors can’t prevent the killer from playing the game.
Say I get face camped. That’s me not being able to do objective or get chased, and my teammates are forced to sit on gens the entire time and not experience getting chased. If they decide to trade then the game just becomes this mindless grab and get hooked simulator where you don’t have to drop pallets or window fault or do any sort of plays. And when it’s solo que it’s almost impossible for any plan to work out.
Or if the killer decides to slug and not hook anyone until everyone is down. That’s people sitting around doing nothing. Not being able to go for saves or do gens etc.
Even if the killer is losing and doesn’t have any kills because survivors are playing super well, they still get to chase, use their powers, perks, etc. They still get to PLAY instead of playing experience hook or gen simulator.
How can a survivor take the same kind of fun away from a killer besides by just being good? That may sound back handed but I promise I don’t mean it to be. I just mean that survivors can’t really stop the actual game aspect, while killers can make it very boring for us.
My question is, do killers find this type of play style actually fun, or are they doing it just to win? Like is it more boring to not win a chase even if you try your best, than it is to sit on a hook and go after the saved person and immediately down them again?
Because I think that on killer’s side sometimes winning has become more important than having a fun game of chase and mind gaming, and this in turn effects the entire lobby. I’m not saying they should sacrifice their fun, I just want to point out that it’s a lot easier for them to take the game aspect out of the game and I don’t think they really have fun playing like that anyway.
Killers have more power over the "fun" of survivors than they realize.
Sure, a survivor can be annoying, teabag and click their flashlight, but survivors don't have the power to stop killers from playing, killers can still chase them, hit them and down them. A survivor who is being facecamped, is basically doing nothing, same goes for when the killer decides to slug a survivor for 4 minutes for them to bleedout instead of hooking.
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Good survivors can definitely be boring. Hold w the moment a heartbeat comes up, urban evasion or shadow step away, pre drop every pallet if they notice you’re a killer who has trouble with that, hide in lockers for twenty minutes once two people get killed … it’s crazy to me that killers have a set of ‘rules’ they’re meant to abide for a “fun” match, yet survivors never are expected to slow down a fast match for the killer’s fun.
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Yesterday I got accused of making a match unenjoyable. The funny part about it is that I wasn't tunneling, camping, or slugging and the person who accused me tried to sabotage the hook when I was going to hook someone.
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Yeah! That’s my point. A survivor can definitely be annoying and toxic, but they can’t stop the killer from actually playing. Killers can literally take the biggest part of the game out of the game for survivors. And this is usually because they’re losing.
I just want to understand how winning and doing boring things that require no real effort or challenge is better than losing and actually playing. I’ll gladly have a chase where I gave my all and still die than sit on gens and escape.
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There are some Killers who sincerely find doing things like slugging, facecamping or tunnelling fun, probably because the only way they feel happy is making others suffer, and there are those who do it simply out of a desire to win, which can also be their flavor of fun.
I personally do not care about winning and my definition of fun is just having some good chases and generally vibing in-game, though I am an outlier instead of the norm from what I gathered.
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Uff, this will be some work. First of all: "toxic gameplay". You consider the Killer doing their objective toxic but when the survivor does they are just "good at the game". This is a huge leap and you also ignore tbaging, flashlight clicking (on macro!) or bodyblocking with Cycle of Healing in groups and many other things.
Thing is: You just labeled one type of gameplay as "toxic" on an arbitrary base.
Some people consider Franklin's Demise or Hex: No one escapes Death as toxic perks. Are they?
Later on you even argue: "Even if the killer is losing and doesn’t have any kills because survivors are playing super well, they still get to chase ...". Well, if a Killer is tunneling you, you get to play the chase as well. If you are on the hook your team can still come and rescue you it is quit possible. Camping is a way of provoking the survivors to come to you, thus easing the risk of going for the wrong generator or getting stealthed by a survivor when you finally get there. Also a reason why BBQ is a good perk btw it allows Killer to find you.
Now you talk about somebody taking away someone else fun, let me give you an example: Imagine I am Ghostface and we are playing Haddonfield. I play against a 4 people SWF and one is constantly on the watch out, calling his teammate my position and revealing me, while using Balance landing. Where do I get to use my power? Right, I do not. I play M1 knife man the same way you play M1 generator man.
Now "fun" is subjective thus this is not an objective answere of course. This is my fun getting taken away.
Some Killers also have a very slug heavy gameplay: When you play Oni and you want to get hooks and kills, you have to snowball. Thus you slug people. Sometimes resulting in 4 slugs when survivors play poorly. Note also that mass slugging in this way is a misplay on the survivors side for the most I take their fun away or do I just capitalize on their mistakes and follow my objective and playstyle as Oni?
Now, I do not understand Killers facecamping or hardcore tunneling a survivor just like that. For me this happens when people take the same character 4 times (I will not watch my way), when I have no information about survivors (I have to chase somebody to apply pressure) and I mostly only camp when the gates are powered and I have a person on the hook. Two gates far appart? How shall I defend that as Ghostface, better let them come for me.
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I get what you mean, and I definitely think that survivors can make the game more challenging and less fun by being coordinated and good in teams, but none of them could actually stop him from being able to play in the game and force him to do something like hold down a button for 80 seconds and leave, or stare back at each other one a hook the entire time you know? He still got to actually try and have a chase, use his power, etc, which is the core gameplay of the game.
I understand that sometimes that’s all killers can do to WIN, there’s a lot of scenarios where that’s all they can do because of how survivors play and their skill/coordination etc. But my point is that killers can play in a way to win that deprives the other side of a the whole game experience.
If one person is being camped or tunnelled, that’s three other people that don’t get to experience the fundamental aspect of the game and the most fun part. They get stuck on gens. That person on the hook? Doesn’t even get to do a gen and has to sit there. If everyone is slugged and there’s no perk for it, that’s everyone sitting on the ground doing nothing. The most fun part for killer isn’t just hooking people is it? It’s chasing them down to try and get the hooks, or coming up with mind games and trying to out play. Survivors cannot take that away. But killers can take that from survivors.
Again this isn’t some mad ramble about how it’s unbalanced and ######### or anything, I just wished killers understood that they can take a lot more out of the game if they feel like it
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It’s not a set a rules, I’m just saying that you guys can literally take the fundamental fun part of the game away if you felt like it. Survivors can’t stop you from chasing them, they can only be good enough to stop you from winning, but killers can deprive the lobby of the game experience if they wanted to. If I drop every pallet and loop you until the sun comes out, you still got to chase me right?
The chase is the whole fun part of the game. They can definitely make the chases less fun by being skilled, but the overall experience of losing a chase is not as boring as not having one at all.
Again I’m not saying killers can’t camp or tunnel and it’s never the right move, I’m just saying that when they do they can take the fun out of the game in a way we can’t do. And I don’t see how that’s more fun than trying and losing. That’s just my opinion.
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I agree for most part but would like to add being good is one thing...being good and trying to do everything in your power to make a killer miserable is another. The game is favored to survivors (maps, spawns, tiles connection, meta same for years, now boons) it takes teammates being stupid to lose these days so win the game and leave. No need for macro, dancing, notification spamming because you want the killer to see you leave, notification spamming when you are sole survivor jumping in hatch, etc. Both sides are toxic ######### but to say survivor toxic is just being good is shortsighted....maybe play killer some is my recommendation.
Now I will agree killer has a bit more control but be a little more clear about what is hated. A killer who slugs to chase another is not the same as leaving you on the ground for 4 minutes (unless he couldn't find you after but that's on you), Face camping is toxic....Proxy camping is legit, tunneling? Tunneling honestly means you need to get better (killer and survivor) a good survivor wants to be tunneled.
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tbaging, flashlight clicking (on macro!) or bodyblocking, healing in groups, don’t stop killers from playing. They’re rude and toxic too, but they do not halt the game or prevent the killer from trying. I said toxic game play because face camping and only going after one person is generally toxic. In situations where there’s no more gens and no hooks and stuff like that it’s definitely fair, but face camping at 5 gens or hard tunnelling someone out the game as early as possible is toxic. Sorry I wasn’t clear. I don’t think many high level survivors see a killer camp/tunnelling when the game is almost over as they toxic. Yes a killers objective is to kill, but at the same time aren’t they supposed to try and kill as many people as possible? They’re also supposed to prevent gens from being finished, deal as much damage as possible, etc. If they can’t and camping/tunnelling is the only way to secure one, how is that more fun than going after others and chasing them?
As for the person who is being tunnelled, if they’re not great that’s what, maybe 20 seconds or a game play? What about everyone else? Survivors cannot stop killers from chasing them. It’s simple like that. They can be better than them and not let them win, but they literally cannot prevent a chase. Whether or not it’s fun for the killer is if they care more about winning than just trying. You’re saying camping is supposed to provoke others to come, but that’s being stupid in a survivor’s part. It’s still not fun to just trade, or end up with two people down. What if there’s noed, an insta down killer, one of several insta down perks, etc. You’re saying that camping encourages saves but even if it does then what? That person who trades doesn’t get a chase, they just get to sit on hook for the next guy and then they get camped.
Your power scenario to counter my point was kind of a stretch, but even if you’re playing against a good team who happens to be able to prevent you from using your power (even though many killers don’t have to deal with that like ghost face) you still get to go after them. You don’t have to sit and hold a button and leave or sit on a hook.
i am not saying none of this gameplay is ever fair, and it’s not even toxic sometimes, but at the end of the day the killer can remove a big aspect of the game that survivors cannot. Not being able to have fun as a killer because you’re having losing is a lot different than not having fun as a survivor because you literally don’t get to play most of the game.
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Killers shouldn't be worrying about survivors fun and survivors shouldn't worry about the killers fun(not like they would anyways lol. You step off the gas and here comes the tbags and flashlight clicking and slamming gens).
Just play the game how you want and worry about your own fun and enjoyment.
Also games are not always going to be fun(a good example of this is certain matchups in card games or fighting games).
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You have misconception here as you, like already admitted, have no experience from the killer perspective.
The chase might only be fun if the killer has the option to out strategize or Mindgame the survivor.
Only following around a loop until the pallet gets inevitably dropped isn't fun. This also gets then less fun when survivor feel the need to BM at every opportunity they are 100% save aka after each god pallet/vault by tbagging.
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Yes, survivors can take the fun out of the game just like killers can. All you have to do is stealth around and deny the killer from starting a chase from the first place. It can be harder to do versus some killers, but with the right build, it can be accomplished with most of them. This is the same as your claim of a killer taking the fun out of the game.
Not everything in this game is supposed to be fun for either side. If it was, it would get lame pretty quickly. The whole purpose of playing survivor is to persevere against the killer as a team with the optional choice of leaving your team to die and escape through the hatch.
Unhooking shouldn't be easy just like catching a survivor in a chase shouldn't be easy. It's a team game and survivors should be coordinating the rescue. You're under the mistaken assumption that the survivor being camped isn't playing the game, you are incorrect. Being patient is a part of playing the game. Holding out long enough for your team to complete their objectives is part of playing the game. It may be boring, frustrating even, but you are still playing Dbd. The only time you are not playing dbd is when you are out of the match or walk away from your PC/console.
The chase is the whole fun part for you. Not everyone enjoys it and I guarantee that if you played killer and have versed sweat squad after sweat squad (they are more common than people on the forums would admit) and got looped around strong loop after strong loop, you wouldn't be a fan of the chase. Some people may prefer camping, not because they're toxic, but because it's more chill and it brings the altruistic survivors to them rather than them going out and wasting time searching for a healthy survivor who is most likely near a strong structure.
Finally, you accuse camping and tunneling as being toxic game play in your original post. You are wrong, they are legitimate strategies that are allowed and promoted by the devs. It's no different from rushing gens and denying the killer hooks with the use of body blocking, flashlights, flash bombs, and sabotaging hooks. You're preventing the killer from performing their objective, same as a killer does when they camp and tunnel. Yes, the killer is stronger and can do it better if they wanted to, but they're supposed to be able to over power 1 survivor. They sacrifice time in hopes that your teammates are altruistic, which I think is a pretty fair trade, since the killer can be wrong with their strategy and lose the match.
Finally, the only thing toxic killers can do is hit you while hooked, body block you in a corner (which is should be reported) or tunnel you for your characters race or because you're using a rainbow charm or something along those lines, only they would have to admit it in chat for them to get a ban.
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No no survs can def be toxic of course, I just meant like they just can’t take out a big aspect of the game for the killer like they can do and being toxic in that way. I can’t prevent the killer from playing a big part of the game. Not being able to have fun as a killer because you’re losing and getting tea bagged and clicked at definitely sucks but is a lot different than not having fun as a survivor because you literally don’t get to play the fundamental part of the game.
There’s definitely times where strategies that suck for survs are needed to win or is what the killer has to do to get a kill. And even when I have to be the one to die I get it. Proxying is sometimes a great idea, slugging is sometimes a given, but it’s when they go out of their way to stop you from playing it becomes an issue. But being tunnelled, both before and even rightly off the hook, can suck. Not even for the tunnelled person, especially if they’re good, because that just means three other people don’t really get to play yk?
Survs can def be really toxic and mean, they just can’t really take the potential out of the game the same way.
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I’m not even saying the person being tunnelled isn’t having fun, because they might be. But what about everyone else who doesn’t get to play bc the killer only is targeting that individual 🤷♂️? you think holding one button to do gens and leave is fun for three people?
It can be boring for everyone. Someone being hit immediately off hook isn’t going to have fun, and neither are three people sitting around while one person gets max escape points.
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Killers are not really allowed to win,if they try to win (ie using tactics like camping/slugging/tunneling/) they are considered skillless and "boring" and "unfun",dbd is the only game where killing your opponent is considered "unfair"
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Yes,surv's toxicity is excusable is that what you are saying ?
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survivors absolutely can deny the killer from playing the game. I gave examples in the post you quoted. Being immersive—a valid tactic—denies killer any interaction and leads to games where gens seem to repair themselves. Which isn’t fun for killer. The inverse example would be getting tunneled off hook or face camped at first hook: the survivor is being denied their experience.
There are no concrete rules, the devs won’t ban a killer for tunneling or a survivor for being over immersive. But there are social rules, and while I’m fine with this idea so both sides can have fun, what disheartens me is on display in your reply. Killer should make sure survivors have fun, even if they lose, but the survivors bear no such responsibility.
I play 70% killer, 30% SWF. I won’t make claims about solo survivors because I don’t play solo survivors. While I can point out what I feel is unfun with solos, I have to respect if a solo player tells me I’m wrong. You seem like you don’t play killer much, if at all. Why not give killer a spin for a week or so? Try to empathize with the other side. If more people did this then these forums and game would probably be a lot more fun.
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I see you going on about how camping and tunneling are toxic and how they take away "the fun part of the game for Survivors." I assume that means the chase, right?
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Wow, you are taking this quit a bit personal, aren't you. Chill out, I never said that I like camping or tunneling, I was just pointing out your subjective values of "toxic"....but if you want to play...
I said: It is subjective. My. Fun. Is. Subjective.
You missed this on purpose I guess to "make your point". But you were asking about fun, my fun. I answered you. And I do not even have high standards aside from 4 stacks of BBQ and a good moment in the game.
As Ghostface my fun is to stalk. Not to chase, not to run around the same car 3 times just to eat a pallet to the face but to stalk. To get close without getting noticed, to stalk a survivor and down them. Trying to outplay their way of thinking from where I am coming and stalking. I play Hide and Seek. Which is also part of this game mind you.
In my scenario they are ruining my fun.
By the way as a survivor I dislike getting chased a lot. I am bad at it and I can do more by playing stealthy. I like doing my generators and hide in an effective way when the Killer comes. Hide and Seek is more fun for me than chasing around. Not to say I can not do it, I just do not like it that much.
You are writing that something is "generally toxic". Well, I guess you know the greater consense of the universe about toxicity and I don't? Why do you think so? Sorry to inform you but "generally toxic" is one again arbitrary. You make that up. You have people who agree with you and well, you have people who disagree. Because "toxic" is just another personal opinion.
Some people think NoeD is toxic, some people think flashlight clicking and tbagging is toxic. And some people think running a full meta-loadout is toxic.
As asked for opinions. Do not tread them as facts.
Oh and by the way...
Do not tread the Killer as an NPC. They are not a monster, a zombie or a mob in a dungeon even if they look like them. They are a fraction of this game trying to win and they are not playing for your "fun".
Sure the game invites you to look at it like that. But actually this plays more like League of Legends. Would you blame your opponents there for using the most efficient strategy to win?
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Killers most fun is chasing, hitting, downing, and killing. Body blocking can prevent all 4 of these, perks can prevent all 4 of these, as can sabo, boons, maps, etc so regardless goes both ways. Most important thing to remember is that this is a PvP and neither side is responsible for the others what you need to do to have fun.
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It's fun because there's no fun for killers anymore
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This is the only game where I've seen one side claim the other side is responsible for their fun.
It's also the only game where I've seen that side not only demand, but actually expect, the other side to stop trying to win because it ruins their 'fun'. IE: Calling people tryhards and sweaty.
It's, frankly, baffling how much vitriol gets flung around because one side or the other demands their opponent ensure they have fun instead of trying to win.
As long as one is not cheating, or abusing exploits (Like hiding under a hook with Unbreakable to avoid being picked up); one can try to win, and they're not responsible for their opponents 'fun'.
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“Tunneling” isn’t toxic, it’s common sense to chase someone who’s injured versus healthy or who you think you can kill on a hook versus just get a single hook. Complaints about tunneling are just sour grapes about getting downed or eliminated, nothing more to it than that. Hell, I got accused of “tunneling” once when I had a 12 hook Legion game. It’s nonsense.
And guarding hooks isn’t toxic either. Literal facecamping is actually bad strategy in a lot of cases, but generally keeping an eye on the hook is again common sense. Think about it, the devs intentionally show the killer the hook’s aura in yellow specifically so that they know where it is at all times just so they can defend it much like they show generator auras to defend generators.
Is it fun to lose? No. Is it toxic to play the game as intended and try and win? No.
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You lost me the moment you said tunneling and camping are toxic. Didn't know winning is toxic
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I do all the things survivors complain about camp,tunnel, slug whenever the moment calls for it (I never intentionally grief anyone just doing my job and some games I don'tfo any of the 3) and do rather well for myself. I don't see a problem with this for two reasons.
1. I have seen some teams handle this rather well when I try to do it and still get escapes so quite frankly if it does work well I assume matchmaking messed up and I'd rather send people to their next game where it's hopefully more even than draw things out.
2. I don't really think the macro clickers that send me to maps like Badham and Haddonfield and stun me 12 different ways and try to Sabo any hook in a 5 mole radius if I get a down care about my game play experience too much so I don't care to babysit and coddle them.
As a minor point related to the other two if you are on a team and it's obvious the entire team is around me trying to get a save and I get the hook anyway and you don't leave and stay in the area (literally all 3 of you) I don't have much of a reason to patrol gens do I? I'm not saying griefers don't exist but some of the complaints survivors have I think are more self-inflicted than they believe.
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I find tunnelling can be a little subjective too. I often lose track of who has just been chased/hooked and will go after who ever is closest. I also do sometimes choose to chase someone who is injured over a healthy, because in theory it is more economical time wise.
Then there are survivors who unhook their teammate and disappear giving the killer no choice but to chase the unhooked survivor.
So, not all tunnelling is spiteful or intended to be toxic.
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I stopped counting the times I got ######### in chat after a game cause I play super stealthy as ghosti and often don't commit to a chase cause I rather look for a new target to stalk and disturb the other survs but the I take away the fun
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I've been playing since the end of October 21. So I'm a newbie, so to speak.
I enjoy it and play as I want, as the situation arises.
However, I cannot play if I am blinded with flashlights for 3 minutes and cannot move while 5 generators are being repaired during this time and then all survivors simply disappear through the exit.
And that didn't happen to me just once.
Or the game only runs for 2 minutes and suddenly the messages come from all corners of the map that a generator has been repaired, and there are 4 of them and I have not even turned around to see where I am at all.
You say survivors can't ruin the killer’s game - they can.
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Another "gens are not people so its fine" person.
Rushing gens and coordinating location/ totems etc is taking away the killers gameplay and making the game boring and painful. Solo players are fun because they screw up and waste time with multiples going for the save etc while swf are like going against a robot where the game is already worked out and all you can do is hold W and get a couple of hooks before the game is over.
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I've never understood why people say the killer shouldn't tunnel. Survivors go all out to win but the killer should handicap himself? This logic is peak survivor entitlement. An average survivor team at high MMR is loaded with circle, dstrike, bt, dead hard, unbreakable, etc. Killers have to do something to get an edge. The reality is tunneling is often the best play for the killer to make. When you play nice all you do is earn yourself a nice teabag at the gate. No one is grateful for your nice guy playstyle so you might as well go all out for the win.
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If you take a drink every time someone falsely claims that the killer has the power to stop the survivor from playing the game, you'll have alcohol poisoning by the end of page 1. Just don't do it.
Seriously, I am so over this nonsense argument. The only way either side can stop the other from playing is by hacks or by survivors being physically blocked into a corner by the killer or another survivor. That's it. Those are both reportable for that reason.
Being put on a hook is part of playing the game, just as running back from the respawn is part of just about every MP shooter and being eliminated is part of every battle royal game. Guess what, even on that hook, you're still playing. It may not be as "fun' but then if it was, what would be the incentive to not get caught?
I played F13 for years. Unlike DbD there weren't multiple chances for the survivors, once Jason caught you, he killed you, and you were watching the game and hoping you got to be Tommy Jarvis. In all the years I played that game nobody claimed that the killer "kept them from being able to play" because they understood that's literally the point of the game. Why is it so difficult to understand the exact same thing here?
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i think it's not just toxic stuff that gets killers yelled at honestly just existing makes the game not fun for a lot of the survivor community if you win a game as killer well guess what that's ToXiC. you play a b tier or higher killer T H A T S T O X I C. you run fun perks/builds to make the game not just about winning, for instance scratched mirror, tombstone, silent bell, A N Y E X P O S E R A D D O N THAT'S TOXIC honestly killers can't do anything because no matter what you do their is atleast 1 player out their in the community who finds that not fun/boring so honestly just do what you want cuz the community is going to be mean no matter what you do. or do what smart players do and play on console so they have to be salty over the ps4/xbox messaging and unlike dbd the actual platforms care about the report system and most likely will ban them or tell them to STAWP ET. another option is to just remember if somebody takes the time to be a jerk over a video game they probably live a very sad life especially if they create a twitch account just to talk crap IM LOOKING AT YOU CHERYL.(yes a angry player did once create an account to talk crap about how unfun the game was where i ran around the map with the fast cloaking addons hitting the bell so all they could hear all game was the bell being hit over and over again and had created an account 11 minutes ago according to twitch) but yeah i feel like salt is inevitable so just ignore them and move on to the next game or just laugh and watch as somebody has a tantrum because you used overcharge while trying to get adept doctor :)
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I am endlessly impressed by the rapidity with which this will descend to "even if you're just following someone whilst all gens are completed you were technically doing something so you were getting gameplay therefore fun".
Personally, I don't think chases in general make for fun or engaging gameplay on the Killer side. Either you have a power to negate them, or close the gap, or you're going to be very, very bored if it becomes one of those chases. Those chases are no more interactive than holding M1: eventually, I will get close, and I will hit you. That's just the nature of speed differences. Or maybe I'll get close and there'll actually be something more engaging. But the fun, you see, is therefore in trying to get the hit, not the carpentry.
Or: there's always going to be unfun gameplay, the mere notion that because I have free movement it's also fun gameplay is incredibly untrue. Spine Chill, for instance, forces everything into a damn crabwalk, that's the opposite of fun. Or I get to "enjoy" a long 30-40s catchup.
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I mean there’s a simple solution. Play killer yourself and never camp, tunnel or slug and have fun getting 0 kills and/or having someone hold W across the map only for them to dead hard to extend the chance, someone body blocks or sabos the hook. Meanwhile the rest of us killers will continue to do whatever we need to do win (just like survivors play to win). Neither side has any obligation for making the game fun. That’s the devs job.
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no different then a survivor DC's when you down them legit and they're about to die. was playing a game as Pyramid head, downed someone who thought they were safe on the other side of a dropped pallet. DC's as soon as I pick them up after a ranged hit.
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Same thing happened to me that match. I was Pinhead on one of the coldwind maps, the Yun jun had no idea you can hit over the fences in the main building and got downed., after I downed her she dc'ed
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"But I didn't get to play."
Yes, you did. You just somehow got downed almost immediately. This is like accusing other players of ruining your fun in fortnite because you were one of the first few people eliminated from the game, and that's not fair. Queue up, try again, and when someone gets good enough they can run the killer for more than 10 seconds, and won't have as much an issue. Also if he is tunneling you and you're in repeated chases, how are you not playing the game? You aren't entitled to win or entitled to a long match just because. If I load up street fighter, I can absolutely get beaten with very little input if I am bad and my opponent is extremely good. That doesn't mean my opponent was somehow toxic for not letting me get offense in. It means I need to get good. The point of the game is to win.
I'd rather be face camped than tbag/clicked any day of the week. Period.
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Oof. Okay, this may come over as harsh, but I think you are way off the mark here.
- Tunneling isn't really a problem, unless it's straight off the hook. It isn't the killer's responsibility to distribute damage. A big part of playing killer effectively is removing one player ASAP. If you don't, you're going to get teabagged all the way to the exit gates.
- 'Camping' is too broad a term. Facecamping? Yes, that sucks. The devs are working on a way to discourage this further. Proxy camping or defending a hook? That, again, is just the killer playing properly. You aren't supposed to be guaranteed a safe unhook.
- There are plenty of ways survivors make the game less fun for me, deliberately. Here's some examples: Refusing to finish the final gen and instead stalling the game out by playing hide and seek or saboing and bodyblocking forever - a survivor can 'concede' by killing themselves on hook, but there's no way for the killer to concede short of DCing. Using certain map offerings + further hook offerings. Teabagging. Spamming flashlights. Purposefully DCing or AFKing. Hacking. Lag switching. Being butts in postgame. Exploiting areas of the game where they can be unhookable or unhittable. Abusing certain loops against certain killers that amount to infinites. And that's just off the top of my head.
- There is a common expectation that the killer gives the last survivor hatch or gate - to the extent that not doing this is considered BM. There is no such correlative expectation on the survivor end of things. In games where I 4k, there is about a 50% chance I get cussed out in postgame. I've been given a 'pity kill' on literally 2 occasions in 400 hours. I'm not sure how you can say 'winning for killers has become more important than the other side's fun' if you consider this - if anything, the opposite is more true from my experience.
- Lastly, 'a fun game of chase' - I routinely have games where I'll lose multiple gens before seeing a survivor, let alone having a chase, because everyone's running Spinechill or similar and just hides.
All in all, I strongly disagree here and I think this speaks to a certain bias on your side of things, mate. I'd suggest that you play a few dozen games as killer and take note of just how nasty the average survivor tends to be, and how little they consider your fun.