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Question for killer players (but not all obviously)

Member Posts: 111

Just out of curiosity for the killers who chase one survivor the whole match while all of the generators are popping, how is it satisfying to play this way?

I've been in many matches where the killer will chase me most if not all of the match and end up getting one kill because all the generators are done and the other survivors escape.

Even if I get rescued after one or two hooks, the killer keeps coming after me despite the generators being done allowing all the other survivors to escape. Thus resulting in one kill at the end.

I'm just wondering how this strategy or playstyle is satisfying for someone who plays killer? I'm not a killer main but it seems like a boring way to play. I would think that someone who plays killer would attempt to maximize hooks and kills in a match, but maybe I'm wrong after experiencing this over and over again.

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  • Member Posts: 111

    Yeah but even if they start chasing me before the first generator is popped, some killers have chased me around the entire map for four to five generators to get popped and for some reason are obsessed with getting just one kill and I'm the victim of that goal sometimes. I just don't see how it's satisfying to play this way.

  • Member Posts: 531

    idk maybe they just think you are a fun chase or maybe they are just bad or new or so on and so on it could be a billion different reasons

  • Applicant Posts: 343

    Usually it's because I'm practicing something or trying to fill a condition.

    If I'm trying to learn nurse I'm not aiming to win or lose I'm aiming to practice blinking.

    If I have to chase someone with a certain character or just chase ill get the condition and probably zone out.

    Finally it can be that I just need to fill a category, like tossing bottles, and I'll just follow someone around fulfilling the goal.

  • Member Posts: 18
  • Member Posts: 2,005

    It's the only way to have a reason to complain about "gens flying too fast", after all.

  • Member Posts: 111

    If you consider running away and vaulting windows toxic, then yeah maybe i’m toxic without knowing it.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    If there's a very good survivor that's playing really cleverly I'll often throw a match to chase them. It's fun. Give em a single nod of respect on the hook, trundle over to the exit gate to harass the other survs and let somebody get the unhook.

    Course you feel terrible sometimes when nobody bothers to unhook, but that's dbd.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    They're commited fellas.

  • Member Posts: 5,508

    It's also a sunk cost fallacy. It takes not only experience, but also a certain willpower and resistance to frust and mental anguish to agree with yourself to break a chase with a very good survivor/looper when you already have invested so much time in the chase.

    But usually, if you are looped time and time again for 1min+ (actually 30s+ without any progress should be he cue), then it's better to break off that chase and look for some easier prey and at the very least chase someone off their gens. Often, when a gen is very close to popping, survivors will take some unreasonable risks to complete it, after getting hit loop back to it while in your sight or just plain stay there. Thats sort of the survivors version of sunk cost.

    If a player is an awesome looper, they will often try to seak you out, either come running directly at you, or making some pretty obvious "mistake". Bonus points if they flashlight clickety click you. If they do that, they are probably a god looper and your best course of action is to just plain ignore them and chase someone else.

    Very often, being chased was their whole gameplan and I have them often hover around me, while I chase another surv, either trying to get my attention or to help the other one, effectively getting half the team off the gens.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    That's funny cause I got the opposit reaction in many games cause the forum and many streamers always tells you to let the survs run if it cost to much time and to avoid obvious good runners so I got complains in chat after the game a couple of times now that I am unfun cause I won't react to some survivors when I know I won't catch them

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I don’t go particularly out of my way to chase someone all match, but if I have a chance to hook someone twice in a row versus two people one at a time it’s obviously stronger to get two hooks on the same survivor to eliminate them faster.

    I suspect though some players get really focussed on the first person they see and just never break off. New killers don’t know when to keep chasing and when to switch targets so I can definitely see a new player just chasing the first survivor for three minutes trying to get them hooked if the survivor is a better runner than them.

  • Member Posts: 70
    edited January 2022

    Sometimes, when I see that someone is very good and stand out from the rest, I'm ok with throwing match just to chase this one player to get better. If i eventually hook them, I'm camping, but not facecamping - far enogh to encourage rescue and start another chase with realistic headstart.

    But I might be different, normally I'm not trying to win at any cost, I try to spread hooks evenly and I particularly enjoy games, where survivors understand that I don't want to chase someone who is dead on next hook, and sometimes they even lead me to this one surviovor that was i.e. hiding in the locker whole game, not doing gens, not rescueing others, I haven't seen them whole game and they are waiting for me to kill everyone to get hatch.

  • Member Posts: 735

    It depends on the match and my mood.

    As some people said, if I find a survivor who is really good in loops and chases and it gives me really hard time. I try to communicate with him by letting him struggle out and nods to keep on chases. Sometimes it actually works. Even had a nice 4men SWF where we spent around 30 min praticing killer shack, LT and such. It was amazing and we all enjoyed and added few new tricks to our sleeves.

    I changed my mindset to “how much good chases I can get before 5gen pops”.

    So overall, idc at all if its 0K or 4K.

    But then again, if you see a survivor who manages loop to loop just to predrop pallet or loop me in a killer shack…

    It depends of a killer and build. If I see its waste of time then I rather swap focus on gens

  • Member Posts: 1,451

    Tunnel vision.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Usually an indication of an inexperienced player.

    But on rare occasions, sometimes you realize you've committed too long and threw the game,and might as well kill this dude.

  • Member Posts: 159

    I don't like some maps so sometimes I chase a single survivor instead of quitting, the killer want the game to end quickly.

  • Member Posts: 3,759

    You have to consider that not every killer plays always seriously.

    It is right that it can be a daily - to chase survs for 240 sec or so. In these matches i often only chase and nothing else.

    Or a challenge to break pallets - then i hope i chase one that throws them early.

    And sometimes kind of an ego or just plaything - if he loops really good i might try to catch him no matter what.

    Throwing games doesn´t matter in these times, as you loose much games anyway.

  • Member Posts: 5,607

    So after 3-4 Gens pop you want the Killer to find someone else to chase... Granted there's less Gens to check but the thing is that the Killer has a Survivor "in sight" and most likely the Gens that are left are far apart

    And if the Killer does stop chasing you then you can Heal (if necessary) and get on a Gen yourself... Which is lose-lose for the Killer

    Cause now the Killer is chasing no one and all of the Survivors can be on Gens

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    It depends. Like if a player has went out of their way to be obnoxious you might be willing to throw the game to get the dopamine release from killing that one player. Sometimes it is just sunk cost fallacy fear, you've chased this person and over extended yourself to the point most gens are passed the point of no return so you just keep going after them. Some folks just want to watch the world burn for just you, specifically. Those folks are usually a little crazy, comes with the game type.

    It's something that is super common to see done by beginning killer players because they don't always know how to best manage their time, but do know if they get one person down it might make other things slow down. I think everyone does this a bit at first, but folks who keep doing usually find something interesting about it.

  • Applicant Posts: 250

    Its not most of the time its because a boon is in place and the killer need to commit to the chase because he just lost the hit and run playstyle he is used too.

    So instead of catching survivor off guard later he commit to the chase whatever the consequence and he accept hes defeat anyway that how i think and play in my match.

  • Member Posts: 768

    Everyone knows chases are the best part of the game right? So a killer who tunnels one person for 5 gens is just showing them a good time.

  • Member Posts: 15,095
  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited January 2022

    Learning when not to commit to a chase and when to peel off is very difficult.

    There's also an ego aspect in play. Giving up on a chase feels like losing sometimes.

    Are you familiar with The Gambler's Fallacy?

  • Member Posts: 5,508

    Especially when you were just THIS close to show them who is boss amd stick it to them how they looped you for 2.. No 3... ######### 4 gens.

    Oh yeah, hubris is often the reason you fail. Learn whencto swallow your pride and peal away, once they are the sole survivor left you can easily hook them and savior their sacrifice without any distractions.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Yeah, again: Gambler's Fallacy.

    You've already invested a lot of time into a chase, therefore it feels like you need to see it through. Much like a gambler will keep gambling despite being on a losing streak, because it feels like he needs to get a return on that investment.

  • Member Posts: 2,074

    I only started recently. It's the only fun thing I can do when the game is one of the worst games I've played in its state.

  • Member Posts: 111

    Let’s put my question into a better context for you. After I get hooked, the killer will intentionally camp me, i.e. stand right in front of me while on first hook and when rescued will continue to chase me while more generators are popping until second hook. Then camp me again until tescued and tunnel me just to get a one kill at the end. What’s the point of playing the game this way? Seems so unfullfilling but maybe you’re right about intentionally chasing and tunneling one survivor because that is the only and viable option for some killers, right?

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited January 2022

    I usually don't mind breaking chase until I have my 6 other hooks on the rest of the team however sometimes there is that 1 survivor that absolutely refuses to get hooked because they act like I'm going to face camp them to death (and fair, a different killer actually might) so I have to spend the 3-4 gen head start I have just downing them and hooking them twice. Which is fine to me since I already got my other 6 hooks and I was gonna have to wait for them to finish the gens anyway.

    Otherwise I'll chase a survivor the whole match because they are good, better than me. So I'll chase them to see what tricks I can get out of them to use myself, or know what to do against later down the road.

  • Member Posts: 5,607

    In that case... It is boring to play like that

    But I don't play that way so...

  • Member Posts: 1

    simple for me, if u dare flashlight clicking me i stop the game and ONLY come for u, i do not care if i kill only u

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    Could also just be that they realise they should break chase... and also don't have a clue where anyone else is.

    If it's RCPD, I'm just going to keep following you because otherwise I'll walk into a broom cupboard or something.

    Or because I'm just running a build to break pallets because I feel like breaking pallets.

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    Everyone has their own idea of what is "fun"

    Some enjoy tunneling, some enjoy holding m1 and pressing space every 10 secs.

    Some enjoy camping, some enjoy tea bagging.

    Some enjoy sweating, some enjoy picking flowers.

  • Member Posts: 727

    I only chase one survivor almost the whole match when I've given up already 😅

    There comes a point when I realize that I'm never going to get them and that I've wasted too much time now to not commit to the chase.

    So I just practice some attacks, see how they dodge them and maybe try some mind games that they don't fool for.

    It is nice sometimes to get a really good survivor though and I learn stuff from watching how they outplay me.

    In time, I'll outplay them... Just not right now. So I just half-heartedly go for them and observe.

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