Are devs going to make high ranks worthwhile to combat intentional deranking?

Dehitay Member Posts: 1,726

As of right now, deranking rewards you with easier games, more variety in killers, and if you were at high ranks, better queue times. And high ranks reward you with...

The solution to the recent controversy is obvious. Getting mad at people for intentionally deranking is pointless. What effort should be focused into is improving incentive to get higher in ranks. And over 90% of the playerbase probly agrees that rank rewards would be beneficial for the game. So are the devs actually going to implement them? Or is this problem not as important to them as it is to people like me who see it as a massive problem with a relatively simple fix?

Is it that you can't figure out how to implement a rewards system? Cause I have an idea and I'm sure countless other people have ideas for rank rewards. I'll go over what I would love to see added here:

First, bloodpoint rewards at rank reset that can temporarily exceed the bloodpoint cap so that anybody who played enough during a season to get past rank 15 gets something.
Rank 1 - 5,000,000 bloodpoints
Rank 2 - 4,000,000 bloodpoints
Rank 3 - 3,000,000 bloodpoints
Rank 4 - 2,000,000 bloodpoints
Rank 5 - 1,000,000 bloodpoints
Rank 6 - 900,000 bloodpoints
Rank 7 - 800,000 bloodpoints
Rank 8 - 700,000 bloodpoints
Rank 9 - 600,000 bloodpoints
Rank 10 - 500,000 bloodpoints
Rank 11 - 400,000 bloodpoints
Rank 12 - 300,000 bloodpoints
Rank 13 - 200,000 bloodpoints
Rank 14 - 100,000 bloodpoints

Second, something to keep people at high ranks throughout the month instead of just grinding at the end. I suggest that if you're rank 1 at the daily reset, you get a bonus daily ritual at the reset that rewards 100 or so iridescent shards. If you're rank 1 as killer at reset, you have to play 3 games as killer to get the shards. If you're rank 1 as survivor, you have to play 3 games as survivor to get them. And if you're rank 1 in both, you get both bonus daily rituals. This also means you have to play some games per day to risk losing rank 1 so you can't just garuntee you'll get the rewards the next day. The rituals should expire by next daily reset if they're not finished in a day's time so no stacking them up.


  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2019

    Regarding the "bonus for rank 1 at reset" thing, what that will do is just make people stop playing a day or two before reset once they get rank 1. There are probably better solutions here.

    As for the BP reward yes that will help, but the issues people that derank seem to have are 1) queue times and 2) killer variety at high rank. Giving rewards won't really change 2, and 1 I think is a byproduct of the way the game prioritizes smaller groups over bigger groups. Like right now, on Xbox, I'm sitting in a lobby with a 4 man SWF for about 10 minutes looking for a game. We found 1 game against a rank 2 Clown before and it took a while to get the game. But I know, for a fact, if I go to play solo or we split into pairs we will find games super fast. (As I typed this we found a game, but then we got dodged BTW)

    Hopefully when dedicated servers come out, and we get that thing where survivors are put together BEFORE finding a killer, it will solve the queue time issues.

    However fixing 2 will be a lot more challenging. It comes from this idea that Nurse/Billy are the only viable killers at high ranks, and therefore people refuse to even try to experiment. Additionally, because they are the strongest killers, if someone isn't THAT good of a killer to be at rank 1, they get a mild boost from the strength of these 2 to be able to play at rank 1. Outright buffing/reworking killers I don't think would solve this problem, at least not without creating more problems in the process. Survivor nerfs are another option, but that too brings problems. Probably the only way to fix this is to just find ways to change the communities perspective on what constitutes a viable rank 1 killer. Maybe having separate ranks for separate killers could work, with some cross-over so that you can't be a rank 1 Billy and a rank 18 Hag, which would obviously be unfair to those survivors if that player chooses Hag, even if they aren't AS GOOD with Hag as they are with Billy they are still an overall good killer. So in this case, if you are a rank 1 Billy and never play Hag, you would be something like a rank 8 Hag. That gives people incentive to play other killers that may not be strong enough to compete at rank 1, or at the very least that player isn't good enough with that killer to use at rank 1.

    It's a very difficult problem to solve. I hope BHVR comes up with something just to ease the community's angst over the situation.

  • Zavri
    Zavri Member Posts: 261

    should be no reward until rank 10. and the amounts have to be drastically lower.

    Would have to start around 25k or 50k and the absolute max should be somewhere between 500k and 1mill.

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649
    Rank 1+2+3 should give the same reward, so people don't stop playing before rank reset once they hit rank 1 to avoid depipping. Some room to breath you know.
  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 781

    If the devs are going to implement getting this many bloodpoints, they would need to add a way to spend them faster.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I agree that there should be an incentive to staying in high ranks.
    But millions of BP is ridiculous, I cannot find myself supporting giving out 5 million BP that easily.
    I think just 1 million is enough, and you get 1 million regardless of how much you have saved up in your BP count.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Zavri said:
    should be no reward until rank 10. and the amounts have to be drastically lower.

    Would have to start around 25k or 50k and the absolute max should be somewhere between 500k and 1mill.

    The problem is that a lower amount of BP would not be an incentive. One gets 50k in 1 killer game. People that play a lot make 1 million in 1-2 days.

    What I'd prefer is a matchmaking where you don't have to wait so long for lobbies. If there is nobody on your rank right now, let's get matched with someone a few ranks lower. The devs already announced that there will be a new matchmaking system so I'm hoping it will decrease waiting times.

    When there aren't long lobby queues anymore, a lot of people would not have a reason for deranking.

  • PandaChris
    PandaChris Member Posts: 140
    edited January 2019

    I think we got to look at this at a different way. Deranking possibly gives "easier" games. Why can they be easier? well player experience, access to more of a variety of perks or addons than the people you are facing.

    I think the easiest and best solution is slow down ranking up, and have restrictions on how many perks and what kind of add ons you can use based on rank.

    For example Rank 15-20 - 1 Perk
    Rank 10-14 - 2 Perks
    Rank 5-9 - 3 Perks
    Rank 1-4 - 4 Perks

    As for addons i am unsure how you could divide it up or if they should be divided up. Player experience will always play a part but people deranking with 4 of the best killer/survivor perks that are tier 3 with amazing addons facing way newer players wouldnt exist due to the restrictions.

    I think it would provide more of a balance. Maybe im wrong or maybe there would be a better way to divide perks for rank.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    1mil bp for rank 1 seems fair
    i more like the idea of an "icon" or cosmetic, even if its just a recolor for staying at rank 1 for a season or extended period of time
    hell for example have everyones default cosmetic gain a different blood color, or effect on it. something basic, but encourages people to get and attain those ranks for the season

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    I don't want BP as a reward for hitting rank 1. That is what BP offerings are for, what i want is some kind of cosmetic reward for licensed killers and survivors, this would be nice for them to have add some kind of incentive to being at rank 1. And this would allow people to actually look forward to being there.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Dehitay said:
    As of right now, deranking rewards you with easier games, more variety in killers, and if you were at high ranks, better queue times. And high ranks reward you with...

    The solution to the recent controversy is obvious. Getting mad at people for intentionally deranking is pointless. What effort should be focused into is improving incentive to get higher in ranks. And over 90% of the playerbase probly agrees that rank rewards would be beneficial for the game. So are the devs actually going to implement them? Or is this problem not as important to them as it is to people like me who see it as a massive problem with a relatively simple fix?

    Is it that you can't figure out how to implement a rewards system? Cause I have an idea and I'm sure countless other people have ideas for rank rewards. I'll go over what I would love to see added here:

    First, bloodpoint rewards at rank reset that can temporarily exceed the bloodpoint cap so that anybody who played enough during a season to get past rank 15 gets something.
    Rank 1 - 5,000,000 bloodpoints
    Rank 2 - 4,000,000 bloodpoints
    Rank 3 - 3,000,000 bloodpoints
    Rank 4 - 2,000,000 bloodpoints
    Rank 5 - 1,000,000 bloodpoints
    Rank 6 - 900,000 bloodpoints
    Rank 7 - 800,000 bloodpoints
    Rank 8 - 700,000 bloodpoints
    Rank 9 - 600,000 bloodpoints
    Rank 10 - 500,000 bloodpoints
    Rank 11 - 400,000 bloodpoints
    Rank 12 - 300,000 bloodpoints
    Rank 13 - 200,000 bloodpoints
    Rank 14 - 100,000 bloodpoints

    Second, something to keep people at high ranks throughout the month instead of just grinding at the end. I suggest that if you're rank 1 at the daily reset, you get a bonus daily ritual at the reset that rewards 100 or so iridescent shards. If you're rank 1 as killer at reset, you have to play 3 games as killer to get the shards. If you're rank 1 as survivor, you have to play 3 games as survivor to get them. And if you're rank 1 in both, you get both bonus daily rituals. This also means you have to play some games per day to risk losing rank 1 so you can't just garuntee you'll get the rewards the next day. The rituals should expire by next daily reset if they're not finished in a day's time so no stacking them up.

    The great anouncement for 2018 featured seasonal rewards and a leaderboard system. For some reason its 2019 now and we still dont have these features.....

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited January 2019

    No incentive to stay at high rank

    • Longer queue
    • Stressful games
    • you get insults whether u win or lose
    • force u to play competitive killers, killers that are trash will get punished here if u make a single mistake
    • Identity V have ranking rewards since launch, DBD has no ranking rewards for almost 3 years now

    Sadly the devs have 0 intention on adding incentive for players staying at high rank = we just stay at low rank no problem

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    @Someissues said:
    No incentive to stay at high rank

    • Longer queue
    • Stressful games
    • you get insults whether u win or lose
    • force u to play competitive killers, killers that are trash will get punished here if u make a single mistake
    • Identity V have ranking rewards since launch, DBD has no ranking rewards for almost 3 years now

    Sadly the devs have 0 intention on adding incentive for players staying at high rank = we just stay at low rank no problem

    It's a shame when a Mobile Game is better than DBD.
    But seriously, BHVR needs to up their game.

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531
    More BP is not a fix of this problem all start imo in balance 1strong killer vs 4 weak survs.Ther is a fix for this problem but need many hard work from devs Make more balance in game and make all killer viable on all ranks.If you want make another dlc wher killer will be too weak dont make it at all.
  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,726

    @PandaChris said:

    I think the easiest and best solution is slow down ranking up, and have restrictions on how many perks and what kind of add ons you can use based on rank.

    For example Rank 15-20 - 1 Perk
    Rank 10-14 - 2 Perks
    Rank 5-9 - 3 Perks
    Rank 1-4 - 4 Perks

    I actually like this idea. Since lower raI nks are supposed to be the training ranks, it also makes sense in a way. I might change what rank perks unlock a bit, but this is a pretty good setup. Unfortunately, as much as I like it, I think this is one of the developers' least likely paths.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited January 2019

    I like the idea of BP rewards. Like the first poster mentioned though, most would wait to the final days of reset to rank up.

    What might be interesting is applying a modifier to earn bloodpoints at certain ranks..

    For example... Once you get to rank 10... You start getting and extra 10 percent per match... Then increase it 10% per rank after that. Then at rank 1 you earn double BP for that match.

    That way there is an incentive during the season rather just at the end.

    Going as high as double BP might be too much once you get to rank 1... but they could combine an incentive like this for during the season, but make it up to a max of 50% extra BP, then add in some end season reward bonus for your final rank.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867
    Bloodpoint rewards are not the issue for many who intentionally lose rank. For me it is the people you play amongst. I run into much more relaxed, fun, and halfway decent people in the green ranks. Many in that bracket just want to have fun, which is why there is so much angst about try-hards in 3v1 matches and camping at that level. It is a casual bracket  

    The higher up you go, the more toxic and downright nasty the community gets  played at red ranks for one season and had no fun. Was constant deluge of piss and vinegar from survivors and killers alike. I don't want to play a game that is frustrating and venomous. I work in a high stress career field dealing with some of the worst crimi al scum you can imagine. When I get home and play DBD I want to laugh and have fun.

    Heck, my depip matches are often the most fun. I load up LF or Santa Clown and just do silly crap. I get 2 chili stacks and then screw around. I usually end up in a silly fight of protecting my Thrill Of the Hunt totem. Post game chat is cordial and fun.

    Absolutely no reward will change that. I found the part of the community that I enjoy playing with and I intend to stay there. The rest of the wanna-be top players can be azzhats in the red and purple ranks all they want.
  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited January 2019

    @Warlock_2020 said:
    Bloodpoint rewards are not the issue for many who intentionally lose rank. For me it is the people you play amongst.....
    Absolutely no reward will change that. I found the part of the community that I enjoy playing with and I intend to stay there. The rest of the wanna-be top players can be azzhats in the red and purple ranks all they want.


    It is these styles of players that the Devs will have the hardest to get under control for intentional deranking.

    They are like water and will take the path of least resistance to make sure they get easier and more fun games, while not considering other player's fun.

    In a weird way it is the Dev's fault for helping facilitate it. These players jump onto that band wagon and point the finger at the Devs rather then thinking their own actions are selfish.

    It will be interesting how this issue gets tackled by the Devs. However I don't think it will happen more till the Dedicated Servers come out.

  • N_o
    N_o Member Posts: 28
    edited January 2019

    Millions of BPs per season would be catastrophic to the economy in the game. If you wanted to do bp rewards per season, its gonna need to be toned down a lot.
    Something like this would be acceptable.

    Ranks 1-5 200k bps
    Ranks 6-10 150K bps
    Ranks 11-15 100k bps
    Ranks 16-20 50k bps.

    At least this would be a start for incentive to stay at the higher ranks, without butchering the ingame economy.

    Of course since theres 2 ranks per season you would receive double the allotted value from above provided you landed in that bracket that season.

    Plus there would need to be a mechanic to show your participated in the season, to allow you to receive the rewards. Something like a 10 game minimum for each side should suffice.

  • PandaChris
    PandaChris Member Posts: 140
    edited January 2019

    It was posted a few times but people are still missing it. You cant reward BP for end of season rank because the people deranking to bully newer survivors/killers will just wait till near the end of the season and rank up quick to get the rewards. This wont fix the issue of the bullying or making people want to stay at higher ranks.

    With the current system make ranking much slower. Change how Rank Reset works. Rank 1-5 gets a Reset Rank of 5. Rank 6-10 Resets to Rank 10. Rank 11-15 Resets to Rank 15. Rank 16-20 Reset to Rank 20. Then make Rank 5, 10, 15 hard Ranks where you cant derank past those points after youve hit them.

    Also, i still believe in my previous post with the number of Perks capped to what Rank you are and possibly Addons capped, where you get 1 addon from 20-10 and 2 addons from 9-1 for example. So even if you try to derank constantly to stay at the Rank 15-20 range lets say, its much more of a even playing field cause everyone would have only access to 1-2 perks (depending how the perk caps are) and 1 addon.

    Edit - So the benefit of ranking up/staying at a higher rank is also a progression where people will hopefully want to stay at higher ranks to enjoy a full kit of options.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,726

    Multiple posts have popped up saying millions of bloodpoints are too much so I want to address that all at once.

    @brokedownpalace said:
    Millions of bloodpoints as a reward once a month is absurd. And knowing how concerned the devs are about the bloodpoint economy, it would never happen. Rewards in the hundreds of thousands would make more sense.

    I never actually caught the devs making a statement about the bloodpoint economy. By any chance, do you know where they said something about it? I'm curious to check it out.

    @Zavri said:
    should be no reward until rank 10. and the amounts have to be drastically lower.

    Would have to start around 25k or 50k and the absolute max should be somewhere between 500k and 1mill.

    It would have to be a significantly high number in order to be a valid incentive. Something that can be earned in a day won't impress a lot of people. Since the goal is to encourage people to go for the rewards, it's best to go beyond what's necessary. Going below what's necessary won't do anything.

    @N_o said:
    Millions of BPs per season would be catastrophic to the economy in the game. If you wanted to do bp rewards per season, its gonna need to be toned down a lot.

    What economy? There's absolutely no trading between players in this game. Bloodpoints are only used to gain more perks, items, addons, and offerings. All that does is increase variety in playstyles.

    And a million bloodpoints is a lot less than you think. I earned around 20 million bloodpoints during the Christmas event and that was only 2 or 3 weeks, not a month.

  • N_o
    N_o Member Posts: 28

    There is a form of economy, you trade bps for addons and perks offerings ect. And you wanting to give out 5million bloodpoints well i just love getting moried every game, or having killers with the best offerings all the time. OR survivors with an increased amount of insta heals. You catch my drift.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
    edited January 2019

    Nothing wrong with end of season rewards but 5 million is wayyy to much. Something like 1 million points would be fair and maybe 5000 iridescent shards.

    In my opinion i think there should be bloodpoint awards for pipping to discourage deranking. For example say you earn a single pip in a game. That should reward you with 1.5x the bloodpoints calculated post game. Double pipping would double your bloodpoints and safety would do nothing. Additionally this is only rewarded when you are gaining rank for that season. For example if you are rank 1 and pip you still get the bonus bloodpoint reward but if you depip to rank 2 the next pip or double pip you get that brings you back to rank 1 will not award bonus bloodpoints. Raising and maintaining your rank will ensure you earn the bonus.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @TheBean said:

    @Warlock_2020 said:
    Bloodpoint rewards are not the issue for many who intentionally lose rank. For me it is the people you play amongst.....
    Absolutely no reward will change that. I found the part of the community that I enjoy playing with and I intend to stay there. The rest of the wanna-be top players can be azzhats in the red and purple ranks all they want.


    It is these styles of players that the Devs will have the hardest to get under control for intentional deranking.

    They are like water and will take the path of least resistance to make sure they get easier and more fun games, while not considering other player's fun.

    In a weird way it is the Dev's fault for helping facilitate it. These players jump onto that band wagon and point the finger at the Devs rather then thinking their own actions are selfish.

    It will be interesting how this issue gets tackled by the Devs. However I don't think it will happen more till the Dedicated Servers come out.

    You cant control deranking. Its part of the ranking system, a necessary part.
    the problem in DBD is that ranking up is not rewarding, but punishing

  • I think the answer is a combination of what a lot of you said. Pipping and rank up Bp bonus. A special cosmetic for Rank 1 for the character you are using but in steps all the way to full outfits like with prestige, shard bonuses and special rituals with high bp rewards every day that you are rank 1. Also, special Gold Weapon for killers and something like a title belt for survivors that spend a certain amount of time and win a certain amount of games at rank one that is lost on de-rank but adds something to it if you finish the season with it. Rank locks every 5 ranks. This is what everyone deserves that puts in the time and effort to be competitive at this game. Adding in a reward system like that would bring more people to the game and keep more people playing more often it would also make a Casual Mode possible. Casual Mode really solves all the de-pippers issues, the reward system would keep players playing ranked so everyone is happy.Do this then move onto whatever balancing you have to for Ranked.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    Before they add rewards they should rework the entire ranking system. Maybe then consider adding some reward but definitely not 5 mil for rank 1.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @Master said:
    You cant control deranking. Its part of the ranking system, a necessary part.
    the problem in DBD is that ranking up is not rewarding, but punishing

    Oh... Thanks for that :)..... Didn't realize deranking was part of the ranking system... geez.

    But someone disconnecting right after the match starts 20 times in a row.... Is that not something the Devs can try to control regardless of the number matches they play? Since with Dedicated Servers they will see that activity live and be able to respond instantly.

    Sorry I forgot you are a person of little nuance.

    Anyways.. What else can you add to the discussion that others have mentioned already?.. Don't forget to include all the past threads on the topic, as I don't know what people have said in those.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @TheBean said:

    It is these styles of players that the Devs will have the hardest to get under control for intentional deranking.

    They are like water and will take the path of least resistance to make sure they get easier and more fun games, while not considering other player's fun.

    In a weird way it is the Dev's fault for helping facilitate it. These players jump onto that band wagon and point the finger at the Devs rather then thinking their own actions are selfish.

    It will be interesting how this issue gets tackled by the Devs. However I don't think it will happen more till the Dedicated Servers come out.

    Agreed, it will be very difficult. That said, many players who derank are not doing it for easier games. I know I don't want easier games. I just want to play in a more casual atmosphere with other players who are not sweating each match. As for skill level, if it is obvious that I severely outskill my oponents, I tend to take it back a notch. I don't get enjoyment out of dominating strangers in a pixelated arena online. Instead, I just have fun and ensure my oponents do too. I can get tons of bp and not kill anyone. As survivor, I've often allowed a killer to catch me so he can get at least one kill.

    That is the enjoyment of being in a casual setting. I'm not forced to be a sweaty try-hard azzhat to get anywhere. I just relax and enjoy. Hard to do in the red/purple ranks.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @TheBean said:

    @Master said:
    You cant control deranking. Its part of the ranking system, a necessary part.
    the problem in DBD is that ranking up is not rewarding, but punishing

    Oh... Thanks for that :)..... Didn't realize deranking was part of the ranking system... geez.

    But someone disconnecting right after the match starts 20 times in a row.... Is that not something the Devs can try to control regardless of the number matches they play? Since with Dedicated Servers they will see that activity live and be able to respond instantly.

    Sorry I forgot you are a person of little nuance.

    Anyways.. What else can you add to the discussion that others have mentioned already?.. Don't forget to include all the past threads on the topic, as I don't know what people have said in those.

    Aha now we are talking. Of course, in my opinion every DC should lead to a queue time penalty that increases the more you DC.

    But there are multiple ways (actually allowed ones) to derank, for example you can play bad intentionally, you can just run after survivors and dont hit, you can only slugg or you simply go afk.
    All these ways to derank can be taken care of if we actually have an incentive to rank up

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited January 2019

    @Warlock_2020 said:

    Agreed, it will be very difficult. That said, many players who derank are not doing it for easier games. I know I don't want easier games. I just want to play in a more casual atmosphere with other players who are not sweating each match. As for skill level, if it is obvious that I severely outskill my oponents, I tend to take it back a notch. I don't get enjoyment out of dominating strangers in a pixelated arena online. Instead, I just have fun and ensure my oponents do too. I can get tons of bp and not kill anyone. As survivor, I've often allowed a killer to catch me so he can get at least one kill.

    That is the enjoyment of being in a casual setting. I'm not forced to be a sweaty try-hard azzhat to get anywhere. I just relax and enjoy. Hard to do in the red/purple ranks.

    I know what you are getting at. But you are deranking for easier matches.

    For example... "I don't rank up so that I can get into easier matches.".... Makes sense.

    I derank so I can play in a more casual atmosphere. Which is exactly saying you want to play easier matches. You aren't deranking to play the same matches you play at rank 1. You want to chill out and have some fun and not get all sweaty. Whether your deranking to being done for malice or not is really irrelevant.

    Saying it one way vs the other doesn't really make it any different. You've only worded it the way you do to make it easier to justify it to yourself.

    There really isn't anything the Devs will be able to do to prevent this per say. Since you could just throw off matches to lose pips and go into the lower rank. However I hope they get some ideas to change peoples minds about deranking.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @TheBean said:

    @Warlock_2020 said:

    Agreed, it will be very difficult. That said, many players who derank are not doing it for easier games. I know I don't want easier games. I just want to play in a more casual atmosphere with other players who are not sweating each match. As for skill level, if it is obvious that I severely outskill my oponents, I tend to take it back a notch. I don't get enjoyment out of dominating strangers in a pixelated arena online. Instead, I just have fun and ensure my oponents do too. I can get tons of bp and not kill anyone. As survivor, I've often allowed a killer to catch me so he can get at least one kill.

    That is the enjoyment of being in a casual setting. I'm not forced to be a sweaty try-hard azzhat to get anywhere. I just relax and enjoy. Hard to do in the red/purple ranks.

    I know what you are getting at. But you are deranking for easier matches.

    For example... "I don't rank up so that I can get into easier matches.".... Makes sense.

    I derank so I can play in a more casual atmosphere. Which is exactly saying you want to play easier matches. You aren't deranking to play the same matches you play at rank 1. You want to chill out and have some fun and not get all sweaty. Whether your deranking to being done for malice or not is really irrelevant.

    Saying it one way vs the other doesn't really make it any different. You've only worded it the way you do to make it easier to justify it to yourself.

    There really isn't anything the Devs will be able to do to prevent this per say. Since you could just throw off matches to lose pips and go into the lower rank. However I hope they get some ideas to change peoples minds about deranking.

    Is there sth wrong about playing casually and not competitive?

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,726

    @Master said:

    Is there sth wrong about playing casually and not competitive?

    No, but there is something wrong with intentionally deranking in order to play casually instead of competitively. You can play casually at any rank. You'll just lose more often against higher ranks if you do. Which ironically, allows you to derank unintentionally.

    But I don't really blame the players. This is definitely a development flaw. The fact that being a lower rank is undeniably better than being a higher rank is because not enough thought went into the system.