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General Discussions

Survivors Attitudes Towards Killers.



  • Member Posts: 4,759

    I hit people on the hook to stop the annoying screams of some survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited January 2022

    It's not about like or dislike, it's about what's actually griefing and what isn't.

    You can win without camping or tunneling, and I don't even do the clicky click. It's GRIEFING because you're PREVENTING THE STANDARD GAMEPLAY LOOP, aka you're shortening 3 hooks to 1, and forcing them to be unable to do anything at all for 2 full minutes(or 4 if you slug), all for the sake of brainless kills. It's the same as if you were sitting at someone's spawn point in a shooter that didn't have randomized spawns, and shooting them in the head over and over and over. Survivors cannot prevent killers from playing the game, killers can prevent survivors from doing so. That's the difference. Survivors clicking flashlights and tbagging at pallets hinder THEM, not the killer. All it does is, if you have big ego, hurt your feelings, but you can still play the game as normal.

    This is why I wish BHVR would reduce 3 hooks to 1, but make escaping from the killer's chase easier to compensate. Then everyone would get to play the game, and killers couldn't grief people.

  • Member Posts: 960

    So this is the guy who will say the game is balanced but any tactic that the killer uses is bad (I.E using lightborne to ward off, flashlights tunneling and camping is a bad idea even though some killers have to due to nerfed basekit and etc ) and also doesn't play much killer but sure let's just take his word for it and not any other CC who has shown and said that the game is unbalanced and some killers need to play a certain way just to stand a chance on certain match brackets.

  • Member Posts: 960

    I can tell at least in my experience it's hard to distinguish between a survivor just playing the game and a "survivor" who bms and bullies people. Unfortunately, due to how this game manages ######### behavior most are geared to believing everyone acts like this and it becomes a generalization of both sides as a whole.

  • Member Posts: 960

    Maybe not make the killer play easier however there is definitely evidence of people wanting survivor to be basically braindead easy mode to the point where the game should be PvE and played with a crappy AI bot.

    And let's take into account all the stuff that this game offers now what exactly do you think BHVR will do to alleviate this without making survivor, even more, piss easy than it already is.

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    As someone who plays both sides and with how well spoken this was, I must confess that I love you for doing this.

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    I do think in an asymmetrical game the side with people that requires teamwork needs to be easier than the solo side. Mainly because you are punished for your teammates mistakes and as the solo role you either win or lose on your own merit.

    DbD is an odd fish to balance given the sheer enormity of RNG involved. Maps are a huge part (size and loop spawns) and even map offerings don't guarantee specific tiles. The killer chosen. As killer are your perks going to help you against these specific survivors. Are the survivors swf? Are they any good? Do they have perks to counter you/your perks/ability.

    So much RNG makes things almost impossible to balance. However, removing the RNG would just make the game repetitive and boring (ie MMR).

    They also need to be less afraid of minor tweaks to perks. This mid chapter changes nothing really except for 2 perks.

    Maps are the main thing that needs to be balanced. Map reworks are great but map reworks at the loss of new maps and realms will just bore the current playerbase.

    TLDR: The best way to balance the game is to firstly balance the maps. Once that's done they can more easily balance from there.

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    just to clarify- who is "the guy" complaining about lightborne? Scott, myself or another? I saw a lot of posts complaining about people complaining about it but never saw one actually complaining about the perk (that wasn't low tier bait anyway).

    And which one of us are you saying doesn't play a lot of killer? I think Scott and I are probably both killer mains but I haven't kept up to date with Scott tbh...

    I'm not sure if you replied to my comment in error or not because you seem to be responding to things I didn't say or mention...

    As for the specific comment you replied to (and link invokved) it details how camping isn't effective and details why. What other CCs have gone into such detail regarding this and proven otherwise?

  • Member Posts: 960

    To a point, you are right however what makes a map balanced is subjective to some people along with some factual issues such as pallet placement and such.

    Right now the biggest problem to me at least is 2 things along with the maps

    The over-reliance on perks and the constant nerfs to killers

    while true that some needed tweaking the devs have gone too overboard and made it a scenario where due to both the map's rng and what perks they use survivor can be easy to the point where you can be the worst survivor ever and still win most matches and killers having no way to counter it other than specific plays, tactics and perks.

    As for the game being boring yes, MMR and SBMM is borked to all hell but part of that is due to the stale meta that only slightly budged due to COH with for some reason the devs refuse to touch these perks but will nerf and rework killers to a supposed "Balance" while leaving everything else unattended to.

    Whether its for money, fear of newcomers leaving,a lack of balance understanding or something else, right now, it's easy to say that along with the glaring issues outside of matches, there's a good case to be made about it being onesided as well.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    You sound like someone that got facecamped and felt the need to attack other players for it. You don't get to call tactics you do not agree with "not playing the game" when it very clearly IS.

    To say nothing of the fact that facecountering is counterable. My SWF did it like ten times tonight alone.

  • Member Posts: 960
    edited January 2022

    I don't know why but the forums messed my message up again cause none of that post was to you but to the one who posted Scott's video claiming that the camping and tunneling are bad moves.

    At this moment and time, I have to admit I can't take Scott seriously cause much like some forums on here it seems to cherry-pick certain ideas and reasons as to why certain people say things without understanding it along with the poster of the video seemingly ignoring evidence from other CC that disagrees with the claims and while yes, certain things can be missed naturally something such as lightborne's use and camping and tunneling are shown to work for the situations that warrant it however just saying they are bad much like the tournament video saying it's balanced without the reasons why they that way (Such as what did the killer use, what map, what tactics were used by both sides, etc ) shows that certain points were not viewed or flat out ignored in favor of a delusional idea that what they say is right.

    And for your last point, Otz on numerous occasions has stated that at high MMR tunneling and camping are needed to an extent.

    Also Just wanted to say if the game truly is balanced why then are so many killer mains who have played this for a long time suddenly leaving in favor of other games (I.E VHS or eventually games like Elden ring ) or flat out just switched to survivor in a time where survivor times are getting longer and longer especially for solos.

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    If you ever wish to be friends on steam or what have you, my name's right there if you read it. :>

  • Member Posts: 328

    I go into a game as killer without intent to camp or tunnel and usually dont unless theres a 3 gen on the last gen or all the gens are done and i have a hook.

    Tbh the gens fly so quickly that with most killers at some point youre forced to cancel.

    Dunno how well MMR works but i have under 200 hours on PC (mostly survivor- im literally ash rank 1 on killer) and it puts me with survivors with 3k hours. Pmsl its so stupid.

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    Just back from work and added! See you in the fog! >.<

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