Nemesis NEEDS a rework, he's a pay to lose killer

Right now you're better off with playing Pyramid Head, not only is the hitbox on his projectile longer and wider, it also doesn't give survivors a third health state & bypasses structures. And it even deals AOE damage!
Meanwhile Nemesis has an extremely slim hitbox on his tentacle which can't even bypass collision and gets easily countered by anyone simply crouching behind a structure. What reason would anyone have to play this killer?
Nemesis might have a pair of zombies stalking the map but they rarely ever prove to be useful, most of the time they tend to get stuck in the environment and their movespeed is simply too slow to make a difference. Pyramid Head meanwhile can flatout ignore and counter things like DS and flashlights due to how powerful his ability is.
Nemesis in his current state is simply a pay to lose killer. I absolutely do not comprehend how the devs could even consider nerfing him if he's in dire need of buffs to actually get a niché of his own. As long as Pyramid Head exists, Nemmy's playstyle will be always inferior.
Doesn't need a rework. Only needs his zombies to be consistent that's it and he's strong.
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A third healthstate that can only be healed 4 times, at specific locations.
Did he need nerfs? No, he really didn't. But he's not that weak.
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Compared to Pyramid Head he's very weak.
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I dunno, man, Nemesis is a pretty alright killer- he's not even in the bottom tier.
It is technically a third health state, but as the above comment says- that can only be healed a limited number of times, that goes down if you bring specific addons. The tradeoff for that is that you get a very good antiloop damage power that makes pallets and windows all but worthless, so I think it's pretty fair.
The zombies aren't useful for damage but they're very useful for information, even in their current state. They need some fixes, since they get stuck a lot, but that doesn't make him "pay to lose".
Nemesis is pretty okay, in summation.
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Nerfing Marvin's Blood when it should be basekit is peak DBD
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Should be reworked. Even if he isn’t as weak as others believe it still takes a while to get going. Survivors if smart can delay tier mutation. And he isn’t interactive and uninspired. Not much survivors can do. Although there’s crouch tech. And clearly main power is based on a better one. And zombies are total RNG with no input of a player’s skill. A rework should be a new form of the tentacle. With a dash on his kit. For some mobility. And a limited time ability to use either his Rocket Launcher or Flame Thrower.
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A hundred times this. It's his most iconic weapon, they need to give it to him like Trickster got his Main Event.
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The thing about Nemesis is that he's actually very strong if the survivors are playing "fair". When I say "fair", I mean no excessive "genrushing" (mass splitting up on gens and hyper efficiency), looping instead of holding W, etc. Because then he's under less of a time crunch, and that third health state is more of a chase extender than a game loser. His power also rewards switching targets due to how Mutation buildup works.
However, when the survivors are intent on getting out in 4 minutes, Nemesis is dramatically weakened. He can do nothing against holding W, and in fact gives survivors 2 speed bursts per chase where they can just hold W, and 3 hits to down instead of 2 adds up very quickly with fast teams. Nemesis also has decent tracking, but less map pressure than his Zombies should be doing because of their tendency to ignore survivors and get stuck on everything. Also, unlike PH, he sucks at camping, slugging and tunneling because of Mutation and Vaccines being a thing.
He's meant to be a killer that gets stronger as the trial goes on, but the problem is that against experienced teams the trial rarely goes on long enough for him to truly be a threat. For Nemesis to be a serious threat, he needs to be in T2/T3 and 2 or more vaccines need to be gone. At that point, however, in these matches there's likely only 1 or 2 gens left.
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I really dont know what your on about. PH is not better than Nemesis. PH is clunky as asf ever since they over nerfed his zoning his Potd shot is so telegraphed new survivors can dodge it. Yes but he can bypass DS and BT.....tell me you camp and tunnel without telling me you camp and tunnel.
Yes i have had zombies stuck doing nothing but they also block vaults, give info, and chase off gens. TO ME you just need to git gud with Nemesis because he is hands down the better option out of these 2 anyhow. He is actually oppressive in is not.
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He absolutely needs a sprint ability, he does it all the time in his own games after all. He's especially relentless in the remake where he can literally jump in front of the survivor to cut off their escape. The version of Nemesis we received got heavily neutered, he's just a husk of his former self now. Truly a disservice to this legendary pursuer, he needs drastic changes to regain his glory.
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He should get a rework to make him more accurate and unique, but he's not weak
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And imo Nemesis is by far the most boring Killer.
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same can be said for almost all licensed killers PH and Pinhead are the only ones that people seem to say are good, a lot.
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no not really maybe it's just me but I have to agree that his power needs reworking it seems to be a bit too specific at times when it comes to where it needs to hit.
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Nemesis isn't the strongest, but he's actually really fun to play IMO. It sucks they're nerfing Marvin's Blood though. He also seems to be extremely popular. When I play solo survivor, I can't go three games without facing off against a Nemesis
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This. The zombies are pretty good imo, but they could be better. Nemesis is far from weak.
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Nemesis’ zombies are actually quite good for tracking information. When I play Nemesis I keep an eye on the Zombies and head over to the ones with arms outstretched since it tells you not only that a survivor is nearby but also what direction they’re heading. Then I get into a chase with that survivor and hopefully angle yourself so that I’m corralling the survivor toward that zombie to maybe screwup their escape route. After the chase I quickly whip the zombie for extra infection and also to force it to respawn at a different spot to keep survivors unsure where the zombies are.
Honestly if the devs manage to address zombie pathing, and maybe speed them up just slightly, they’d be pretty great. 🙂 I don’t even care about the whip that much other that it is terrific at breaking pallets on the fly.
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I don't think he needs a rework but his zeds need to actually be useful and not get stuck on a rock all the time. When the zeds are actually useful and function the way they should, Nemy is incredibly strong
Unfortunately this is BHVR and having functioning AI seems to be beyond their power as (at least) once a game the stupid things get themselves stuck and I need to go smack them out. So maybe he does need a rework to something that doesn't have to rely on BHVR AI to be functional...
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I used to think this, but Nemmy is actually pretty decent. You just have to get really good with his whip.
I don't play him much anymore, the three reasons being:
- Awful, awful addons. Boring, weak, terrible iris.
- Zombies are janky and too easy to counter with a single flashlight.
- Some maps are inconsistent with whether you can whip through or over things.
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I think one thing to help him would be making his initial infecting tentacle strike not give survivors sprint burst like how plague doesn't give sprint burst for starting infection.
I'll be curious to see how big the change to Marvin's blood is, but the other addon that was changed is laughable. 50% zombie speed down to 35%. The common tier addon is 25%. 10% increased buff for common to uncommon tier, woah so game changing.
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I agree. You will never see a Nemesis doing well in high MMR. He is just as bad as the rest of the M1 killers. His zombies are a disgrace. They get stuck all the time and can't be directed in any way by Nemesis, making them very inconsistent as a part of his kit.
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This and also the fact that his tentacle gives survivor a free sprint burst when they're firstly injected with it.
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Rocket Launcher pls.
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Maybe if the zombies were stronger they could actually compensate for the eight extra health states. Unfortunately I find him weak and unfortunately I find him incredibly fun.
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I have my own reasons for changing him but the changes I want I think will have most people have more fun. I don't think he is pay to lose though. But PH is 100% better.
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I'm in full support of a hitbox buff. He's borderline unplayable on Stadia and/or with a controller.
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with the upcoming marvins nerf, i'm skeptical about nemesis. maybe im just a sweaty tryhard meta slave but I think he really needed the ability to reach tier 2 in his first chase. His bad matches are going to feel even worse. And what did he get? A buff to a zombie add on, something you can't control, and a buff to a survivor vaccine addon...which survivors control.
Nemesis, as he is now, gives survivors an extra health state(survivors get 4!!!!! with that base kit dead hard) as well as a complimentary Sprint Burst. It's no surprise people want to use Marvin's Blood, so they can even out the trade a little bit...
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Even without Marvins blood id still rate him B tier which is enough to win just about every match.
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I'm still convinced the zombies were supposed to be a bigger threat, and more likely to bite Survivors, which would save Nemesis needing to give them a free health state via infection.
But then they scaled by the zombies and never adjusted his power to compensate.
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Marvins Blood isn’t even like his best addon. Its a yellow addon. Id much prefer strength from the greens, purples, and reds.
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He is much better than Pyramid Head. Why?
Nemesis's tentacle has smaller range but you can hit easier than Pyramid.
Nemesis is eating pallets, even you miss hit, you will break pallet and you will not lose angle or distance.
Pyramid is okey killer because of cages. Hook survivor, tunnel them and don't worry about DS and send them to cage. Except this Nemesis is better than him.
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nemesis isn't a bad killer he's just insanely boring and had a lot of missed design potential, so i think a rework would still be good.
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I like to punch people with him especially with STBFL. Fix his zombies and I be fine with him. Why nerfed his add-ons when clearly they need to fixed some of the other one.
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Maybe play more Nemesis and get into him instead of writing a post without any constructive critique. Nemesis has a lot more advantages than you think.
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Nemesis is fine. His zombies just need their AI improved.
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Nemesis is pretty strong. And the zombies do an incredible amount of work even if they aren't downing or infecting people. You get 2 free things that push survivors off generators, one of the strongest sub powers that exists in the game right now.
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I just made a thread about Licensed Killers that they missed the mark on. Nemesis was my reasoning for it. :) He indeed does not feel like THE NEMESIS of the Resident Evil series..
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Nemesis needs his rocket launcher from re3 then he's perfect
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Buffs? Yes. He's nowhere near to pay to lose though. The rocket launcher is probably never going to happen because it wouldn't fit DBD. Just because RE Resistance is a 4v1 game doesn't mean as much as people like to think it does.
Rework? No, he's not bad enough to need one. If you're having trouble as him, you might need to look at your gameplay and/or loadout as well as your opponents. Like anyone not named Nurse or Blight, he falters against good Survivors.
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Nemesis is both a part of and victim of the game's problems at the moment. He's almost impossible to loop or mindgame in a chase so his counterplay is simply making as much distance as possible and burning pallets early. The least interesting playstyle in this game.
This will probably never be fixed either since he's just another in a long line of killers that play like this and at this point if they were to design the maps so M1 killers are usable at high levels it would probably make half the cast S tier.
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Nemi is a great design, his zombies need some work (mostly AI but also a speed buff) his add ons need a serious pass and in my opinion T3 should apply infection and damage on hits and if they are already infected but healthy when hit by T3 they go into deep wounds, I think that would be a good change for him without adding to much to him.
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You play against him similar to huntress. Just bait dropping the pallet and adjust to how he plays throughout the game. You can also crouch under his ability at barriers.
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I typically do well with Nemesis. He doesn’t need a rework. He may need some love but no where near a rework.
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I really think zombies should apply infection points to because Nemesis really gets screwed hard when survivors decide to willingly infect themselves by zombies and you lose out on so much time trying to build up to tier II.
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I think he's alright balance wise but I always found it boring how they just slapped Plague and Pyramid Head together for his power.
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Not really, sure i agree that pyramid head is better but if you are good at hitting tentacle strikes, you will do really well. Not to mention it does everything and has almost zero cooldown, making it very powerful in chase. And the whole third health state thing only happens four times total, and when you think about it its not even that bad because you know you will get them later even if you leave them. His only real downside is the zombies, and a few addons i guess. And also everyone who uses him tunnels for like no reason at all lul
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He actually gives survivors a total of eight additional health states since the initial infection doesn't injure them. Since there are 4 vaccines per game it forces him to reapply the infection on potentially each survivor. See the problem here?
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This post nails it.
Nemesis himself is not weak and an interesting Killer. His power allows interaction and can be fun to play against while also allowing Nemesis to shred pallets and zone survivors. His "power and walk" where he drags his hitbox around is also good and being able to hit survivors over certain structures is fine as well.
I would like to see this feature better supported thou: Make car hitboxes only the hight of the car and make Nemesis able to hit through breaches and cracks. Also make his hitbox linger a bit longer so that you can drag it around more, thus altering his power more from Pyramide Head.
His Zombies as well as his add-ons need some updates however.
Zombies are good and fit well into the game. However they get stuck to often and should have a failsafe against this.
His add-ons are boring and do not offer much benefits. While I like his Zombie add-ons they should get a few tweaks to make Zombies better. Also he lacks add-ons to his tentacle which is a shame as both powers should get support from add-ons.
I imagine Nemesis would benefit very much from some add-ons that would slowdown infected survivors, attract Zombies or make Zombies respawn better. Also his tentacle could use add-ons that inflict some meaningful stati: Broken, Deep Wound, Exhausted and Mangled would be fitting for the big boy.
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I tried playing him after i saw this post and omg is he trash tier. By the time you get everyone infected and the vials gone the game is already over.
I played him heaps when the dlc* came out and i thought he was high B tier, but boons and general knowledge on how to vs him have sent him down to a solid D tier.
Trickster is more threatening and that says allot.
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I don't know. After the nerf Pyramid head feels clunky on console so I hardly play him these days.
I don't find Nemesis trash just dull. I don't have the same level of fun as I do with a killer like Oni. You go through all the trouble of powering up just to gain a little bit more reach on the whip. You can also break pallets and walls but that's it. Just boring.
His zombies definitely need to be looked at though.