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M1 killers with no anti loop.

I main Myers. I've been playing around with Brutal Strength and Enduring in the same build. I'll take Corrupt and a slow down for the 4th slot something like Pop, Pain Resonance, Ruin, Jolt, Eruption, Oppression ect..

Starting to feel like it's just worth it to put the brute force pallet perks on rather then stack meta perks or slow downs. It's been working decent so far and allows me to catch up quicker when breaking pallets as Myers has no real counter for pallets other then his tier 3 lunge which doesn't always reach. As my mmr goes higher I realize this could be a disaster but it feels good to eat the stun fast and break the pallet quicker.

Can this actual be a simple more viable thing we are overlooking? Clown, Trapper, Pig, Myers ect. I forgot to mention I will sometimes sacrifice the slow down spot for STBFL for quicker recovery. I'm aware of Spirit Fury but survivors can just predrop once they know you have it.

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  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Clown actually has anti-loop. Pre-dropped pallets sometimes stop him but at a typical loop he can drop a yellow gas where the survivor currently is across the pallet, drop a pink on his side, and continue running around the pallet. If the survivor stays at the loop the yellow-pink combo will allow Clown to get the hit in a lot of cases, and if the survivor leaves he'll probably get hit in the open transition.

  • Member Posts: 2,184
    edited January 2022

    In an alternate universe, maps were made smaller, there were more unsafe playable pallets then safe ones and hard anti-loop/zoning killers don't exist.

    Is it a bit more boring? probably, but much better balanced as there isn't a need to make maps playable against killers that just ignore loops/pallets.

  • Member Posts: 624

    I run chase perks on every single killer I play using corrupt as often the only gen perk I even use, and I 4k consistently without much effort. People really undervalue using perks that make chases quicker as opposed to perks that just slow down gens, and when you eat through resources, it makes chases that follow even quicker.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    A chase perk is good on killers without anti-loop. The best slowdowns like Ruin/PGTW/Pain Resonance don't do anything if you aren't pressuring survivors, and you can't generate pressure if you can't down them.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    The problem is survivors can still loop you and then drop the pallet and next thing you know 5 gens are done.

    I been a Mikey main since I started and if you can get a snow ball going he's pretty good. The problem is getting the snow ball moving if they are good at looping they have enough resources on most maps to safely loop you and finish gens. I was messing around with BS,SF,and endurance and gens just go faster then you can dow .

  • Member Posts: 795

    That's why I bring Corrupt every time I play Myers. The fact that he hasn't received any buffs at this point is just a total joke but that's another conversation. Because of how putrid his tier 1 is if you don't bring Corrupt the game doesn't actually start for you until 2-3 gens are done. Next I'm going to mess around with Corrupt for the start of the game, Brutal and Enduring for the middle of the game to eat through pallets and shorten chases, and No Way Out for the end to catch them off guard a little and maybe get an extra kill or 2 if I have a bad game.

    Tier 1 needs to be buffed significantly or it NEEDS TO GO! That slow movement speed is ridiculous. Without Corrupt you walk across the map and a gens either 99 or close to done, it's stupid.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Unfortunately my p1 level 50 Myers doesn't have corrupt.

  • Member Posts: 795

    Discordance or Lethal Pursurer??? At least you can start pressuring immediately even if the gens aren't blocked.

  • Member Posts: 2,657
  • Member Posts: 768
    edited January 2022

    Yeah, there's a reason you start seeing the same killers over and over again.

    It doesn't really matter what perks you use, Myers is going to struggle and lose a lot more than Blight or Huntress. You just gotta accept it and pray they don't nerf you for no ######### reason.

  • Member Posts: 1,046

    I don't think Enduring is necessary on Myers. Brutal I can see, but you shouldn't really be getting stunned enough for Enduring to be useful unless you're new to the game or incredibly ballsy, I think.

    My Myers build is something like Corrupt, Pop, PWYF and Monitor. However, since you don't have Corrupt, you can swap that out for Brutal or something. Myers is one of the only killers where PWYF is a good idea to bring because of 99ing, and Monitor is great for catching people out of position.

  • Member Posts: 795

    Well for some reason I go against survivors who know exactly how to many times to go around a circular loop just to get the stun right before I hit them. Thats why I've been using Enduring.

  • Member Posts: 383

    I play alot of Myers and depending on what addons I use Ill use different perks. I usually run brutal strength, corrupt, Jolt and Deadlock on my normal Myers but if Im doing tombstone ill sub out Jolt for for bamboozle.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    When I play m1 killers like Legion, i don't really bother stacking slowdown such as ruin pop, ruin undying etc. I've had more success with tracking perks like lethal and bbq, or blowout perks like starstruck, agitation, or no way out.

    Sometimes I think it's better to just play aggressively. With Mikey I usually roll with lethal pursuer, hex ruin, hex retribution and pwyf. Lethal helps me get EW2, and then my cleansed totem informs my next play.

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