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Complete farming setup

So, there are some perks that help with gaining bloodpoints. But why don't we have a perk for every category?

For killers, we have:

Beast of prey (50% Hunting)

Thrill of the Hunt (also 50% Hunting)

Distressing (100% Deviousness)

BBQ (100% Total BP post game)

So, we are missing brutality. Why can't they just slap 100% or something like that on a perk like sloppy butcher? Just so we can have a complete farming build. It would also fit on sloppy. Or any other perk focused on injuring.

Technically, Sacrifice would also be needed for full farming, but I am not sure what perk would be fitting for it. The only ones that would be fitting are the scourge hooks in my opinion. 50% in sacrifice on Gift of Pain maybe?

The same would be awesome for survivors. A full farming loadout for every category would be nice. People that want to go meta can use their meta perks. The people that want to farm can use farming perks.

And what would you guys think of more perks like BBQ/WGLF? The games grind is already bad, would it be a bad idea to give people access to more perks like BBQ/WGLF that give more post-game BP?


  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    I like your idea and all but I would actually prefer the opposite. I wish they removed all blood point type stuff and increased blood point gains across the board cuz as of right now I feel like I always have to run we're going to live forever or barbecue and chili or I'm missing out.

    But that's post-match blood-point gains.. I guess I would be okay for other perks to get better blood point gains and specific categories in match like survival or brutality.

    Anyways what killer do you typically use for bps? @Absolute_Zero 

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,196

    You're better off playing with BBQ with a strong build and play normally while focusing on your 4 stack. In and out in 10 minutes with 50k as opposed to 15-20 minutes for 60k. I can see if you want to maximize your BP by using saved offerings across all killers, but for my sanity I'd rather play killers I enjoy rather than killers I dislike-- even if that means I waste hundreds of cakes and bps.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,048

    I tend not to think any of the perks boosting bloodpoint categories matter because unlike playing survivor, you're likely to max or near max every category in a killer game that you didn't flop horribly in and didn't kill all survivors on their first hook. You're the only player on your team - every action done by your side in the game is undertaken by you. The only real gap is Deviousness points on a select few killers that are hard-up on them. Otherwise, 25k+ points per match is the norm. BBQ's the only important one of the bunch because it boosts total BP gain and doesn't only work up to a cap.

  • Absolute_Zero
    Absolute_Zero Member Posts: 56

    If I go full on farm I go for legion, as I can double stab during feral frenzy to increase brutality and ensure max bloodpoints this way. If I am not in the mood for Legion, I will play Nemesis or Wraith.

    Doctor and Clown can farm pretty good too, but I don't enjoy them as much.

    And your suggestion about increasing BP gain as a whole would be awesome as well. Maybe we could have both, farming perks AND increased gain? Well, one can dream...

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170
    edited January 2022

    ALL blood points bonuses should be awarded post-game

    What's the point of having 50% more bloodpoints in game if I'll probably reach the cap anyway? So I can reach it faster? Why? Doesn't make sense if you ask me

  • Absolute_Zero
    Absolute_Zero Member Posts: 56

    And while we are at it, could we please remove all the bloodpoint offerings except Pudding/Cake/streamers? Brown offerings get you 1k BP in the best case scenario, which is just not worth it all. Green ones give you 3k at best. Using them is a waste of time.

    Make Puddings/cakes brown and streamers yellow so they appear more. This way we can also cut the grind down by a lot since there are way less offerings to clutter your bloodweb. This game has so much things to increase the grind unnecessary that were good when the game came out and didn't have much content, but now it is just ridiculous.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    Or maybe instead of removing them they could buff them so that brown offerings give you 75% more, yellow 100% and green 125%

    If they have to remove some offerings, remove the stupid hatch offerings and either rework luck, or remove those as well