why is alchemist ring still in its current state?

so the yellow recharge has a downside of removing an entire rush but alchemist ring has no downside at all? absolutely ridiculous, addon is literally a free 4k.
even if this addon had a downside it would still be ridiculous, the fact nothing has been done about it is insane to me
Dropping a pallet is a good counter. Also not holding W or wall clipping.
Takes a bit more then playing braindead against typical m1.
Maybe try and play him? Or do you do ez 4K with basekit as majority here does
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The fact that stale biscuit and flask of bleach got nerfed before it is honestly baffling
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no when i play blight i use double speed or 1 speed + 1 recovery. alch ring too easy
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Probably because, when BHVR look at gross kill rates, it doesn't look like a problem. You may as well ask 'why are they nerfing Marvin's Blood?'.
This game is balanced on a very weird axis.
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Good. Then maybe look into other killere aswell where you have 50+ addons and ask for nerf.
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Same reason stale biscuit is getting nerfed. Behavior are obsessed with their stats and no amount of player feedback will convince them that they should be buffing the garbage and nerfing the blatantly op when the use rates are much easier.
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No idea. A good Blight will never lose a game with Alchemist's Ring. It's a ridiculous add on. Kind of like giving a good Nurse 3 blinks. They don't balance around the top end though, so add ons like those slip through the cracks
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I’ve used Alchemist’s Ring a few games and now will never again after that.
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Alchemist ring could just recharge your tokens faster but not replenish them instantly
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double speed can literally be stronger than alch ring also alch ring is purple tier which on most killers are strong addons, more useful than other addons is the question though. As for death slinger prison chain is nice but you're better off running double reload or a reload real speed.
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Eh. If it’s equally really good survivor team, he’d likely lose on a map like Lery’s.
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I'll just copy and paste a comment I made in another post about this because I'm lazy:
Probably because the addon isn't exactly easy to use. I know people here on the forums like to pretend that using Alchemist Ring is the equivalent of an automatic win, but the addon is only oppressive if you're good at Blight and can hit consistent rushes. If you M1 and then Rush, there's no Alchemist value; if you Rush and then M1, there's no Alchemist value; if you miss the second Rush, there's no Alchemist value.
It isn't the same as things like Nurse double recharge, Huntress extra hatchets or even Marvin's Blood that any player can get value out of. It's not an addon that any Blight player can slap on and win games, you need to actually be good at him. I still remember when Otz tried to prove how oppressive the addon was and only got to use it once because he spent most of the match M1ing, it was quite fun to watch him malding about how the addon still wasn't nerfed while missing more than half of his Rush hits.
Ofc the addon should be toned down a bit (maybe recharge 2 tokens instead of all 5), but I disagree with how people think it's a huge problem. Considering most people who play Blight aren't even that good at him, probably the devs are looking at raw data and decided the addon isn't overperforming 🤷
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but most of the people wanting the nerf are those who do easily with 4K basekit only.
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There is counterplay to it, maybe start using your brain instead your hands on the keyboard.
Drop a pallet or dont just run straight after you get hit simple as that. Try to improve and adept instead of crying like a baby if something doesnt goes the way you dont like.
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a lot of players still shift w instead wiggle on rush for dodge.
Standing at car/rock pallet knowing they will get hit by hug tech etc.
For me Blight is most satisfying as how easy to rush past them is always a baited DH
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Thing is, DBD is mainly balancing around fun. Aka, if the post-game match wasnt fun, and the common denominator of that lack of fun was a single perk, killer or addon, they try to change it to be more fun.
Lets say if Alchemist Ring matches on average recieve a 2.5/5 rating, it's not considered an issue, even if it's killrate is higher than average.
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I hate blight and how unpredictable he is so whatever incoming nerf is welcome...
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Name checks out.
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Same reason Dead Hard has been in the game for 5 years in it's current state.
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You waste time Just for that? Alright....
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The only thing what makes it hardcore annyoing is if they camp with that its like save the best 8 stacks you are insta dead i never care about gen perks but getting free kills for nothing is #########
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Yes,in a good blight yes,if you are good you should be rewarded for it i think
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JusT DrOp A pAlLet.
jUSt dOnT rUn iN a sTrAigHt LInE
Yeah I feel like the people defending this add-on haven't had to play against it much.
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Wait what? Killers should get rewarded for playing good?
That's not in the survivor rulebook at all! Killers are just glorified NPCs!
Now to the topic: I imagine because not many Blight players are using the add-on that much and Blight does not have a problematic win rate. Also I think that BHVR did not aim to shake the meta with a mid-patch and will rather wait for those things for the next full patch.
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Well put.
It's also another typical case of bad survivors getting caught too quickly where they probably shouldn't have and not really understanding the counterplay of the killer, which leads to an easy snowball and people coming here claiming "it's just an automatic win".
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Play blight. Learn it and you will learn what all counters him :)
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Common denomination of killers not having fun are CoH and dead hard. Notice that neither is getting nerfed yet?
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Exactly, I play way more survivor in the past few weeks and every time I encountered a good blight I could easily play around his Alchemists ring, I would even say Blight tag is actually a problem but not the ring. There are addons on Killers that are way worse than the ring tbh.
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may i ask, what addons do you think are worse then ring? enlighten me on your point of view please :)
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Iri tag is balanced.
The risk is to do 4 bounces before you go for hit. So once blight reveals iri tag, survivor can expect it and work around it. You just have to count bumps
Some hits you cannot avoid, but I dont see it as broken addon
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Sure thing, I consider Iri seal on plague pretty insane, you can camp the person till hook death since gens WILL pop every few 30sec so you will basicly have constant red vomit for the entire 3 hook stages.
Iri Blight tag is insane on a good blight.
Insta hatchets are still to this day really annoying on a good huntress.
Silent bell wraith on indoor maps.
Iri stone trapper, or bloody coil, both in combo are also nasty, especially on basement trapper.
There are more pretty sure.
*Edit: Keep in mind that I am not denying that alchemists ring is not a strong addon, it is one of his best indeed, but it is not broken or op, it offers a ton of counterplay.
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Tombstone piece is the strongest add on in the game. What other add on lets you just remove a survivor from the game? Don't need to down him, don't need to hook him, nothing. Just get close in tier 3. Bam, instant 3 v 1. Nothing else is that strong, but Myers is garbage tier so it balances out.
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If the Blight runs a undetactable perk like Tinkerer, Vigos jornal (make up any of the other stealth perks) there is no way for you to count the bumps if the blight comes to your gen across the map.
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Yes IF. Then hide at 70% gen.
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Vigos jornal has nothing to do with gens dafuq?
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You also mentioned tinkerer or dafuq?
As long as you feel helpless with BT DH DS IW then its broken