RE Story

So what is the reason the RE story is so short in DBD? I mean I just assume because Capcom doesn't want you to spoil the games maybe or something but do we have any real reason or was nothing ever said about it?
Is there anything from the RE chapter that you enjoy?
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Leon has a pretty nice looking behind
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Nemesis voice line and that rare situation where you see how a survivor is about to get downed by a zombie.
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Wonder if OP agrees.
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He has to agree about Leon's curvature
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Honestly idc what anyone says, the Leon and Jill model look very, very good - and for the limitations of DBD and doorways and all of that fun stuff, Nemesis looks good too. Flashbang and Blast Mine were also great perks and despite my seething contemptment for it RPD is visually stunning, especially compared to what other... Delightful map designs we have currently.
3 - is better than nothing.
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What was this about? I just asked a question. I don't see what your problem is.
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And V asked a question in return, what's with that?
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It's probably Capcom's fault, the real reason why we might never know.
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Maybe read the question.
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I know its an unpopular opinion, but as a fan of the RE series, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Sure, the map is a pain with certain killers and yeah, maybe the zombies don't do all that much for Nemesis players, but I loved it anyway.
I'm looking forward to more skins from the 3 truthfully. Classic Nemesis would be badass. Maybe even get Ada Wong and Carlos Olivera Legendaries?
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There is a bunch of things I like but for me the big things I just don't like. I just ask the question to some people, why play the RE chapter over REsistance AND you also get the amazing RE3R? Like REsistance has the same stuff the RE chapter has but higher quality and since it's a whole game based on RE then that's great. It's fine if people like it but I never will understand why play this over really any other RE thing. If the RE chapter makes you feel like you're playing RE more than Nemesis than why not play just any RE game over this or if you want to play Nemesis, again why not just REsistance?
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Yeah, he asked if there was something about the chapter you enjoy since you vocalise your complaints about it often and loudly. It's a public forum, and you have a reputation; I don't see the issue.
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Got to agree, as far as visuals go the RE chapter was great.
Also love the sounds on the RPD map. Hate playing on it but love walking around listening to the save room music
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- REsistance has a terrible netcode, I had nonstop lag when I tried playing it during the first weeks.
- A ton of cheaters have taken over the game, it's basically a waste of time.
- Matchmaking is abyssmal, players of extremely different levels are competing against each other.
Capcom in general has no idea how to do any good multiplayer for Resident Evil, all their previous attempts failed terribly and ended with each respective title being abandoned shortly after with no hope of future updates. Heck, it seems like the multiplayer title that was supposed to release along with RE8 is going to get cut as well.
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It is because every time I see you, you are complaining about the RE Chapter. Be it here, Otz's Stream, and I assume other places as well.
I just wanted to know if there was something about it that you actually enjoyed.
Thanks, my friend.
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When did I say I didn't like it here?
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Maybe it's just that on console it's way better. Fast matches and not much lag when I play.
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Limited material to work with I'd say
Remember this is remake Leon and Jill, who've both only had 1 game each at this point. It's the same with Laurie and Michael in a way, their stories are quite concise if I remember correctly since it's strictly Halloween 1
Look at Ash's backstory- he had quite a detailed one since he's had films/a TV show and such to build upon
Even Cheryl had the events of Silent Hill 1, 3 and what happens afterwards to use as a base
They could have went into more detail about them but maybe Capcom said no bc they haven't explored that area themselves yet
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I didn't say I didn't like the story. I asked why it was short. You were assuming I didn't like the story obviously. I've already told people many many times what I do like. I like the map, Leon, his RE4 outfit, the music, the story, the trailer, Chris' face, Jill's body for both outfits, Claire's body, the perks, the add-ons for Nemesis, and Nemesis' blighted skin. I've stated that I like some of these things like I said many times but I guess people just forget and focus only on the bad stuff or didn't see them.
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Maybe but it doesn't really explain really anything about them. Not even really anything major from the RE2 or RE3 games. I still think it's most likely because Capcom probably didn't want anything spoiled.
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With the upcoming tome being about Pig and Tapp, I'm hopeful we'll see a Resident Evil tome at some point. Hell, while Nemesis himself can't really have lore written about him, they could do some unique stuff about RE characters or the Umbrella Corporation itself.
Esp considering the Chapter was a massive commercial success from what i'm to understand, even if that was spoiled by the techincal issues.
Also yeah you're right it really depends on Capcom in the end
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Ah, I see.
It is better than nothing, I suppose.
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I feel there is still a bit of story to tell for Nemesis. Like in the comics he was a boxer and that's most likely why in the remake they added a bent nose. A little easter egg to the comics.
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Yeah the majority of the stuff I like. It's just the most important stuff for me either don't make sense or I just don't like. Like Nemesis since he was the most important part and I feel they got him wrong, I like to be more vocal about him since they ruined the main thing that means a lot to me.
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"I like to be more vocal about him since they ruined the main thing that means a lot to me."
That I understand all too well.
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Better question, before today on these forums, when have you said you like the chapter? Compare that to how many times you've said you really dislike it and rwant a retry. That should give you your answer.
Make 53 threads about how great it is and maybe you won't have such a reputation anymore, though I fear the damage is already done
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Nemesis in the games is, just like all the other tyrants, a clone of Sergei Vladimir (Spencer's right-hand-man and Nicolai's former commanding officer in the Soviet Union) who happens to have a very unique dna-structure which makes him compatible with the t-virus. That's why all of the tyrants are basically his brothers, he even refers to them like that. All of this is shown in Umbrella Chronicles.
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Hating Nemesis doesn't mean I hated everything. In those same posts I've said what I liked about it. If people just forgot then I don't know what you want me to tell ya. They read but I guess don't understand what I'm saying even if I explain it. Like I tell them what I did like or a common one that was brought up in some posts were "DBD is not RE" even if that was the very point of the post or whatever.
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Well what's yours? A character? Map? Freddy? Just guessing by your picture unless you love the Freddy or somethin'.