Balance: Killer vs Survivors

Imagine a goal keeper (killer) and a striker (survivor) Both are the best at their positions. Let’s give them a free kick from about 16m away. The striker is obviously the very best and will make it hard for the goalkeeper. But if the goalkeeper is better than him he will catch the ball no matter what. In the end it’s up to the goalkeeper if the striker will succeed or not. If he’s better than the striker he will catch the ball, if the striker is better then he’ll get a goal. This is a fair standoff since their both the best at their position. But now let’s cut off the goalkeepers hands which means he pretty much has no ability. He has still the same experience, knowledge etc. But now the striker has the advantage over the goalkeeper and it results in a unfair standoff. And the skill doesn’t play a factor anymore since the striker has just such an huge advantage which shouldn’t happen to have a fair standoff. And after that the striker will be like „haha too easy“ with some ego, even though it was in his favor from the start.  And that’s the thing with Killer and survivor in Dbd right now. Most killers are handicapped like the goalkeeper without arms. And in addition to being handicapped the survivors have a false ego about it thinking they’re really good when they just had more advantage over the other side.

Dbd is the only game I have ever played where advantage takes over skill. This situation causes soo many killers to abandon the game

Would you Agree?


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    "Would you Agree?"


  • CrackerBadger
    CrackerBadger Member Posts: 19

    When survivors bodyblock a hook it's like Messi grabbed the ball with his hands and ran into the goal.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    When Survivors whine about camping: It's like players demanding the refs flag the opposing team even though 0 rules have been broken.

  • Gamerherz
    Gamerherz Member Posts: 49

    Killers don’t get rewarded enough for playing in a fun way i.e prioritizing kills over hooks which will make them want to get the kill by any means through camping. And that’s not fun for the survivors, if they just get 1 Hooked and then it’s over. That’s why i would reward killers for playing nice and fair.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Oh boy! The ad hominem attacks from angry Survivors continue.

    I've actually said, many times, and I quote 'Survivors can play as efficiently as possible, and it is even their right to do so'. Usually when talking to baby Survivors whining about NoED or camping/tunneling/slugging.

    IE: Whining about tunneling is whining that Killers are playing efficiently as possible. That would be like me whining about 'genrushing', which is just survivors winning as efficiently as possible'.

    It's like you guys latch onto one thing and then insist it defines me no matter what else I say. Usually so you can attack me and discard my points in favor of 'You said <x>, Killer main.'

    So; you have anything of value to add to this thread? Because 'Reeee! Killer main!' froth is pretty worthless.