
I started as killer...right at the point where killer matchmaking was completely disabled. It was miserable.
- OoO giving people wallhacks and seeing it meant I was going to get hammered.
- Decisive Strike acting as a literal extra life.
- Tons of places where survivors could crawl and you couldn't pick them up.
- Every second game was against a SWF with 100x my hours on their least experienced member, or against smurfs.
- I camped every game, not knowing that it went against the 'etiquette' of the game.
- I ran Relentless, not knowing that it was crap.
- I would have to sweat my butt off to get one kill.
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The snap of a trapper's trap followed by a scream was the most beautifull sound in the game to me back then. Still brings tears to my eye
Also pallet vaccuums, screw pallet vaccuums
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I remember infinite loops for survivors, pre rework ruin and decisive, the fog. Oh how I miss you fog.
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Wraith scared the living hell out of me, because I didnt see them coming
Michael was extremely creepy and made my heart race to the point where I couldnt play another game for a while.
Any global sound put me in a state of terror (Nurse wail, Billy saw)
Edit: oh yeah, pallet vacuum
black hair being visible across the entire map, through fog
Hair physis going crazy and stretching across the map
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Ok this may be a bit long
When i 1st started dbd it was in March 2020 1 week after deathslinger release i had no idea what this game was about but my 1st match on dbd was on the Gideon Meat Plant and i was playing Claudtte and i was so confuse how to go up and down also on top of that i was playing with a friend that was red rank so i had a red rank killer as a beginner and it took me like a while in that match i could throw down pallets and surprisingly i was the last to get sacrifice and it was clown
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A much nicer community. My first match I stood having a staring contest with a Trapper listening to sounds from a hole in the ground.
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I started when Oni came out. The game hasn’t actually changed all that much since then, it’s still fundamentally the same as it was back then just with better looking maps and tweaks and new characters and such. I do remember being really impressed with the various character trailers though, even today character trailers are still something I really look forward to with new chapters. 🙂 Likewise the chase music is pretty great.
I think starting out my favorite base game character was Wraith? I still like Wraith, my favorite nowadays is probably Doctor with the “I want them to hear me coming” build (e.g. Distressing, Overwhelming Presence, Unnerving Presence, Overcharge, etc)
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I started as a Survivor and for months I freaked out every time the Killer came to chase me.
I couldn't loop because of panic until i got used to it.
Almost every game I played against the Killer with NOED, I started to think that maybe it's a feature of the end game or some kind of RNG effect.
At the same time I thought that Exposed status effect shows my location and I remember crouching and not knowing what to do.
Whenever I played against Bubba, I knew that he is going to see me right after hooking someone, I thought that this is his base kit.
Twins were my nightmare (I joined the game some time after their release).
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I rember I got into it because se friends had been playing for about a week. I got suggested to start with a Claudettes because of the self-caring perk and being really scared of running because of the scratch marks.
Healing in a corner was pretty standard before knowing what nurse was, I just knew killers could find you and crouching every time I heard the TR.
Ah, those were the days lol
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My first ever match was against my friend that got me into DBD, I ran Insidious thinking it would turn me completely invisible, still dissapointed it doesn't do that
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These are some screenshots from (what I believe is) my second ever game:
Pallet at a TL loop (cursed image):
After all of my friends died in the basement to the Trapper it was my turn on the hook. And of course in true fashion to all new players, I attempted escape on the hook. On my third attempt I escaped.
About 3 seconds later... the Trapper kind of just stared at me in disappointment:
And then I bled out in true DBD fashion because of a bug, I presume. He couldn't pick me up and I was unable to recover. My first encounter with a DBD bug perhaps? I was very confused because my friends kept telling me "hold m1 to recover!".
The end.
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The Trapper was actually good and Survivors were terrified of where to step. 😪
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Clown lobby music. I miss hearing it in the main lobby whenever I load the game up now!
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Here's what I can remember: I joined during the 2020 Halloween event.
- Missing loads of skill-checks.
- Maining Meg.
- Not knowing about the Rift.
- Crouching around.
- Pre-dropping pallets.
- Hiding at the first sign of danger.
- W + Shift.
- Being really proud of my first escape.
- Being a Trapper main.
- Trying Huntress and failing (not much change there.) 😅
- Getting scared of stealth killers.
- Maining Nea (have been maining her as Survivor since.)
- Being thankful for bringing Spine Chill against a pig.
- Learning about the Rift.
- Searching for tutorials online.
That sums up my first 1-3 months of DbD pretty well, I'd say.
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I started out on survivor as a baby Dwight. 😆
I remember my first match I went against the Nurse and I quick vaulted and jumped into a locker right in front of her. Needless to say, I died very quickly.
I then switched to playing mostly Meg and Nea when I got used to everything. I went a long time without realizing that rushed actions caused loud noise notifications, so I kept thinking "How the heck did they know where I was?" When I was far from the killer fast vaulting. I also dropped pallets WAY too early, like as soon as I got into a chase.
As for killer, my first match was as a M1 Hillbilly on Shelter Woods:
I had no idea how to use his power, so I literally walked around the map the whole time and couldn't find a single survivor. All of the survivors escaped and I was sitting there like "Why couldn't I use my power?".
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My first match ever,i was playing as killer,as Trapper,got a 4k,and the best part,it was on Hawkins Laboratory...
I miss him :(...
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My first endgame teabagger was a bill.
I always tunnel bills and that is why.
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More than I could possibly write.
I first started playing DBD in December of 2018, roughly one or two weeks after Legion's release. During that period in time, the game was having one of its legendary Winter Solstices events.
The theme...By the Entity, the theme alone sent shivers down my spine:
My first match was on old Azarov's Resting Place, against a Huntress. I was a baby Claudette, way too terrified to even try to do something that would help my team. Luckily, everyone else in that match were newcomers, so it turned out fine.
I played a couple more survivor matches before switching to killer, where I met the one thing I loved most in Dead by Daylight...
Old Freddy.
Played my first match as him on old Torment Creek, and it is safe to say that one trial was what really made me fall in love not only with the killer experience, but also with Old DBD in general.
You have no idea the lengths I would go to bring that arguably perfect game back, or at least most of its features.
But for now...they are nothing but memories of a bloody good time, when DBD provided me with a level of enjoyment that no other ever could.
That no other game ever will.
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I thought Bubba and Freddy were OP.
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I remember loading into a game and have 4 gens done 20 seconds later, only to have 4 survivors die to a t Mori not much later. I remember shacks with multiple windows, and being able to jump through a t wall window 20 times in a row to avoid being hit. I remember dreading every second I left a gen that was half done because I couldnt regress it at all, and I remember 99ing multiple gens just to style on a killer.
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My first game was vs a Myers and despite the fact there were 50 million pallets I hated Autohaven and Myers because they both scared me too much when I was brand new
This hatred of Myers has never actually gone away, fun fact: I still hate him now just for different reasons.
This was... God 2017,jusr after the first Freddy nerf I believe. Somewhere between then and the removal of double pallet loops on most maps.
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I remember the endless SWF squads who would derank and BOOLI my perkless piggy.
Also running to the edges of the map in every chase as a survivor, hiding as soon as I heard a terror radius, and thinking Doc was OP.
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I remember darkest moonlight offerings and ninja claudettes.
Some maps were so dark, that you couldn´t see a survivor in front of you, unless he was leaving scratchmarks behind.
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Crouching behind a wall when you hear the TR. Actually thinking Killers are that intimidating when itself they're more of a joke.
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Vacuum vaults and the dribble meta.
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People actually used mist offerings.
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At the beginning there were a lot of killers giving the hatch to the last surv. Now you see it 1/1000 games
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Biggest thing I remember was not knowing about the audio cue for the skill checks. I just kept missing them and missing them and my friends didn't even want to come near me for fear of me alerting the killer. Then finally someone said there's a cue...well jeez that would have been helpful info to have.
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It used to be that once you were in game the item add-ons would not be shown next to the item. So if you had that ace perk, and found an item in game you would have to set it down to look at the add-ons it had.
That was the biggest one, but some of the others are: old, old, very old insta-gen brand new parts that would pop a gen as soon as you used it, the killer offerings where you could play a match as one of the licensed killers for free, freddy having to drag you into the dream world to even touch you.
Oh, oh and LEGIT, LEGIT face camping. It used to be that you could only unhook from one, very particular direction on the hook, so if killers stood in that spot you literally *could not* unhook them. Then they added multi-directional hooks
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Crouching, lockers, missing skill checks and playing like garbage
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I started maybe 1-2 months after the game was released, what I remember the most from that period is me totally sucking both as killer and as survivor, although there were some loops for survivor where it was impossible for the killer to catch you. But as a survivor the most memorable feelings were bringing a brand new part and finishing the gen in one second and sabotaging hooks(started as Jake) until the killer had only the basement hooks available. Oh the times...
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First ever public match I was just crouching around Badham as Ghost Face, I don’t think I attacked anyone
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I couldn’t hit skill checks, I was the typical hiding Claudette because I was scared lolol
My first few killer games I didn’t hold down the button to hit but somehow managed kills
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I started playing at the end of 2019, and I remember my first game. I was playing Feng against a ghost face on Oni's map. I remember being scared as hell and I got jumpscared by ghostie so hard while working on a gen I almost threw my controller lmao. And I did escape through the hatch by accident lol.
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Crouching when trying to run, missing skill checks, jump scares from getting grabbed off gens
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Getting matched against a rank 1 legion as a rank 19 survivor.
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I remember not being able to find a hook and just deciding to bleed someone out after they escaped my grasp 3 times in a row. I drew little Hag traps around them for 2 minutes. It was the first time I realized that I had Twins main blood pumping through my veins.
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I joined when the game went free on ps+ and it was the slurpee generator machines. Haha! So cool!
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Oni terrified me. The first time I've met one, I put my hands on my eyes. His ROAR scared me to death and I prefered not to see what was happening then, even if the ROAR was far away.
I remember I mained Nea, and hiting skill checks was my biggest nightmare. I also had a win streak in Hawkins. I thought it was my lucky map. The very first Killer I've played was Pyramid Head in Midwich. I remember I had no idea what to do against a Cheryl who was only running around a table. I was clueless but it was also so fun to me to discover the other side (as I started to play as a Survivor). Then I bought Oni, being insulted to death by a TTV and their friends on their stream (I watched the VOD), and I dropped playing Killer for months. But it's not like I truly came back to it since.
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been playing since day 1, if survivors knew how to loop back then why way we do today, killer will never catch us, we just insta dropped pallets and never used the same vault once, we just ran and never looked behind us.
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Small brain Dwight main
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I remember being so into the game and watching tones of videos trying to learn and get better
Then one day I wanted to know something specific about a killer, so I go on the wiki. I get my information but decide to scroll further down just to see if maybe theres more
Then I see... this killer, "The Hag? Who's that? Is she new?" (This is June/July 2017, no, she was not new at the time). I thought it was fake since I haven't seen any YouTube videos of her at all, so I left it at that. Another thing to add is I had about 100 hours into the game, and I've never seen her, it didn't show locked characters back then either it was just blank like the character didn't exist so thats why I had no idea of her existence. Then I boot up the game and load into Pale Rose for the very first time. And then I heard the crows at the main building, and I thought: "holy ######### The Hag is real". It wasn't even a Hag, I forgot what killer it was but I just know it wasn't a Hag.
It took me so long to finally verse a Hag, and I remember being hyped as all hell when it finally happened and I loved versing her so much that she became my favorite killer for quite some time
Nowadays, I ######### hate that lil gremlin
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You were clearly playing a different game lmao
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Lucky lmao I remember my first ever match was as Myers. Got a 4k (knew some basics from YouTubers and it's not hard to kill a bunch of brown ranks when u were new that's not the problem.
After the match I got a notification saying "I could tell you're rank 20 lmfao" and I responded "huh what's that? I'm literally level 1"...didn't know what rank was and thought it was the devotion level thing lol.
Oh and it was a yellow rank survivor. At that point, I knew that I had made a mistake by getting into this game..It's a moment that will always stick with me, I just knew it was gonna be a common annoying occurrence to have losers message you xD anyways that's my tale.