So when do we get the real Freddy and not the remake ?

I want the real Springwood Slasher himself not the cheap imitation.
They really need to contact Wes's estate about getting rights to the real Freddy.
Who's to say they didn't already?
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Don't know about that one, mate. I really prefer the Remake Freddy.
Its darker and more sinister approach really captures what ANOES was and what it is really supposed to be.
Having this Freddy in the game is something I am perfectly fine with and would not have it any other way, to be honest.
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Okay but what if getting the OG Freddy allows BHVR to put new and improved Old Freddy back in the game?
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You mean...getting the power but changing the character's appearance?
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Well...that is your opinion, man.
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Basically yeah.
OG Nightmare appearance, 2022 version of his original power. Sound good?
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I want my killer back, and my killer came from the Remake.
I would not have it any other way.
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Then you, like I with Console Optimization, are fighting a losing battle.
I wish you well in your mission.
4 - opinion.
I watched every single ANOES movie, and my favorite one is easily the remake. Does that make me a "fake fan"?
Definitely not.
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Was there ever a doubt?
You and I are soldiers, but much needed ones.
You and I have been here since 2019, fighting for what we believe will improve the game, be it the long awaited Optimization or the return of a beloved character.
Our mission will end with a victory...or it will be the most heroic sacrifice the Forums have ever seen.
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It doesn't matter to me. Both characters are still Freddy. I could go out and say the say thing about Nemesis. The thing is about both Nemesis and Freddy is that they aren't cheap imitations. They are the same character in some important ways while having some obvious differences. Freddy is still the dream demon in the remake and Nemesis is like how he always was. The relentless pursuer turned up to 11. Now the main problem from both of these characters is not representing these characters at all.
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Did you seriously pull the 'you're not a real fan if you don't like X thing' card? We're talking about a movie series, on a forum dedicated to a video game. Let's just relax.
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Hopefully never. Maybe just as a skin for the OG fans, but definitely not as a replacement. I feel like the remake is underrated and that Jackie Earle Haley's portrayal of a more vile and evil Freddy was perfect. He just fits the tone of DBD better imo
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Then please explain to me how my preference for one of the movies makes me a "fake" fan of the franchise I love.
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they probably tried to get the og freddy first....and if they did it appears they failed
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You just said that Remake Freddy fits the tone of Dead By Daylight better than Original Freddy.
Just no. Remake Freddy is a greasy uncharismatic pedophile dwarf and Original Freddy is the absolute king of slashers.
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remake freddy
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It is my opinion hence the 'imo'. The original Freddy is good, but remake Freddy is just a lot darker and more sadistic. His actor did a wonderful job and I don't want him to be replaced.
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Pinheads lines make me want old freddy.
Imagine you hit someone and he says "GOTCHA #########!!"
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If you didn't watch the original movies, that's not anybody's problem but yours.
Don't sit there and try to tell me the remake had a better actor. At a certain point it doesn't matter what your opinions are.
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I think of myself as true fan my favorite movies are old a nightmare on elm street,a nightmare on elm street 3 dream warriors and wes craven's new nightmare in that order.
but the remake tho not as good as the original or new nightmare was not that bad of a movie (I even own it have it with the other movies O own)
if there was one thing I hated in the remake was how the made nancy useless which in the original and new nightmare she was badass.
btw remake or original Freddy Krueger always been a child molester,it was in the original script but was changed to a child killer because producers wanted to avoid comparisons to a story in California about a series of child molestations at the time of filming.
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I've watched all the original movies. And I never said the remake had a better actor. All I said was that the remake's actor did a great job of portraying a sinister Freddy. I'm sorry if you're offended that not everyone shares the same opinion as you.
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Apology rejected.
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Literally this
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I honestly liked the remake. Not going to say it's my favorite one but i liked the tone they were going for.
Wouldn't mind having Craven's freddy as a skin but i doubt they are going to go through the licising nightmare just for a skin
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I'm guessing you know nothing about when BHVR got the ANOES license. Wes Craven's estate didn't own Freddy when the Freddy chapter came in, New Line Cinema were who BHVR had to contact. When they did, New Line told them essentially "Remake Freddy is what we're offering, take it or leave it." The remake was their only option, they didn't have the choice of bringing in original Freddy.
In 2019, the ANOES rights reverted to Wes Craven's estate, the same year Freddy got his rework. And since that lines up, I'm pretty confident BHVR asked then if they would be allowed to either switch to original Freddy or add it as a skin. Seeing as we're over 2 years past that time, it's safe to assume we aren't going to get original Freddy no matter how much anyone cries or begs for it.
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Interesting. I would love to have Robert Englund likeness in the game. Maybe legendary skin with some voice lines so killers can choose which version to play.
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It's not up to the devs. It took them ages to be allowed to rework Quentin's face, and they haven't even been able to give him a sweater, so I wouldn't keep my hopes up.
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I see horror fans are the same as most franchise genres. You are not a real fan if you liked "Insert new adaptation or addition to a series here". That's a big yawn from me.
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So who's opinion does matter? let me guess...yours?
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Freddy was always a pedophile. Even in the originals. You sure know very little about something you are so passionate about.
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While Robert englund is the best Freddy imo remake Freddy fits the atmosphere of dbd better
Plus Quentin is great and I’m glad we got him
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Can we get the skin from this while we're at it? Imagine 8 bit Freddy chasing survivors.
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If the original intention was that original Freddy WAS, and then the script was changed because that was unpalettable (pun unintended), doesn't that now mean that he WASN'T?
Wasn't he always referred in the movies to as "just" a killer by the parents of these children? (please correct me if I am wrong). Are people just trying to sully original Freddy's name?
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Was going to defend OG Freddy, then read the comments by those doing that and just gotta say...
I'm not with them. No idea what the problem is, I'm a huge fan of the original movies and Robert Englund in particular (who is an extraordinary gentleman and was amazing to a group of high school kids working a haunted house when we bugged the hell out of him about his walk) that being said if you like the new ones better all I can say is...
Sweet, glad the remake made money and kept the character alive (so to speak) I would love an OG Freddy skin, maybe even with some voice lines, or just changing his run to match Roberts rolling Freddy gait, but I'm not going to try and gatekeep who gets to be fans of a movie franchise I didn't make.
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There is no real Freddy in Ba Sing Se. Embrace fake Freddy and Quentin Smith ™️ as your Nightmare on Elm Street icons!
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Ju-Dee! I knew it! Where's lake Lagoai?
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The Remake was so bad, sadly. I really wanted it to be good.
And for some legal reasons we don´t get orig. Freddy.
I just watches all NOES films - and they still hold up today. Some more some less.
But i was surprised how good the first one was after all that time.
And Robert is the only Freddy - that is the reason they don´t tried again after the remake.
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Actually he wasn't in the original, the original script was intended for him to be but actually, they just made him a child killer and nothing else. "Wes Craven said his inspiration for the basis of Freddy Krueger's power stemmed from several stories in the Los Angeles Times about a series of mysterious deaths: All the victims had reported recurring nightmares and died in their sleep.[14] Additionally, Craven's original script characterized Freddy as a child molester, which Craven said was the "worst thing" he could think of. The decision was made to instead make him a child murderer in order to avoid being accused of exploiting the spate of highly publicized child molestation cases in California around the time A Nightmare on Elm Street went into production"
The remake portrayed him to be but he was NEVER in the original Nightmare on Elm Street a child molester. "In the 2010 remake, Jackie Earle Haley portrayed Freddy Krueger. In the film Krueger is depicted as a sadistic pedophile, who worked as a gardener at a local preschool. Unlike in the original series where he was a known child-killer who evaded conviction on a technicality, there was actually ambiguity about Krueger's guilt or innocence apart from the testimony of his victims. His guilt is confirmed once the grown survivors find the room where Krueger molested them."
I never saw Freddy even in the original as a child molester he was always a child killer.
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The closest we will ever get to OG Freddy is if we get a Call of Duty chapter with George Romero as the killer and Robery Englund as a survivor.
The fact that the nightmare has 0 cosmetics tells me everything I need to know.
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True. And a lot of people were angry about that - because people have Freeddy tattoos.
It is not cool to make an old idol a pedo in a remake.
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Everyone is wrong this right here is what is needed. Get some dream warrior bullshit going on.