I'm done with this game, thanks to the constant harassment and being told hurt myself

I can't deal with it anymore especially since BHVR won't actually do anything about survivors telling killers to hurt themselves. Reporting them to Microsoft does ZERO good.
The latest crap went on for over an hour, being told to hurt myself numerous times,told I'm worthless,etc. Blocking does no good when someone has multiple accounts.
This game used to be fun, it's just not anymore. Glad I didn't actually buy the game because it would be a waste of money.
>BHVR won't actually do anything about survivors telling killers to hurt themselves. Reporting them to Microsoft does ZERO good.
BHVR has no control or responsibility for what players do outside of the game. Your issue should be with Microsoft support for not doing their jobs, not with BHVR for not overstepping their boundaries.
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This content has been removed.
Isn't it amazing there is still not an option to disable end-game chat? But free cosmetic got removed, yay...
EDIT: Found it!
Post edited by Dino7281 on9 -
Uh, yeah it would?
They're abusing you using Microsoft provided chat services, yes? Then it is up to Microsoft to monitor and step in when needed, not BHVR.
If they were doing it in DBD's own end game chat you would have a point, but seeing as you mentioned Microsoft to begin with, I'm assuming you're playing on Xbox and thus don't have an end game chat.
Correct me if I'm wrong however and you're actually playing on the Windows Store.
Don't make this another pointless 'us vs them' thread. Both sides are horrible, because it's an online competitive game and people know they can get away with it without taking a punch to the face. All online fandoms are this way.
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I'm sorry to hear that bro. It's best just not to take what they say seriously, and simply not give them any attention cuz people can get salty over anything.
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This. Ignore it, or turn of end game chat, messages, etc. You might want to play offline games as well.
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######### I just found out there is a way to do it. I have never notice it's there. I was looking for it in settings.
Hmm, does it disable only for that game, or chat will be just permanently hidden till I turn it on again?
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I love how every reply in this thread is saying ignore it and it's not that big of deal
But if it was a survivor complains about a killer saying the same things this thread would be on fire with flames for the killer
The forums crack me up sometimes
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Not necessarily. It should be the same for both sides
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I agree but should be and what we routinely see are two different things would you not agree?
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Are you on a Console? Haven't gotten a single harassment after the match when I disabled comments on my profile two years ago.
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Well, everyone knows that single person has more value than team ganging up on someone, duh...
I used to play on dbd discord and some players are just so annoying, well I started to create rooms and I just banned them after each game...
When killer is losing -> Killer is trash.
When killer is winning by pressure -> Killer is sweaty tryhard (or camping/tunneling even tho he doesn't).
When killer is camping -> Killer is toxic camper.
It's like nothing killer can do is right...
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Yeah I agree, and it sucks that some are just not fair in that regard.
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I agree I find people will complain regardless of how you play
Earlier today I had a game where I was playing deathslinger on the game and 30 secs into the game I had two survivors hooked on hooks directly across from each other in the same room
I proceeded to take 3 steps away, someone goes for the save I turn around cause I'm not dumb
They all proceed to hook trade till they die, never all healing or doing gens or anything
Then I get called a camper and tunneler cause they kept hook trading right in front of me :/ I never had any reason to go anywhere else they never left that room all of them
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It sometimes so funny to listen to them.
I mean, we have finished all gens and killer is camping last hook and they are angry about it, like what else should he do? I used to leave that hooked survivor even in end game and well I had like one team that actually noticed it, but most team just trash talked instead.
Best when when we managed to create massive 3-gen and one of them got downed inside it, then they complain killer is still there. No ######### :D he has 3-gen there, why would he ever leave...
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No, what would actually happen is normal people would tell you that's awful and people shouldn't do that, but it's an unfortunate eventuality of online games and your best bet is to ignore it.
Then the mains would come over to throw in their lot for the Oppression Olympics and word vomit things like "the killer did nothing wrong, it's alright for him to vent" or "but if a killer complains about a survivor saying the same things people would be flaming the survivor".
It's wacky how it works.
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Sometimes it's hard to tell if we are even posting on the same forums and reading the same replies when I see a post like this
I'm being serious
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Funny is, I remember only few actually toxic killers in end-game chats, but it's normal as survivors.
Well, few reason for that. I have more hours on killers and there is more survivors, so higher chance to meet toxic shits.
What I have found out weird that I have played against lot of survivors that were really trying to piss me off with teabags, flashlights, waiting in gate before I get near them etc. but they were normal in end-game chat, I really wonder why?
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Dude I love when you have a 3 gen then they hide for 30 minutes feels real great man 👍
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Pretty funny since that's basically the entire survivor discord experienced I also got. Lots of survivor entitlement and I hate killer circle jerk in there. I did meet some Cool people but it's very rare.
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3-gen is not that scary if you have CoH. Just run there, get some progress, get hit, run away from them, heal, repeat.
But just don't ever get downed near them, easy...
I hate when there are two players left and both are waiting till I find other player so they can have hatch. I have wanted to leave so many games like that. Just give up surrender button, because that is just waste of my time... My record was they have waited almost 30 minutes without getting near gens, luckily I have found both in the end and I have let them bleed out for it.
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That's a pretty good reason to quit.
Being subject to harassment seems like plenty of reason to get out.
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I don't know from where you are, but I personally had way better experience with EU players. Funny is that Asia players are even more friendly most of the times, but even them were toxic trash few times...
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there is an option tho?
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Turn off chat. Simple. There are gonna be people who insult you, grow a spine or rid yourself of the possibility.
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Yeah, I have talked about it later. I actually have almost 2k hours and I have never noticed it there. I was looking for it in settings, not next to that chat. Does it disable permanently?
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Good job 👌👍
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I mean.
Are we both normal people?
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We play dbd and we are wasting our time on dbd forum, so noone here is...
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No one was a winner when we decided to hop on the forums, but we've definitely got people losing harder.
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Do you see my post count?
I think I'm winning the losing race.
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We have a saying in my language for that. I am not sure if it against rules here, so I will rather use a censure :D
You can win the Paralympics, but you are still a #####.
And I have seen more than you have... but don't worry, I am working on it too :D
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Yeah, people suck. I just don't engage anymore; on console it's easy, just don't allow messages from ppl who aren't friends, and don't accept friend requests from people you don't know. It's quiet, but it's drama free.
The old adage that people bully and harass because they are sad, insecure and miserable is almost always true, but it doesn't make putting up with it any less crappy to deal with.
And let's be real, the vast majority of the time it's survivors doing the abusing. I play both sides, and before I walled myself off from postgame comms, that was definitely my experience, and the experience of people I know who play. Postgame abuse from killers happens, but is relatively rare.
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My favorite is when you play a pretty by the numbers game as killer but dominate, and then get told GG EZ and that you're a trash killer. They'll pick some obscure perk you're running and call it OP and crutch.
There are a number of survs who are simply determined to take some kind of rage dump on their opponent, and will spin the circumstances in whatever way it takes to justify it. The gymnastics required to make the killer the bad guy are actually kind of impressive in their own sick way sometimes.
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No I'm a alien are you not?
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What pisses me off most is when I am in nice mood and I let them recover few times, so game is not fast (Oni sometimes work) and those ######### think it was their doing and they are trash talking later...
It's always that "I should have kill them asap" moment...
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I have been BM'ed at the exit gates by teams that were so certifiably awful (likely due to matchmaking) that I was toying with/mercying them out of pity.
Like you're so bad/inexperienced that you can't even recognize it, and you are still toxic.
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My most funny situation was where I was actually farming whole game with 3 players and that last player didn't get what I was doing and he actually thought I am just bad killer :D
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Yes it remembers it from the last game.
Wasen't always like this. I remember games where i rushed over to quickly close the chat
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Sorry your getting these soft of messages. It isn't only survivors that do this.
It all depends on your mindset. A few years ago I was getting sent constant voice messages saying I need to ######### and other messages. However when I find people getting this toxic over this game I actually find it funny and laugh. The voice messages I got I could've reported on psn but I found them that funny I decided to not report him. On playstation when you report messages, if they are against terms of service, then the person will get a warning and the messages removed.
Hopefully whatever game you play next you get less of these messages. If you can, try to just laugh at the idiots because these messages only annoy you if you let them.
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I like to talk with players, so I am not going to do it, but good to know it's an option.
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Yeah me too.
Haven't had many salty players in a while so i haven't regreted it yet
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... but they added additional fat in the belly area for extra fluffyness.
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I remember a match where i felt bad for the survivors, because they were clearly bad. So i just 2 hooked them and let them escape. Now 1 of them was constantly teabagging. So i downed him, carried him to the basement and dropped him there instead of hanging him.
Endgame chat: "lul noob killer gg ez"
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Thing is, in my experience, killers are more likely to go easy on survivors when they see them struggle. Survivors usually don't give a #########.
Well, main reason is that I have no idea how should I go easy on a killer as survivor, best I can give them is cleansing all totems before finishing gens, so they have more time, then give them free kill when I feel really bad for them.
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I'll still never understand how some people can spew so much hatred over an on-line game...
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No, i'm old.
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Because they are likely ineffectual and frustrated people irl, and like people who vent their BS on service workers, use the relative safety of the internet to rage dump their pent up frustrations the form of massive overreactions to insignificant things.
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This is the only game where theyll be salty if they lose AND win