4K in 50 secs. Fair or not?

Curious to see what everyone thinks. Also, not my video. Just saw it on YouTube.
I don't think anyone will defend Alchemist's Ring but that was both extremely lucky and very high-skill play from Blight.
It's pretty easy to miss a hit as Blight and if they had missed even one, the whole challenge may have been over.
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I don't see the problem. First was caught by surprise, second ran into a dead zone for some reason after the Infectious proc, and the last two of them were completely out of position against the Blight, the Mikaela literally running straight at the Blight. Alchemist Ring is problematic add-on but this gameplay isn't.
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"MMR has resulted in fairer matches"
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How did they go down in one shot? I don’t play blight so I honestly don’t know
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If you're going to wreck a team, take the time to hook them between downs. Smell the roses. Enjoy the game. Those kind of games aren't worth the points you get out of them, even if queue times are instant imo.
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He has a 1 shot add on (similar to Pinky Finger for Clown and Iri Head for Huntress). The way it works is if you get hit by the hit after his last bounce (i think he gets 4 or 5 bounces), the hit will insta-down you. It's kinda dumb
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Yeah, I'll agree the killer had skill, though an advantage immediately knowing where everyone was. I personally just don't get matches like this. I don't see how it's fun for either side. I guess the killer gets to show off and brag about it? But I don't know. Playing out the match, experiencing the challenge, having those clutch moments, and most importantly the game lasting for more than a minute... 🤣 that's what makes the game fun to me. Kind of feels like a waste of time otherwise.
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Its fine the guy use is perk to the best of there ability and the survivor kind of fuk up.
On the other way this show how good some people can be with a killer with many hour put in the game.
Survivor can do the same too exept it take a bit more time because you cant do 5 gen in 50 sec but doing 5 gen in 4 minute is possible
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Damn that pretty scary to go up against i Wen up a against a blight like 20 minutes ago and I swear he teleported. He was on the phone other side of the car and he just teleported quickly
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Alchemist's Ring is pretty busted, but so are a lot of things in the game that haven't and aren't likely to be changed (CoH cough).
This video isn't typical. I've seen Ring Blights lose. This is a perfect alignment of the stars, much as those games on Shelter Woods where every possible tile is a gym and forms a literal infinite.
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thanks for explaining. Your right impressive but that match was boring lmao. The survivors got to play better tho
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Tbh those survivors could have played that better. If the feng would have immersed instead of immediately running to the shack when they heard the terror radius and the mikaela running around the long way as the kate crawls farther. Very good bump logic though on Lilith's part. Also not to mention the ashe playing around the Z wall against an iri tag blight when he had an L/T right there.
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He isn't doing it for points though. He is doing it for $, that his audience brings him.
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Would you rather have a hundred dollars (11,000 Aurics) or 12,000 bloodpoints?
That's right. Those blood points are important.
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Excellent point. 🤣 I wonder if everyone played their best/hardest what the game would be like. Probably some twisted version of hell but each torment session just lasts 1 to 5 minutes and is just a straight up crush-fest to one side.
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While I do think Btags is broken with Alchemist ring honestly that was a dumb move by the survivor. First one fair but the second ran into a dead zone, I would have played it safe when I knew the Blight had Btags. Third one wasn't even looking correctly he easily could have dodged that had it played the TL properly and stayed at the safe angle. Fourth one was just running out into the open bad positioning really.
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Best blight EU
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The blood points actually are important otherwise he wouldn't be able to get the add-ons needed to make a video like that.
But, obviously, auric cells are something most people would want more, I assume, because of all those cosmetics in the store that you can purchase with only them. That is, until you have everything that you can possibly get with them. Then it's back to BP.
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Otz did an experiment recently playing sweatiest he could and that is exactly how matches looked like. SBMM is trash and he constantly dominated in every single match.
There is also this one who had 478 4k streak on Demogorgon. Another example of SBMM perfection.
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478 4k streak? What the.... Hold on. Let me pick my jaw up off the floor.
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It's honestly not.
If you're a Blight main blood points isn't important because you're practically swimming with these bad boys
Yes it's that easy to get Alchemist ring and blackward that I'm practically using it every match.
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Well, that's silly to me. Pink and purple add-ons should be difficult for EVERYONE to get. They shouldn't be in the majority of matches or in every blood web. And maybe they should even expire if not used in a certain amount of time. Especially if they're super powerful and tilt the game severely to one side.
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I just think Blight's bloodweb is busted. I don't think I could do this with any other killer.
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I mean they are not really that easy to get. You have to play one killer only for anything like that and basically your game earns you BP to get another addon, where you waste all your BP on one killer.
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Was it a record? 2m 09s is current record for Blight.
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I don't see anything wrong with this.
First Blighted Tag for the instant down isn't easy to pull off. A lot of times if the blight is trying to get the one hit down with it, they just give the survivor more time to put themselves into a hard to hit position.
Alchemist Ring is overhated imo. It's a strong addon that purely rewards skill. The blight has to be able to land consecutive lethal rushes in a row to get value from the addon and that's not an easy task especially on some maps.
The killer put time and effort into getting good with the killer and getting a 4K like this is deserved.
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I dont think so. Record counts when last survivor dies on hook and it didnt looked like he can hook them all in 1 minute
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He might, but I doubt he has found them in time :D but he has Deerstalker for that...
I was once close to a record with a Deathslinger, but one of those ######### kobied...
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Bad survivors... theres 0 reason for a game to be over that fast.
I get the killer didn't play in a "fun" way but its quite obviously the survivors fault.
Feel this is just trying to get things nerfed even though this is clearly bad players vs a really good one.
Iv got 4 downs this fast as a few killers, done it as plague last time I played. I just dont slug and hook all 4. 1min games are pointless imo, I like having fun especially if the survivors are more chill and allow it
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"Time to nerf Blight to death. This is a game where survivors are the protagonists and killers are meant to be mere stage hazards." - BHVR
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There is a chunk of players who get their fun mainly from winning, they are called the "Spike" archetype (guys at Magic The Gathering came up with the 3 archetypes, the one who gets the fun by playing a challenge like you describe is the "Jonhy").
P.D. I played once against this streamer and I can say he played more or less like the video (I got lucky hatch but it wasnt a very enticing game).
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Skill issue
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Alchemist ring needs some tweeking but overal stuff like this should be possible.
It keeps the game unpredictable
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Video is from LilithOmen
Blight main, spicy legend. He has more hours on blight then I in dbd.
Stars were aligned on the spawns and flicks aswell.
Also SBMM seems to so its job perfectly.
Now all pointing fingers how blight and addons are broken.
But Otz for how the game is not survivor sided you worship him
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I can't stand how people think blight is fair
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Guys, it's not kill rushing, it's perfectly ok for a killer to have such a fast match. Those survivors were clearly unskilled and deserved to lose.
On another note, those damn smelly survivors keep genrushing me 😭😭 survivor sided game, I swear I'm not bad I'm high MMR
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I’ll never understand how you are a bad looper :)
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Welcome to the real world where exist people with different skills
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This is why BHVR has implemented SBMM.
It will help you find the “balanced” blight for you.
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To understand how Blight is fair you need to play him a bit yourself. But thats not an option right?
If you know how he moves, what he can do and cannot do, you will understand what can YOU do against him as a survivor.
It really boils down to people not really know what he is capable of and just assuming he can hit anyone anywhere which is not true at all
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If you've got a problem with people who are better than you at the game then maybe play something else.
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Wow...the people on this forum....
Assuming too much out of one sentence?
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The problem starts when you think SBMM is working
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And this the argument on ur standings at blight? huehue
SBMM doesnt work at all! Nerf Blight
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I feel like people are actually trying to harrass me rather than having an actual conversation...so..
I'm sorry tournament players, I'm bad ok
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Look at your original post and what tone it has included.
You cant stand people defending blight.
But I dont underastand why then not deciding to try and play blight. Since it seems to be one of the easiest killer to achieve 4K with broken addons
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And just look at how people overreacted to me...
I don't understand how people think blight is fair cause from my pov as a console PS4 solo q player:
1- people on console can't do the same gimmicks as PC ones
2- I don't like the character cause I don't think a killer that can run from a side of the map to another in less than 10 seconds just by bumping in walls is fair
3- he's in a state right now that he's become literally a nurse 2.0 without the difficulty of the original, and yet the devs decided to nerf M1 killers...
4- the fact that I'm bad at the game winning like 3/10 games per day and the game puts me against good Blights that make crazy moves in corners is literally a ######### for me... So no, I don't think SBMM works at all, it just forces a artificial 50/50 if you win some and lose some.. and considering I'm playing with randoms things don't work as they should.
So yes, I'm super bad at the game but I like It...so? Am I not supposed to Tell MY opinion on the matter without being targeted by, apparently, "pros" ?
The icing on the cake is the classic : "yadda yadda... Stop playing the game"
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I don't see "very high skill play". You can bounce, then literally take your time, look around, sip a cup of coffee or tee, and still have some time left before you have to bounce again.
Blight. lul
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I am on console aswell. I play both sides. Gimmicks are doable. Its either ur technique or slow sensitivity
I underastand you prefer to play against classic m1. But its not valid argument
Have you tried to play it?
If SBMM puts in a match with more skilled killer has nothing to do with blight
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I won't waste time anymore... I already noticed here is Blight's Wonderland and everyone is a great looper against a top tier killer except myself.. there's no point