SBMM is super survivor sided

So I'm playing Oni and doing nothing more then just play 1 match I haven't played in a long time a get a sacrifice or two and some how I get paired with way stronger survivors but no as survivor I get weak killers and such yea SBMM is survivor sided. Old match maker sure it wasn't 100% perfect at least it was better SBMM just thinks that you had one good match let's put you with players that are way better then you.
Everything is survivor sided.
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Make all survivors have 2D models so the survivors can have sides.
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A matchmaking system can't be Survivor-sided.
It can highlight issues with balance and bring them into focus, but the system itself just matches players together.
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Haven't played in a long time and immediately blames the survivor for being too strong. I don't know maybe you're rusty? Of course that can't happen it's obviously the SBMM is broken and everyone gets navy seals as opponents.
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As a solo stuck on low mmr I don't agree...
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Yep Solo Q is the worst.
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Posts like these...
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I mean, it's kinda issue that SBMM didn't adress inactive players. Well, they said they are going to implement mechanic for that. Which I hope so, I didn't play for some time, or just way less and my old mains are kinda unplayable for me atm.
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It can be, when each side has different way and difficulty of gaining MMR.
I think it is easier to get to high MMR as a killer and most of them really don't want to be there. It's quite easy to stay low MMR as a survivor and be basically seal clubber. You just let killer, or egc to kill you time to time. It was way harder with ranks.
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As someone who plays 99% solo I would have to agree and then you also get that low mmr spiral where you might be doing great long chases,doing gens,making saves but your teammate suck so you end up dieing and losing mmr and its really not your fault.
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Not according to my solo q games last night.
My teammates were sus, how many people are running urban , in 2022?
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Matchmaking is not survivor sided... If you think that, you have never played survivor. The teams you get are enough to realize why people still play killer despite all of the hyperbole. Give me reject bully squads trying to enjoy a nearly 6 year old game over survivor mains as a teammate any day of the week, bruh.
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Not only that but recently it got to a point where I'm dying with kindred on First hook and the killer's away. And Idk if it's the new amount of players from DBD free but people are super scared to make gens as it seems
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I got about 700 hrs I would say about 300 of those are in survivor the other day I had a match where my teammates where absolutely horrible. I'm on ps5 and so was two of them and I checked there game time one had 10hrs and the other had 60. Excuse me I know I'm not a great survivor but there is no way that my skill is equal to someone who's literally just picked up the game.
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How can you even talk about strong and weak Survivors or Killers, when SBMM has nothing to do with Skill in the first place?
A Bubba who camps the first Survivor to death and gets a second Kill with NOED gets more MMR than a Billy who has 8 Hooks and 0 Kills.
A Survivor who ran the Killer around for 5 Gens and dies to NOED loses MMR, while his 3 teammates who only hold M1 on Gens will win MMR.
Those two examples alone show that MMR does not mean anything in this game.
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SBMM isn't survivor sided. Simple.
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F* true
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Everything is Survivor sided except for the Developers Data, Otz, independent data and recent tournaments.